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          Resistance to change will only tire you, perhaps bring you into the energies of anger, retaliation, or dejection, thinking you are not up to the task.  I AM speaking to you, and My love is flowing to you unabated, as always.  None of you can escape the flow of My love unless you make the choice to do so, blocking it with barricades of fear and doubt.  If you will embrace the flow of My love, it will be a buoy in the storm, it will lift you up, so you can move with the change, touching it with your unique being, making it your own resurrection into the new.  Do not fear, as I AM with you.  Release the old to embrace the new that has come to you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When The Way is within you, you cannot be lost.



January 2, 2024

The Nineth Day of Christmas

The Journey to an Epiphany



I do not know about you, but now, as we approach the twelfth day of Christmas, and the celebration of The Epiphany, on January 6, I want to hold onto the Advent and Epiphany feelings we have created and experienced, together.  The Advent wreath, which began with a solitary candle lit, is now glowing with all five candles, shimmering in the darkness of a winter’s evening.  The flames, warm my heart, and open me in a way so to hear that which I need to hear, and see that which I need to see.  The Advent and Epiphany practice has become a friend, a place of refuge, a still, quiet chamber wherein I feel The Presence of God.  It might have been the same for the shepherds and the Magi, as they arrived, some bearing gifts, which they set before The Child in humble recognition of God amongst us.


          On this nineth day of Christmas, the reading I have chosen is from Matthew 2:11.

The Reading

January 2, 2024

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11




          Come.  I will show thee things which the eye cannot see.  I will speak of things which the ear cannot hear.  And I will reveal things which cannot be known, but for your willingness to come, and embrace that which you could not bear, before you came unto Me.  Come, and be with Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           You cannot initiate The Call.  Yours is to answer and embrace The Gift, enfolded within the tone, given unto thee by The Hand of God.  The vibration and the frequency cannot be missed, yet it can be ignored.  Listen, be still, be quiet, and receive that which will open the door.



January 1, 2024

The Eighth Day of Christmas

The Journey to an Epiphany



We traveled together through Advent into the journey to an Epiphany.  It is comforting traveling with friends who share ones goal, whose path is similar to your own.  Even when we feel a bit lost there are always those walking with us.  And when a familiar sign appears, joy is unconfined.  My navigational skills are not yet what I would like them to be.  So, the experience of being lost has not escaped me.  What an absolute joy it is when I finely see a landmark, and know exactly where I am.  Many of you might feel the same way.  This year it is my goal to keep my eyes on the star, follow The Light, and listen to and follow the still small voice within.


          On this eighth day of Christmas, the reading I have chosen is from Matthew 2:10.

The Reading

January 1, 2024

“When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” Matthew 2:10





          When the new is with you, do not reject it, clinging to the past.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           See yourself in The Living Wheel of Creation, all things moving, continuing in The Circle of Eternal Life, sometimes expanding, sometimes contracting, always changing, in the most glorious ways, encompassing all that is, with a center, a source, but no limitations, no boundaries, just life, eternal life.



December 31, 2023.

The Seventh Day of Christmas

The Journey to an Epiphany



Sometimes, we just know.  It is my feeling that when we know, from the core of our being, that something we have been told is not true, we are connected with The Holy Spirit, in such a way, that the guidance, the counsel, the comfort, the strength is flowing through us, creating an environment wherein we embrace The Wisdom of God.  It has happened to me, and I know it has also happened to each of you.  Still, there have been times when I pushed my inner guidance aside to follow the direction of another, or others.  And they need not be individuals, looking to do harm.  The advice, most often, will come from those intending to serve us well, by offering their knowledge or sharing their experience.  And this is when we must turn our ears inward, and listen to the Voice, whispering from within.  That guidance, coming from within, is specifically for each of us.  And, when followed, sets all things straight, for us.  Living the journey that is ours can be filled with temptations to shift paths and follow another as they journey.  But in the quiet of night, when all things are still, and we are at rest, we will know, and with eagerness follow, not the ways of the world, but The Way of God, because The Holy Spirit of God will guide us so.  We might never know what good was done as we followed The Way, but we can be sure we did what was ours to do.


          On this seventh day of Christmas, 2023, the reading I have chosen is from Matthew 2:9.

The Reading

December 31, 2023

“After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.” Matthew 2:9


          Look.  Do you see the end, there, around the bend?  It appears to be there, shining with a light, marking the place.  Or, at least that is how it appears to you, at times.  The truth is nothing ever ends.  It changes form.  That which is with you now, such as a season, or an occupation, only reforms and alters, changing shapes sometimes, but not ending, in the way you might think of an ending.  One season, melting into another.  One job, flowing into another.  One decade, unfolding into another.  Night, revealing day, in all its delights.  And through it all I AM with you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Even in the darkest of nights in one place, it is the brightest of days in another.  Even in the coldest of winters in one place, it is the warmest of summer in another.  It all flows together, as one creation continuing.  And the continuing is happening in all you do.  You cannot stop it.  You cannot bring it to an end, for there is no end, around the bend, only creation continuing in another form.  And it is the same with you.