- 20
- Oct
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
To experience the purity of joy it is necessary to surrender all your cares, worries, and concerns about the material to Me, trusting I will take care of thee, as an innocent young child believes the parent will provide what they need. As you grow in the ways of the world, this, simple passing of the yoke, gets more difficult. However, if you endeavor to give it all to Me, for even one hour, one day, you will begin to experience unencumbered joy. And it is sweet, sweet enough for you to wish to do it again. Soon, one hour, one day, will turn into a few days, a few weeks, longer periods of surrender, until it is complete, until you trust your Eternal Parent knows that which you need and shall provide it, with alacrity and speed.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Set down your worries and eat from The Tree of Life, rest under The Tree of Life, refresh next to The Living Waters, which flow to you wherever you go. Embrace that which is yours and live.
- 18
- Oct
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
There once was a man who, while striding down a city street, turned around, and found himself, inexplicably, stranded in a dry and barren desert. He could still hear the sounds of the city. He could still see the lights. But he was nowhere near the city, which had once been his comfort. He was alone, tired, and thirsty. Then he looked down to see a small, bright green plant, reaching up from the hot grains of sand. “How can this be?” He wondered out loud. And to his surprise there came an answer, swirling in the air around him. “I was placed here by One greater than me. Drink.” To his surprise droplets of water began to flow from the small plant. He cupped his hands, lifted them to his mouth, and tasted the sweetest water. The more he drank, the more the water flowed. And as it flowed the plant grew into a tree, sheltering him from the heat of the sun. Still, the water flowed and did not stop when his thirst was quenched. Rested, and refreshed, and with his thirst satisfied, he rose, only to find himself back on the city street. No one questioned his disappearance or his reappearance, but he did. He pondered and struggled with his experience until at last he understood and called out, “I was placed here by One greater than me.”
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you find yourself in the midst of miracles, embrace the experience without struggling for an explanation. Just drink in what has come to you from One greater than thee.
- 16
- Oct
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I know you, not by your face, your eyes, your mouth, your nose. I know you, by the imprint upon your soul. Your spirit is with Me, as I AM with thee. I understand the language of your heart and feel each emotion, which touches the center of who you are, your soul. This is why there is no distance between us, and we can speak, feel, and know, we are one, precious one, no matter where you shall travel, where you shall go. So, let us sing a song, a song which will follow us all the day long, and once the arms of night beckon, signaling the end of the day, we will touch even closer, in a most sacred way. I know you, and you know Me. We are one.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The astonishing truth, about continuing creation, is that it continues within you, every day, every night. You are living creation, God’s living creation. I AM with you so you will not lose your way during this Earth Journey, which is with you, now. Heed My words. Do not discount that which another speaks or does. In so speaking and doing they are telling you, showing you, their heart. Ignore the eyes, and mouth, the nose, the face of another, and go to the heart of the matter. For, it is there you will find truth. No matter what you find, believe it. The knowing is not accomplished through the things of the physical body, but the things which another shares from their words and actions, from their heart, from their soul. Believe that which you see and hear more than that which the face is showing you. Believe the spirit and the soul and you will know.
- 14
- Oct
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Come into My arms, on the breath of My Holy Spirit and realize we are One. It is all one. The song of the bird is one with the air on which it rides. The fragrance of the flower is one with the dewdrop, which rests briefly upon its petals, before slipping toward the edge, seeking another place to be. The scurrying ant is one with the soil in which it makes it home. You are one with all around you. You are not separate from the ground, the rain, or the harvest of the garden. See yourself, not as an isolated observer, but as one with all you see.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Rest upon the grass, your back against the maple tree and breathe. Allow your fingers to touch the blades of grass and feel the life. Allow your back to merge with the trunk of the tree and feel the life. I have given life. Look and see and know that which I created, for it is all part of who you are. You are spirit first, and unto wholly spirit you shall return, continuing your eternal life with all which God created.
- 13
- Oct
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When the leaves have turned to gold, and the breeze conducts a rattling song as they flutter to ground, you will find peace watching the show. It is beautiful, so do not miss it. You will find lessons of eternity in the fall from the trees. You will find tranquility in the floating, flight on the wind. You will see and know, as they mingle with grasses before the coming of the first snow. Be still, be quiet. Look, and see that which is with thee to show you The Way.
And The Holy Spirit say:
God has set in place continuing lessons of creation and eternity. The lessons are repeated all around you in nature. Be still, be quiet. Look, and see.
- 11
- Oct
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
There is a tree which grows from a rock, high up in a mountainous setting, where the winds do blow, and storms can be fierce. Yet, that tree continues to grow, clinging to the rock, as its anchor in each tempest. As the tree grows, its branches bear marks of its trials and challenges. It is beautiful and majestic, standing with the symbols of its life, exposed for all to see. You are as the regal tree, a sign of endurance, courage, and strength. You are beautiful and majestic, as I declare it to be.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not hide the scars of fortitude, courage, and strength. Open and reveal that which is you. You are majestic in so doing.
- 09
- Oct
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Closing your eyes and ears to disbelieving chants and slogans of fear and apprehension is the first step onto a new path, a journey into uncharted seas, and deserts, mountain peaks, and valleys. The faint of heart will not know the illumination along The Way and will miss the revelation which is conveyed to the bold of spirit. Your witness, your testimony, will not be of the mundane. It will sing out of the divine.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Come forth and sing out for you heard the call, and you heeded the call. The scales have been pulled from your eyes and the trappings rinsed from your ears. You shall see and hear, and you shall know The Way. The truth of God shall be your lamppost and My words your compass. Come, let us sing out, for it is with you now. The Present Piece of Eternity is with you, now. Let us walk in it.