Home / Daily Message / January 11, 2025

January 11, 2025


          Every breath you take has an exhalation, a taking in, and a releasing out into the world around you.  Every choice you make has an action and a result, an effect on the world around you.  Every song you choose to sing has an impact, as it flows from you into the world around you.  Everything you do, be it breathing, thinking, speaking, or putting words into actions, flows into the world around you.  What are you saying to the world around you?

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It is easy to see the impact your words and deeds make on the world around you.  Consider that the thoughts you entertain within you hold energies, which move from you into the world around you.  Thoughts can be as powerful as words and deeds.  Remember this energetic reality when you ponder, ruminating on people, places, and things.  The unseen is often more powerful than is the seen.