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Pathway into Lent


So here we are.  It is Ash Wednesday.  The following tidbits about the origin of Ash Wednesday were gathered on the internet.  Ash Wednesday gets its name from early traditions in the Christian Church in Rome, when penitents and sinners would partake in a period of public penance. They were sprinkled with ashes and dressed in a sackcloth until they were reconciled with the community on Maundy Thursday, which is the Thursday before Easter.  Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the head.  Thus, the liturgical use of ashes originated in the Old Testament times.

In a matter of days, I will be 79 years old.  Do not know when that happened, it came upon me with great speed, the rapidity of which would delight a child waiting for Christmas.  Things have changed since I was a child in parochial school, making my list of what I would give up for Lent.  On Ash Wednesday, we would all arrive in the morning with clean faces.  After morning mass every forehead bore a black ash cross, which was somehow smeared throughout the day.  By the time we were picked up from school it was a thin dark line above our eyebrows.  Some of the boldest, mostly eighth graders, actually wiped the ashes from their heads.  We were in awe of their brazen move.  The importance of the ancient practice was mostly lost on unsuspecting youngsters, hanging from the monkey bars, and flying high into the air on squeaky swings, on the playground at recess.  For a child Lent was not a favorite season at all.  Its redeeming quality rested in knowing that it would end with Easter, bunnies, candy, egg hunts, and springtime.  For an adult it is the glory of the journey, culminating in resurrection, not only the celebration of The Resurrection of Jesus, but the resurrection of ourselves after weeks of solemn searching for the truth, within.  I look forward to that again this season of Lent, and hope you do, too.  In a matter of weeks, we will all find something new, along the Pathway into Lent, which has been with us all the time, hidden from view, deep inside of me, and each of you.  Thank you for taking the journey through Lent with me.

          The reading I have chosen today is from Matthew 6:17-18

The Reading

February 14, 2024

 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”  Matthew 6:17-18



          Come with Me where shadows cannot find thee.  Where only light surrounds thee.  Glorious, oh so glorious, illuminated, all things will reveal their spirit to thee.  Touch the trunk of a mighty tree, and you will feel its blood pulsing, and you will hear whispers moving from the tree into thee.  There is so much to see when you look at the world around you through eyes of love.  When you stand directly in My light there can be no shadow.  Come with Me.  Look and see.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           The love of God is already with you and within you, but to realize the totality of this love surrender to it, and it will shine throughout your being.  When you are in love with someone, your physical appearance is enhanced.  There is life where there once was none.  When you are pregnant with child, your physical appearance is enhanced.  There is life where there once was none.  When you are in love with God, pregnant with the joy of it, your physical appearance is enhanced.  There is life where there once was none.


Pathway into Lent


Where did the word February come from? Since other months, like January, are named after Roman gods, one might naturally think February was named after the Roman god Februus. But, the word February comes from the Roman festival of purification called Februa, during which people were ritually washed.  (Britannica) It is also the month of Passover and Exodus.  (Wikipedia) And this fits our journey into Lent, during which we will be washing and purifying ourselves personally with each day that passes, with each step we take.  Before we step into Lent, fully, there is the passage through Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, which we celebrate today.  One of the fun facts found by searching the internet is that the origins of Mardi Gras can be traced to medieval Europe, passing through Rome and Venice in the 17th and 18th centuries to the French House of the Bourbons. From there, the traditional revelry of “Boeuf Gras,” or fatted calf, followed France to her colonies.  More facts from Wikipedia are, Mardi Gras also known as Shrove Tuesday is the final day of Carnival or Shrovetide before Ash Wednesday, reflecting the practice of the last night of consuming rich, fatty foods in preparation for the fasting season of Lent.  In the United Kingdom Mardi Gras is more usually known as Pancake Day or (traditionally) Shrove Tuesday, derived from the word shrive, meaning “to administer the sacrament of confession; to absolve. (Wikipedia)

It was fun finding facts to share about the beginnings days of Lent.  So, here we are.  It is Mardi Gras, a day to feast, dance, and celebrate the fruits of Earth before taking a spiritual journey, walking the path of Lent.  Today, I will be celebrating with my son, and his family, and a dear friend, who is currently visiting.  Our party will not be as loud and noisy as those in New Orleans, or other places around the globe, hosting official partying into the night.  But the day will be joyful, just the same.  And yes, there will be food involved, and perhaps a glass of wine or two.   My prayer for each of you is that you find a way to celebrate the joys of Earth today, be it with family, friends, or simply by yourself, for tomorrow brings us to Ash Wednesday, which will begin our walk together along the Pathway into Lent. Thank you for walking with me.

