- 11
- Jan
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I have sent to you angels, to guide you, and show you The Way, through messages, visions, visitations, dreams, and signs. I have sent The Holy Spirit to dwell, within you, to comfort and counsel you and show you The Way. The Way is not lost to you. It is all around you. It is within you. Be still. Be quiet. In stillness you shall see, and hear, and know. There is no need to wander in darkness when you have been given The Light to guide you. I AM with you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
There will be many temptations to doubt. But do not wander into that chaos. Do not fall into the trap of confusion. I dwell within you. Come and sit with Me and together we will see The Way with clarity, and the vision shall be revealed. All is one, and God is one with you. It is all One. So be at peace in the revelation. Be still. Be quiet. That which you seek shall come to you, for it is already with you. Let it be so.
- 10
- Jan
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
If today you find yourself standing on a precipice, a deep abyss looming below thee, open your eyes, and look toward the horizon. Even with eyes open you can see and glimpse divine. While it might be barely that sight has come to thee, open your eyes and peer into eternity. Into the horizon all things will reveal, briefly, yet surely, you will witness the truth that there is more, just beyond the horizon. It is true, there is more. Be still, and in the stillness, you will hear Me, though the whisper be faint. Listen, and breathe, and move toward the gate. Open to the metaphorical, and literal, as well, while allowing my words to flow from the well, touching your spirit and touching your soul. If you will open, the story shall be told in all that you see, and in all that you hear. Do not turn back denying it still. For the gates of eternity are not far, far away. They rest on the horizon of each breaking day.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Awaken and come with Me. There is so much to see, for those willing, to rise-up, and walk, with Me. With Me as your companion, you shall not fail. Come, let us walk through meadow and vale.
- 09
- Jan
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inUncategorized
Today I was thinking a lot about epiphany and beyond. With each encounter of revelation, we walk away with a pearl, a piece of wisdom. But do we use the pearl, the wisdom? It was this thought which brought me back to a time when God spoke, with no equivocation, to me. And the message was powerful, so much so that it was recorded. It might be a message for you, as well. It was March 31, 2020. I wrote it down. The words flowed, and I typed, and I cried, and that which God wished to say was revealed, in that time.
March 31, 2020
And God Said
“You are Doing it Wrong”
And so, that one particular day, when the clouds were releasing as much water as possible, God said, “You know, you are doing it all wrong, all backwards, and out of place. You are living life upon Earth as a human being, accepting all limitations and boundaries of a human being, when the reality of it all is that you are spirit, living humanity, experiencing Earth. And, that experience does not have to be human first, and spirit second. Suppose, just suppose, that you could spin it around, putting your spirit in first place, and having your body, your humanity, follow the lead of spirit. Ah, that would indeed be very interesting.”
“It would be interesting, because you would lose the doubt and fear that have held you in place, tied you down, chained to a boulder. Now, what would you do, if doubt and fear no longer plagued you, if you were free to do exactly what you felt you were meant to do? And, what if you could do exactly what you were meant to do without concern about: what others would think; how you could make it all come together; financial barriers to achieving the goal. What if you could master your destiny, free of doubt, and free of fear, walking through what had previously seemed impenetrable territory, with ease? Well, My child, that is exactly what you can do, once you accept that you are an eternal being, you are spirit. You are spirit, wearing the garment of Earth, for a while.”
“If you can accept that you are spirit, wearing the garment of Earth, for a while, why would you accept that your spirit is limited to only what the human body can do, what the human brain can know and imagine, what the human heart can withstand? When you put on clothing, any clothing, you want the clothing to fit, so you can move comfortably, without constraint or restraint. If the clothing is so confining, that you cannot move, you cannot accomplish the things you are to do, then you change the clothing. You select the clothing which suits the activity of the human body. So, why do you not make the choice to have your body, brain, heart, and all other pieces and parts of the Earth dust and star dust, comprising the body, fit your spirit, allow your spirit to move, unrestrained, over the Earth? That is The Way you are meant to live on Earth, spirit first, body following spirit, performing in compliance with the mission of the spirit that is you, the eternal you, the real you, the authentic you.”
“Once you can make the switch, and have your body do the physical work for your spirit, then you will realize the truth in what your Brother Jesus said, when He told you that you could do everything He was doing, and even greater things.”
- 09
- Jan
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
The pathway to lifting your burden, through the practice of forgiveness, requires only one thing, and that is the willingness to forgive, the desire to resolve all past conflicts through forgiveness. In truth, once you say “yes” to the commitment, it begins, on its own. Throughout the day, incidents, situations, and people will pop into your thoughts. And you will soon notice that all of the thoughts have to do with matters and issues of the past, which could be resolved through forgiveness. It is as if you are given a to do list, rising-up from within, held in The Whisper of The Holy Spirit. And that is where you are to begin. Begin with that which is rising-up from within.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You might not have one or two major situations weighing you down. It might be a bundle of small matters. But those small matters build up, with the passing of years. No matter how insignificant they might have appeared to be, they stand in the way of your peace. Once you begin the practice of forgiveness, it takes on a life of its own. You are eager to free yourself from such an unwanted prison, and this eagerness propels your practice into a daily art, formed in your heart, as you continue, each day, to forgive away all past transgressions, freeing yourself, so you might fly into the arms of peace, buoyed by The Whisper, from within.
- 08
- Jan
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inUncategorized
What do we do after experiencing an epiphany?
After the shepherds saw angels, saw The Child, they returned to the fields, they resumed their daily activities. The visitation of the angels, and going to see The Child, changed their lives, marking them, indelibly, with a touch of Heaven. The Magi watched for the signs, and when the star appeared, they followed, and were led to The Child. But once it was accomplished, they too returned to their country and resumed their daily activities, but their lives were altered forever, as they too were touched by Heaven. And it is the same with all those who were a part of The Incarnation, including Mary and Joseph. Once it was accomplished, they quietly resumed their daily lives, with one exception. Something was different, powerfully different. They were each one more open to the ways of Heaven. Visions, and visitations, angels, messages, and dreams continued to play a significant part in their daily lives. With each encounter they slipped more securely into the ways of Heaven, while walking upon Earth. So, I thought, well, we do the same thing, even today. Whenever a miraculous event occurs in our lives, once it is accomplished, we return to our daily activities. And, just like those participating in The Incarnation, while we resume our ways, our ways are different, changed forever. And with every encounter with the divine we are more willing to open to the ways of Heaven, to the ways of God. We begin remembering, and the memories are no longer fleeting. They live within us, as we make our way open, eager, vigilant.
- 08
- Jan
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
No matter what you face today, you are not alone. I AM with you. When you walk into a room, walk with purpose, knowing I AM with you. When you are called to speak, speak with purpose, knowing I AM with you. When the task is yours to do, do so with purpose, knowing I AM with you. No matter what you do today, I AM with you. In every way, I AM with you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you know The Hand of God is upon your heart, no matter what the course, you will rise-up, with purpose, knowing it shall be accomplished, knowing God is with you.
- 07
- Jan
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When angels come your way do not turn your head, distracting yourself from the experience. You will often recognize them as an angelic being, walking the Earth. And so, they are. They shall imbue the world with kindness. Angels walk amongst you, to gently nudge you toward the path. They will not rob you of your free will. They will touch your heart with goodness. But they will never usurp your authority to choose that which you will do. When an angel walks into your life it could take many forms, but rest assured they come to teach you and show you The Way. They will make ready the path. Be vigilant, for I send forth My glorious angels every day. Do not turn away.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Your heart will recognize the angelic and rejoice in it.