God Speaks

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          Look around you and you will see examples of letting go.  It repeats in all nature, as signs for you to know.  Releasing that which is not necessary, for a happy life, within, will bring you peace when all the world appears to be a din, unsettled with chaos.  And there, in the midst, you stand, free of worry, confident with experience of that which has been.  Do not demand the stream of thought, which comes to you, dry up and whither.  Pay attention, as you would to a passing parade, and let it go from you.  Make notice of that which bears the lesson, and pick it, as you would a pearl, to mark the page with experience, turning that which was old and tattered, into something of value, more precious than gold.  Do not be burdened with the past, be lifted-up in the precious story told, by seeing, forgiving, blessing, and releasing, and letting go.


And The Holy Spirit says:


          There is always the temptation to hold onto something of the past, even when it is troubling, or sad.  But to grow one must be open to the new seed, which will settle in the soil of the garden, sprout, and blossom, into the new. 


          When the current of everyday life seems to have dashed you against the bank, I will float you free, so you can continue, with Me.  Do not struggle, to remain on the side, as the water flows by, fearful of what will next occur.  My love for you will buoy you, so you feel as if you are hovering over the water, like a butterfly, quenching its thirst.  When the water turns choppy, stay the course.  It is possible for you to be in constant communion with Me.  Speak and I hear.  Cry and I shall dry every tear, with My love for thee.  Allow the fears of yesterday to flow from you.  Do not seek to hold on to the past, just let it flow from you.   And you will see.  Yes, you will see the glory all around thee, for it is there, in the air, in the soil, in the rocks, and rivers, and desert.  It is there in the song of the bird, and the fluttering of wings.  It is there in the jewel like shimmer of a drop of dew caught in the light of the morning sun.  My child, it is all there, with you, and I AM too.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Let it be, and harken unto Me, for I AM whispering, from within, to guide and comfort.  Do not struggle to be free, of the past.  Relax, and it shall float from thee.  Be still, be quiet, and harken unto Me.




          If you find you are making excuses for something you said or did, it is an outward sign that you are not ready to accept truth, in its purest form.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Come to Me, and together we will take the first step toward acceptance, forgiveness, blessing, releasing, and therein come to see the truth, in all its glory.  You might have a story of how you came to those words, actions, or reactions, but the story will remain jaded until you can accept, ask for forgiveness, and bless the wisdom of the story, which ultimately led you to The Light of the truth, and its glory.

 And The Holy Spirit say:

          Seeking forgiveness requires humility, for without it, the asking might be empty, false, or lacking sincerity.





          Only in My arms will you find true peace.  Hear Me, I AM calling to thee so you might see the wonders all around you.  It is endless, continuing, without work, or prodding.  It is all set in place to continue, and so are you.  That feeling inside, that you will not die, is true.  You shall live forever, with Me by your side.  There is so much more than you can imagine, and it will unfold all around you.  It is unfolding right now.  Look and see.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not be blind any longer.  Open your eyes so you might see that which is set in front of thee.  Look at the tree, and into the tree.  Look at the blades of grass, and into the blades of grass.  Look at the birds, and into the birds.  You will not see that which you will not to see.  Look and see.



          Standing in the doorway of the present, looking back on all which could have been, opens up the heart to grieving that which did not live.  For choices, once made, are the breath of the spark for thoughts to rise into created, leaving possibilities scattered all around.  Do not grieve the path taken, the choices made when once it seemed the best.  For standing in the doorway of the present you have the options once again.  Take that which was, and create a glorious day, using all the experience and lessons from the past to guide you along The Way in the present.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Standing in the doorway of the present, you are creating energy of a great new day, which is just beyond the sunset, waiting to see what you have created so that it shall be.  There are no wasted moments in the corridors of no time, only opportunities to create and taste The Divine.



          Do not be burdened by the past, for the weight of it will slow you down, bring a weariness to your life upon Earth.  What is it that is wearing on you?  Is it a past slight, an insult or harm?  Remember, if it is that someone hurt you, through words shouted, until the sound of it drove you out into the garden, your tears falling to the ground: the barking dog has reason to bark; the roaring lion has reason to roar; and, the crying child has reason to cry.  You do not have to understand the bark, the roar, the cry, but hold within your heart compassion for the root of the clamor.  For every cry, every roar, every bark has its source, a wound, a scar.  See the one caught in anger, retaliation, or revenge, as the one who is crying out, as a child, for the injury deep inside, which will not heal, covered, so no one will see it, by a dressing of pride.  Do not be taken in, thinking you caused the din.  It goes deeper, under the skin, lying hidden, in place, an injury from long ago.  Allow My love for you to settle the shaking inside.  It can be difficult to remain calm within the storm, but it is possible, when you are at peace, when your heart and spirit are settled, within the grace of My love, for you.  So, no matter what has happened to you, do not drag it with you into the new day.  Set it down, put it away, be still, sit, with Me, and together we will look, and see, forgive, and bless all that has come to you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be mindful, and do not permit a sense of pride to grow, within you, by refusing to look and see, forgive and bless, that which is ailing thee.  The ego, longing to stand alone, as an island, will pull you in the direction of rejection of any thoughts of forgiveness or reconciliation, any attempts to bless and release.  Push beyond the ego, embracing the ways of God, for God is Spirit and God is love, and so are you.






          To see clearly you must empty the vessel, strip the residue away, cleanse with care, and dry gently, restoring clarity with loving hands, and a heart seeking revelation in The Light.  A crystal will not remain brilliant unless it is cleaned in the moving waters.  A glass will not remain transparent unless it is washed, allowing the light to shine through, revealing all that sits in front of you.  And it is the same with you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not permit your vessel to be marred with debris from the past, for God offers you cleansing in a most complete way.  All that is of shadow will begin to see clearly.  All that is of darkness will open to The Light.  And the living waters of God’s grace will touch your face, your heart, your soul, your very being, removing all the dust from every crevice, until you shine in The Light, revealing all you are.  You are of the stars.  You are of the Earth.  You are of the Heavens.  You are of The Spirit of God.  Your value cannot be measured.  It is beyond that which those of Earth know.  Breathe deeply, and celebrate all you have been, exhaling, with determination, to be all you are, in the eyes of God.