The reading I have chosen today is from Song of Songs 2:3-4

The Reading

February 13, 2024

“Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love.”  Song of Songs 2:3-4


          Let your feet dance freely.  Let your lips pronounce the words, which flow from your heart in eager, joyful rhythm.  Use your body to exclaim the song of your spirit, the anthem of your soul.  You exist from the center, from the core, from the spirit that is the eternal you.  Use your body to exclaim the brilliance of the eternal you.  I love you today as I love you forever.  You have life because I love you, eternally love you.  Dance freely, and sing joyfully, for God is in love with you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           There can be none but joy for the one who sees into The Light and embraces the vision with clarity.  For you see, the vision is reality unfolding eternally, for you.



          I AM the way you perceive Me, for you.  If you perceive Me harsh and unforgiving that is the way I AM, for you.  That becomes the way you see the world in which you live.  If you perceive Me angry and revengeful that is the way I AM, for you.  That becomes the way you see the world in which you live.  If you perceive Me Spirit and Love that is The Way I AM, for you.  That becomes The Way you see the world in which you live.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Those who awaken, to The Call of The Wind, will witness the rising of The Son, will embrace the coming of The New Day, will see and know and believe, beyond all things, the miracle unfolding so all might see.  Those who are awake will see.  Those who sleep will not see.



Welcome to The Pathway into Lent


          Well, we made it through January, the first month of the Gregorian calendar.  It was named after Janus, the Roman god of all beginnings.  While looking up some January facts, to share with you, I was surprised to learn that January replaced March as the first month of the Roman year no later than 153 BCE.  (Britannica)

          In ancient Roman culture, Jānus was a god of doorways, beginnings, and the rising and setting of the sun. His name comes from the Latin jānus, meaning “doorway, archway, arcade.”  As the god of transitions and dualities, Janus is portrayed with two faces—one facing the past, and one facing the future. He also holds a key in his right hand, which symbolizes his protection of doors, gates, thresholds, and other separations or openings between spatial boundaries. (Britannica) 

          Fun fact: the closely related Latin word jānua, meaning “door, doorway, entrance,” ultimately gives us the word janitor, which originally referred to a door attendant or porter before evolving to its more familiar sense of “custodian.”  (Britannica)

          Most years, at the beginning of January, I find myself reminiscing over the past months, before releasing them, and moving forward into the new year.  Maybe you do, as well.  We have made our way into January, moving through each of the doorways and archways, following our paths, which led us onward into that which is new, that which is the present with us.  We hold the keys to opening all doors and gates which sit before us.  We have The Wisdom of The Holy Spirit, within us.  And The Spirit is waiting to comfort, guide, teach, and to be our advocate in all times, in all ways.  We have taken the adventure through January and we are well situated in the month of February.  Onward we go, without hesitation, heartache or woe.  I invite you to join me as we journey farther into February, stepping onto The Pathway into Lent.


          The reading I have chosen today is from Psalm 102:25

The Reading

February 11, 2024

“In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.”  Psalm 102:25


          No matter what you are facing today, take yourself to a quiet place.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Settle yourself within, as you listen to the song of the bird, the breeze in the trees.  As all around you awakens, within you a feeling of calm, breathe deeply, as you seek revelation of what to do, how to do it, even what to say.  I AM with you always, and I AM with you today, as you seek in the tranquil arms of nature, wherein you will rest.  Soon you will have an inkling of how to begin, and the answer will not come in frustration, or in a river of tears, sobbing, or anguish.  The answer will rise from within you and fill you with peace.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           No matter what you are facing today, you do not face it alone.  Many consider it a mystery, how I dwell, within thee.  But My presence is more divine, a sublime outpouring of the grace of God.  I AM with you so you are not alone, so you do not have to make decisions on your own, so you will always know The Way and walk in it.  I AM here.  Draw near to Me, and together we will sit, until the answer rises, clear as a morn of a new spring dawn.