God Speaks

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           All I give to you is a gift.  There is no payment required, ever.  Because your eternal life is a gift from Me, I will provide all you need to accomplish whatever is set before you, so you might succeed in your mission.  My desire is that you realize you are living a portion of your eternal life, right now.  There is no waiting.  It is now.  Whatever you think of doing, or do, it is done in the present piece of eternity, wherein you reside.  So, before completing a thought, before taking part in any action, remember that you are writing a piece of eternity, where it shall remain. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Spend no time lamenting that which you have thought, or done, or said.  Rather use time as a valuable tool, returning to the matter, willing to learn a lesson.  Then once the visitation is done, and the lesson well within you, rise-up, carrying Your Book of Wisdom into a new day.



          What I give is My unconditional love for you.  That is it.  You are being loved, unconditionally, eternally, right now.  At this place, held within the continuing of creation, you are being loved by Me.  There is no waiting for a promise of love to be fulfilled.  It is living fulfilment, now.  So, as you rise up today, live as if you know this to be truth.  There is no waiting, no longing, for in the present you are loved by The Creator of All Things, and this love will never change, or turn from you.  This is My gift to you, forever.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Unconditional love is not something you find.  It is a gift outright, requiring nothing from you except that you open, receive that which is given.  Open and receive.



          I AM whispering now, because it is time.  The veil is thin, once again, and the breath of My Spirit is flowing, in a mighty wave of peace and equanimity over all of Earth.  So, take a deep breath and listen to My song.  As you open, all the names and incidents will come to you, and at that very moment you will know what to do.  You will do it, triumphantly forgiving and blessing all you knew was yours to do.  This is the time, and you are ready.  Be still and listen. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It does not matter the size, the proportion, of that which is to be forgiven, blessed, and released can still weigh on you.  This happens so that, when it is time, you will rise and master the divine, and in so doing the chains shall fall.  It is the time, and you are ready to rise to the occasion of forgiveness not only for others but also for yourself.  It is time.  The Whisper of God is stirring within you.  Rise.



          Receive My breath.  Take it into your lungs and feel My cleansing, working in a most powerful way.  Receive My breath every morning, every day.  There is no assurance that you will not slip and fall.  But there is every assurance that My breath will remove all blemish, stain, every spot.  All you need do is accept it and allow it to flow into you and through you and you shall be free.  Hear Me, My breath shall make you clean, lifting you from any fall, onto a place where you shall stand tall in My light, a symbol of My love, for you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you are feeling low, lost, remember, God is there, with you.  Be still and know this.  In quiet I have whispered, reminding you of The Great Plan, that The Spirit of God is with every one of you, so you will know The Way.  Use this gift.  Do not shun it or turn away, denying its presence with you.  Do not deny Me, for I AM with you.




      Some of you will feel My presence with you, and because you were willing to be still and quiet, you will gain wisdom as the fruit of the vine.  Some of you will see and hear and come to know Me, when you set yourself aside from the ways of the world and follow Mine.  A few of you will be moved to go beyond what the world deems possible.  You will be asked to open to all that is and set your gifts before the world.  It is not meant to be a hardship or burden, but an opportunity to rise up to meet all you are created to be, to display the glory of God for all to see.  So, be still, be quiet, hear and come to know Me, and be the rising light of possibility in a world of doubt.  Be.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           You might never know the blessings and gifts you carry within until there comes a time when you are led to rise up and reveal to all who will look, and see, and know, that God is with each one, walking Earth.  Even to those who deny The Presence and often defile The Name, The Presence of God is still the same.  It must be so, for The Creator is one with The Creation.


        I breathe life into every living thing around you, including you.  When your heart, spirit, and soul grow weary, be still and allow My breath to infuse light, love, and peace into your being.  I AM there, with you.  Breathe in.  Exhale.  And then, do it again.  We are breathing together, as we are one.  How many times have you said that love is the strongest energy there is?  But do you believe it, at the core of your being, or does the dust of doubt settle in the smallest of cracks in that belief?  The more we sit together, the less you will find doubt circling, as a threatening cloud.  Come and sit with Me.  We will breathe in, and we will exhale that which has been formed within us.  We are one and love is the energy which seals the sacred union.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you sit with God, The Wisdom of God is within you.  Be still, be quiet, breathe with God.



          Many times, you seek Me in the quiet, and you find Me, there with you.  Many times, you seek Me in sorrow, and you find Me, there with you.  You will always find Me.  You will not fail because we are one.  So, knowing this, how can you fear, or doubt?  Just be still and count the times we have met, and your heart was filled with love and peace.  Just as space travelers are constantly connected with those of Earth, so they might find their way, you are connected with Me.  If you can trust that Earth is connected with those thousands of miles away, trust that, while you are upon Earth, you are connected with Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It has all been set in place.  As surely as the sun, and the moon, and the stars high above you, it has been set in place, that I AM with you to guide you and show you The Way.