God Speaks

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          No matter what you face today, you are not alone.  I AM with you.  When you walk into a room, walk with purpose, knowing I AM with you.  When you are called to speak, speak with purpose, knowing I AM with you.  When the task is yours to do, do so with purpose, knowing I AM with you.  No matter what you do today, I AM with you.  In every way, I AM with you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you know The Hand of God is upon your heart, no matter what the course, you will rise-up, with purpose, knowing it shall be accomplished, knowing God is with you.





          When angels come your way do not turn your head, distracting yourself from the experience.  You will often recognize them as an angelic being, walking the Earth.  And so, they are. They shall imbue the world with kindness.  Angels walk amongst you, to gently nudge you toward the path.  They will not rob you of your free will.  They will touch your heart with goodness.  But they will never usurp your authority to choose that which you will do.  When an angel walks into your life it could take many forms, but rest assured they come to teach you and show you The Way.  They will make ready the path.  Be vigilant, for I send forth My glorious angels every day.  Do not turn away.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Your heart will recognize the angelic and rejoice in it.



January 6, 2024


The Journey to an Epiphany



We have reached the day celebrated as The Epiphany.  We experienced an epiphany together.  It does not matter whether it was a significant event, or a minor one.  We had the experience together, and it has meant so much to me.  I have said it before, yet I say it again.  Taking this journey with you has enriched this season greatly, for me, and I hope it has done the same for you.  I intend to pay more attention to dreams.  It is also my intention to not explain away visions, and visitations, angels, and messages.  From today the intention is to live by the miraculous intervention of all that is holy, and from God.  This is an exciting way to move into a new year, filled with wonder and awe, ready to rise up and go, no matter where the still, small voice from within leads.  Each of us is carrying The Wisdom of God within us.  So, why not use it?  It is ours to use, ignore, or abuse.  We have the choice, each one of us.  Looking forward to tomorrow, and what it shall bring, the candles on the Advent wreath, have been lit since the first day of Advent, 2023.  Now, for the last time, this season of Epiphany, they are extinguished.  Yet the light, which burned brightly will not go out, for it lives within each one of us.  We are the light of the world.


          On this Epiphany, the reading I have chosen is from Matthew 2:15. And Matthew 2:19-23

The Reading

January 6, 2024

where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Matthew 2:15


“After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child’s life are dead.”

21 So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, 23 and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets, that he would be called a Nazarene.” Matthew 2:19-23.



          Do not be fooled into thinking that it will be easy to open your mind, to readjust habits of thought, to unfold learned prejudices and see in a different light.  It will be challenging because the ways are ingrained in your brain as well as your heart.  If you will come and sit with Me, I will show you truth, as you are meant to see it.  The truth will strip away all forms of habits of thought, and prejudices, and do so in a gentle way, as long as you are willing to consider something you have not considered before.  We will begin with coming to know that all creation is the same at its core.  You, and every other person, every other creation, come from the same source.  At your core you are the same, and that same is My love for you, My loving you into creation.  So, as we move forward, in truth, you will see the core, the source, is My love.  Knowing this you will find it easier to abide within My love.  It shall be My love which will open your mind, My love which will readjust your habits of thought, and My love which will unlearn prejudices which have been planted, within you.  It shall all be accomplished, within My love, for you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           That which can seem impossible for you to accomplish, on your own, shall be done within the love of God, the love of God, for you.





January 5, 2024

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

The Journey to an Epiphany



We have talked so much about Epiphany in the last weeks it occurred to me to look the up the origin, to find the root meaning of the word.  It comes from the Greek word epiphaneia,  meaning “manifestation”.    I even checked how to pronounce it correctly, so I pray that the enunciation is correct.  We know why it was used with regard to The Birth of Jesus.  But this is not the only time of year, month, or week, that the word can hold great significance for each of us.  We can experience a manifestation every day, if we are open to it.  Haven taken this walk with you, and holding a deeper reverence for the season of Advent and Epiphany, moving onward into the new year will be even more a journey worth taking, while embracing each manifestation along The Way.  We have also talked about Spirit incarnate many times, and it comes to me to remember that we are, each one, from The Spirit of God, incarnate, for a while, destined to return fully to Spirit.  If we can remember this, while waiting for revelation and manifestation, throughout our lifetime upon Earth, it will change everything we think, say, and do.  We will ultimately realize the sublime, lifting the ordinary into the divine experience our lives are meant to be.   The manifestation is not the end of the quest, it is the doorway to a new phase, a portion of our lifetime upon Earth when we use the wisdom of the manifestation, the pearls of wisdom from each revelation to gird us for every tomorrow as we walk into eternity, well equipped for that which comes our way.


          On this twelfth day of Christmas, the reading I have chosen is from Matthew 2:14.

The Reading

January 5, 2024

So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt.” Matthew 2:14




          When you hear the message, deliver it as given to you by The Holy Spirit, even when it makes no sense, does not fit in to the world created by man.  For, as the word is passed from Heaven to Earth it is pure in its meaning, exactly as it should be.  To tamper with the words, to arrange them in such a way to make them more acceptable to humanity could alter the message, rendering it less powerful, and sometimes even untrue with regard to its conceived purpose. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           That which God calls you to do should be done exactly as preordained.  Do not invest in the outcome.  Focus on what you are called to do.  In that way, what you were called to do shall remain unsullied by the thoughts, words, and deeds of human beings, and shall remain so, until it is time for the revelation, which might come in a day or in a millennium.  Remember, do not focus on that which is to come.  Focus on what you are destined to do and move on.





January 4, 2024

The Eleventh Day of Christmas

The Journey to an Epiphany



A few days ago, I was wishing Advent and Epiphany could continue, with the lighting of the candles every night, in sweet stillness.  Now, the opposite is true.  Saturday will be the celebration of The Epiphany, and I am ready for it.  This is a surprise, but a good one.  There is a sense of urgency to move forward, to do that which I am called to do.  It is a new feeling, and the experience is exciting.  We have tomorrow and then The Epiphany.  My heart is eager, ready to embrace the new.  I do not recall this emotion in previous walks through Advent into Epiphany being so vital, so strong.  Maybe it is because we were walking together, and you gave me a reason to make note of what was happening each day along The Way.  For that, thank you.  Perhaps you too have experienced this time of year in a more fruitful way, as well.  The constant reminders of angels, and dreams, and visitations, visions, signs, and wonders have brought them so much closer that I almost want to sing out that they are still with us.  We can use all Heaven sends to us to make our journey upon Earth richer, purer, and even more divine.


          On this eleventh day of Christmas, the reading I have chosen is from Matthew 2:13.

The Reading

January 4, 2024

 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” Matthew 2:13