God Speaks

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          Surrender preconceived ideas of who you think you are and sit with Me.  You are not the skin, nor the veins, nor the blood, nor any other body parts which form your vehicle.  You are the unseen being, within.  And it is within where you must go to fine and define the real you, the authentic you, the you I created.  That is, you, in your original form, soul, spirit.  If you hold to the idea that the reflection in the mirror, is you, then as transformation appears, with time, your reflection will change no matter whether it is met with acceptance, regret, or denial.  But the original you, at the core of your being, shall never change.  It is time to come to know the you I created, the you I love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           I AM within you so you will not lose your way.  Be still and quiet so you might hear Me and know the you within, the you created by God to live forever.  Your body will fail and fall from you, but the you of soul, spirit, the you of God, lives forever.  The forever you is living now.



          Open your eyes with love, the love which flows from your heart, from deep within you.  Touch every person you meet with the energy of love, which flows from your heart, from deep within you.  Do this and know, it is how I love thee, from deep within My being.  You were born of My being.  My thought created you.  I loved you into creation.  Now, you can do the same while you walk upon Earth.  In this way you will always do My work, for My work is love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Perhaps there are fleeting moments when you acknowledge that you came forth from God’s great creation.  Yet, even in these moments of remembering, there is doubt that it can be true.  Believe it.  It is truth and I AM within you to remind you, so you do not fall into despair when the very presence of The Creator is with you.  When doubt disturbs the truth of who you really are, whisper My name and I will speak, and My words will be as a sweet song lifting your soul and spirit once again.



           Bring those thoughts of remorse and regret and sit with Me.  I say unto you, these thoughts are a waste of your valuable time upon Earth.   Rather than ruminating on guilt and shame, be still and whisper My name, and the path to freedom shall be revealed unto you.  Be not afraid, for I AM with you, and in My presence the gift of enlightenment shall be yours.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           I Am within you.  I AM The Gift from God.  My presence within you assures you will find and know The Way.  Seek and you shall find.



Make haste to forgive.  Move as a snail to anger.  Make peace within yourself, at the core of your being to rest.  Welcome truth.  Reject lies and falsehoods.  See the present as that which is.  In this way you shall be the light in the darkness.

And The Holy Spirit says:

          It can be easy to fall into the rut of accusation and resentment.  I will lead you away from these things into the light of revelation and truth.  But to follow My guidance, you must be still and quiet so you might hear my whisper from within and know The Way.




         When the angels speak will they find a welcome ear within you?  I send My holy emissaries forth every hour of every day to bring peace and show The Way, yet they are turned away.  Be watchful for their presence, as they surely come.  And they come to each of you.  They come at the appropriate hour, as they are dispatched at your time of need.  Let your heart be still and quiet.  Let your eyes and spirit be watchful, knowing they are with you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

          In silence, you shall be awakened to hear.  And in the quiet of stillness, you shall be opened with a piercing light which will come from within and all around you, as the angels of God stand in The Light so you might see the truth and walk in it.



          Do not turn your head from those who are reaching for you.  Do not deny their need, ignoring how they plead for justice, love, acknowledgment.  In your hurry to complete the tasks before you, do not walk too hurriedly, passing those who whisper a prayer, which possibly you could answer.  Live and breathe as if there is only you to touch those reaching, to hear those pleading, to answer the prayer.  In this way you are My eyes, My hands, My, heart, and My love upon Earth.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not miss the opportunity to give as God has given unto you.



          Be still and know we are One.  Life comes from the source, the center, the place from whence comes eternal life.  Just as the pear, the apple, the orange, melons, flowers, vegetables, you too continue from a seed, buried deep within, at the core.  This is true of your physical life as well as your spiritual life.  Let nothing move you from this.  You come from Me, and continue in Me.  For all eternity we are One.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           The apple clings to the tree until it is time to release.  And when the apple is released from the tree, it holds, at its core, all that is needed to reproduce the tree and abundant fruit, apples galore.  Creation continues all the time.  See it in nature and know.  This continuation is within you, as well.  God is the tree, and you are the fruit.  You have been released to live in the soil of Earth, for a while.  You hold the seeds within you.  Plant the trees and all of Earth will harvest the fruit.