God Speaks

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          With honesty and truth experience that which comes to you.  Do not miss an experience out of fear, or anger, or doubt.  Allow it to wash over you, as a cleansing springtime rain shower.  You do not have to accept or embrace.  You do not have to take unto yourself to see, to witness, to know.  Embrace what you will, and allow all else to flow from you, not denying the experience, but defining that which you are, and that which has yet to unfold.  Everything you are meant to be, who you are, wholly, is already within you.  You are all you need to be, yet earthly experiences often reveal that which is.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           The sculptor hones the rock, revealing that which exists at the core.

          Be still.  Even when there is much movement around you, be still in your physical body, and in your spiritual body.  Hold yourself in stillness, and there remain, for a while.  In this state of tranquility, you will soon notice everything around you slowing, while your hearing is heightened.  You will observe every motion as if it is a dance in slow motion.  You will hear every sound as if it is amplified, just for you.  When you are not caught in the middle of noise, sometimes chaos, that is what your experience will be.  But, when you intentionally withdraw into your sphere of being, you see, and know, without being buffeted by the event.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Listen and hear, for I AM speaking to you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be observant of what is occurring around you, while you hold yourself in quiet.  In this way you will know what is happening without being at the core of it.  The closer you are, the narrower your view, and the entirety of it is missed in the mist of your involvement.  Still your physical and spiritual bodies and experience the present piece of eternity with you.  Be still.



Christmas Meditation

The Shepherds of Bethlehem


 Fourth Meditation

Led by Angels


          The group of shepherds became even more solitary, finding peace and comfort together, and with the sheep, trees, and rolling hillsides.  And this is where they made their home.  They formed a bond which was sealed by Spirit.  They talked amongst themselves of the angels, and of The Child that was born to all those of Earth.  They grew in The Wisdom of Spirit and became more Spirit than matter.

Spend some time thinking of the lives of the shepherds, not as figures depicted in drawings, but as real people.  Ponder on how their lives were altered, forever, because of the apparition of angels, announcing the birth of The Child of God and of Earth. They were led by the voices of angels.  Be led by the voices of the angels.

As the shepherds were led, follow the path of angels.  Carry within you a vision of angelic beings gathering on hillsides, and mountains, on beaches, and deserts, on city streets, and country roads, in every land under the sun.  Pick up the anthem, and sing of the presence of angels, and the words they bring.  Sing of the message.  Sing.

Christmas Meditation

The Shepherds of Bethlehem


Third Meditation



          When the shepherds told of the apparition of angels, their stories were spread as jokes.  There was much laughter, and they were told that they had stayed in the fields too long.  Those of Earth had moved too far from The Garden.  People had become more of Earth and matter than of Spirit.  So, all but a few of the elderly and the children closed their ears to the stories carried by the shepherds.  Still, the refusal to accept the fact did not alter the truth.  Angels delivered the Word of God to those of Earth through the shepherds of Bethlehem that night when light, song, and angels filled the hillsides.





Christmas Meditation

The Shepherds of Bethlehem


Second Meditation

Be Not Afraid


          The shepherds stopped and listened to the angels.  The angelic song was from another world.  They heard the tone of angels, and their ears were kissed with love, as the mountains, valleys, rivers, and the very dirt of Earth joined in The Song of Joy.  All the vibrations of Earth and Spirit sang-out the Name of the Child born to all humanity.  The shepherds in the field outside the town of Bethlehem were selected by the angels to hear the news and to be touched by the light and the song of Spirit.  They went to see the Child and gave thanks to God for their blessing.  This visitation by the angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem changed their simple lives forever.  They were selected by God, chosen by angels, but rejected by most who heard their story.


Christmas Meditation

The Shepherds of Bethlehem



          At this time of year, those living on Earth are more tender of heart, more willing to accept love, more willing to open to the things of Spirit, more willing to accept words, concerning the Child born in the town of Bethlehem.

           Consider the shepherds of Bethlehem, put yourself in their position.  They were simple people.  They lived basic lives.  They lived amongst the sheep and other animals.  They lived in the fields and mountains.  They talked more with the trees, and the wind, than they did with the people in the town.  They had little communication with those of the world.  They were more at home on the hillsides of Bethlehem than in town.  Their possessions were few.  They required little.  If you can allow yourself to be on the hillsides of Bethlehem, as a simple shepherd, imagine what it must have been like to behold the presence of Angels.


First Meditation

The Presence of Angels


          Do not assume that the descending choir of angels was anything like what is often proposed.  Angels are not caricature drawings, depicting chubby, childlike entities with wings.  Angels are majestic and have a mighty presence.  The presentation of light beings startled the shepherds, then frightened them to the point of panic.  They wanted to run from the hills in terror, as masses of light bearing energy descended over the hills.  The tones reverberated into the dirt of Earth.  But then, a great peace settled over the hills, and the shepherds’ hearts were stilled as they beheld the great beauty in the angelic apparition.  And they were not afraid.


           All I give to you is a gift.  There is no payment required, ever.  Because your eternal life is a gift from Me, I will provide all you need to accomplish whatever is set before you, so you might succeed in your mission.  My desire is that you realize you are living a portion of your eternal life, right now.  There is no waiting.  It is now.  Whatever you think of doing, or do, it is done in the present piece of eternity, wherein you reside.  So, before completing a thought, before taking part in any action, remember that you are writing a piece of eternity, where it shall remain. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Spend no time lamenting that which you have thought, or done, or said.  Rather use time as a valuable tool, returning to the matter, willing to learn a lesson.  Then once the visitation is done, and the lesson well within you, rise-up, carrying Your Book of Wisdom into a new day.