- 17
- Nov
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Be still and know we are One. Life comes from the source, the center, the place from whence comes eternal life. Just as the pear, the apple, the orange, melons, flowers, vegetables, you too continue from a seed, buried deep within, at the core. This is true of your physical life as well as your spiritual life. Let nothing move you from this. You come from Me, and continue in Me. For all eternity we are One.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The apple clings to the tree until it is time to release. And when the apple is released from the tree, it holds, at its core, all that is needed to reproduce the tree and abundant fruit, apples galore. Creation continues all the time. See it in nature and know. This continuation is within you, as well. God is the tree, and you are the fruit. You have been released to live in the soil of Earth, for a while. You hold the seeds within you. Plant the trees and all of Earth will harvest the fruit.
- 14
- Nov
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you hold an apple know this, it is more than what you see. Eating the apple will nourish you with its delicious fruit. But it is time for you to see more. Within the apple is the promise of perpetuity, the promise of life, continuing life. The spirit of the apple is at its core. The skin, the peel, of the apple, can be cut away. The flesh you can eat, or slice, away and it will sate your hunger. But the promise of life is hidden deep within, beyond the flesh, beyond the skin. The seeds of life are held, within. The apple holds the promise of life beyond what you first see. The seeds are the promise of eternity. It is the same with you. Deep within you, at the core of your being, there is the promise of more, of eternal life.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not be satisfied by outer appearances. Go beyond the obvious. Go to the core and you will find seeds which hold the promise of life, of more.
- 11
- Nov
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Open your eyes to the natural beauty all around you. Open your heart to the amazing human beings walking with you. Each personal story is not apparent. Each face does not reveal pain or hurt suffered through the years. You might think you know your fellow beings, but I assure you, you do not. You have not been below the surface. You have not listened with your heart. Now is the time to be still and listen, even when you do not agree. Listen so you might know that which is held on another heart. Speak heart to heart, and then you will come to know the story hidden behind the face presented to the world.
And The Holy Spirit says:
It is easy to know a child and that which they desire, because they have not yet learned how to hide their feelings. They laugh it out, or shout it out, or wail it out. Their sadness wears no mask. But as they grow, they begin to know how to hide their thoughts, feelings, and desires. Touch the children with an understanding heart so they will come to you without fear of recrimination, knowing love is what they will receive. The same can be said of peers. Love beyond measure. Meet anger, frustration, and desperation with your love, flowing as a river, inviting those around you to step into the water. Be still, be quiet, listen, and know.
- 08
- Nov
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I hear your unspoken words, those words inaudible through the sorrow and tears. Do not hide your face from Me, when sadness enshrouds you, as a heavy, burdensome garment. I reach for you, and in the reaching the light of a new day dawns within you, and around you. I hold you, and in the holding the sweetness of My touch lifts every sorrow which surrounds you. Do not hesitate, come. Come to Me where you find none but love.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Believe I AM with you. Sent by The Whisper of God, I arrived on God’s holy breath. And I shall remain with you through birth and into death. Fear not. Let all things fall from you, for I AM here to guide you. I AM your Advocate. I AM your Comforter. Rest within the bountiful gifts which are yours, forever, yours.
- 06
- Nov
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When your eyes are swollen with tears for yesterday, when your heart is frozen with fear of that to come your way, be still and sit with Me. I will dry your face with the warmth of My constant love. I will hold your heart in Divine Light until ice melts away. I will not desert you, nor criticize where you are. I will gather you within the rising breeze of truth, and all things less will fall. None but truth and light will gird you, prepare you, for the present. Let the past fall from you. Let all fears be abolished within our sacred communion, where you and I are One. Let all I give thee roll through the corridors of your being, lifting you on the wings of an Eagle. And from that soaring space you will look down and see the cause for the tears, which stained your face, was little. Fear shall be as grains of sand, plaguing you no more. You have knocked. Now, open the door. I hear you. I know you, and you I adore.
And The Holy Spirit says:
All you are destined to be is already with you. Long ago, you chose, and God answered your petition with favor, love, and light, so you might know The Way, through even the darkest day. Fear not, for I AM with you, now and evermore.
- 05
- Nov
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I have sent My angels with messages, with guidance, and with love. This I have done from the formation of The Heavens and Earth. And this I do today. The distractions of the busy world have taken your eyes from their sight. And chaos and confusion rule with the ability to dim the light of your eyes. Angels of mercy walk with you and sit with you. Angels of joy dance with you, and marvel at the wonder of you. Open your eyes and behold The Light of Heaven in your midst. You might not recognize them at first because you are reluctant to acknowledge their presence with you. But I can assure you they are with you, they live, even today.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Be still. Be quiet. See with your soul. Speak with your heart. Live as the spirit you are and you will come to know you are not alone when the angels, of God, walk with you, whisper, open vistas of light all around you. And when it is time they will sing your song, and their anthem will carry you Home.
- 03
- Nov
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Be still and feel Me. Be quiet and hear Me. This I say unto you so you will know how to feel Me, how to hear Me. You will feel and hear and know. There is so much to teach you, but you are moving too fast, you are listening to the distraction of chaos. Once you are still and quiet, My voice will be the compelling knock at the door of your being. You are the one I love. Yes, you are the one that I love. But the same can be said of each one of you walking Earth. In the present you might not fully understand. But in stillness, and quiet, you will embrace a piece of that which I am saying. And the embrace will carry you to the place of recognition. Be still. Be quiet.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Only in quiet will you hear the unspoken, the silent language of wisdom.