God Speaks

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          As My love flows to you, from within you, throughout you, let it flow from you.  The world around you will try to say that you cannot love all, there is no way.  But I tell you I can love all, therefore you too can love all.  The only requirement to accomplish such a state is that you focus on love and that is all.  The world around you will try to say that you cannot love unconditionally, requiring nothing in return.  But I tell you I can love unconditionally, requiring nothing in return, therefore you too can love unconditionally, requiring nothing in return.  The world around you will try to say that you cannot live untouched by hatred, anger or revenge.  But I tell you I can live untouched by hatred, anger or revenge therefore, you too can live untouched by hatred, anger or revenge.  The only requirement to accomplish such a state is that you focus on love and that is all.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When the source of your eternal life is the energy of love you can do all things within the gift of love.  Refuse to embrace the offerings of anger, resentment, retaliation, or pride, as these energies will cloud the environment of love, diminishing its ability to shine through all that you do.  It will take practice to love all things, as God loves all things, but it is possible to do if that is what you will to be true.



          There is not one thing you can do that is more important, more vital, than to be love.  If you can master being love, at all times, you will free yourself from the burdensome energies of regret, shame, guilt, of being wounded or hurt by another, or of waging a war of revenge or retaliation.  There will be no conflict within you because you will be magnifying My love, within your being.  It is the eternal way to live, and it is yours now, if you will it to be so.  It requires humble surrender to that which is, and then loving with all you are.  Live the present piece of your eternal life within the energy of love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do all that you do for love, all that you do for love, and it will change the course of life all around you, and trickle out, forming a pathway of love, touching, blending, magnifying all that the energy of your love encounters.  Love, once created, is not stationary.  It is filled with the life you breathed into it.  It is your gift to eternity.  Boldly open your heart, for the whisper of your spirit is calling, echoing the song of your soul.  Listen, open, and be boldly in love with all that is.



          I love you, and naught will ever change that.  No matter what you do, or where you go to, or anything you say.  Even when you turn away, I AM there, with you.  If you will sit with My words, within My words, and allow them to move throughout you, you will feel something new, which is ancient and old, of no time, requiring no space.  Yet recognition can be seen on the face of those who know.  All that I do is love.  All that I do is love.  When the sun is rising, or setting, there is love within you because I AM, within you.  If you will be still and sit with Me that mystery will unfold enough for you to see a glimpse of the astonishing truth in the words, I AM, within you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Here, here I AM, living deep, within you, so you might know The Way, and walk in it, all The Way Home.  Be quiet and hear My whisper as it is wisdom, speaking, from within you.  Be still and feel My presence as it is sanctuary, beckoning, from within you.  I AM here, within you, where love does abide, calling you Home.



          Lay thee down in the fullness of My presence and rest.  Be still, be quiet, and rest.  There is no need to utter a word, just listen and be.  Be, My child, as you are My creation, and I love you so.  Where ‘ere you go, you do not go alone.  For, I AM your strength, and I give you love, a love which will not fail thee.  I give thee love.  When you are pressed with busyness, or lack, or endless thoughts of regret, I will be there to fill you up.  I love you now.  I give you love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           And when the day is done and you have walked, every step, with the One you love, you will lie down, and peace will be found in memories of the perfect day, when you were held, and lifted up.  That day will never die.  It remains, within.  Now rest, until you rise.




          When you are free, there is none who can harm thee.  Here, take My hand, and see.  Here, take My hand, and I will lead thee.  When your heart is at peace and calmness reigns within, there is unconfined joy, which none can take from thee.  Look and see how wonderful life can be, when you take My hand and follow Me.  There is nothing so great as love, nothing so great as love.  Within the gift of it is the understanding of all things.  One cannot be wounded, nor can they be hurt when there is understanding and love abounding within. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Holding My hand, and seeing with love and understanding, that which you see is altered, and there is peace within, because you are seeing with Me.  And when seeing with Me you are set free from judgment.  Free from judgment you soar through the imagined door parting impossible and possible, and take to the sky, touching all realms of possibility with a joyful song.  You are free.



Pathway into Lent


Hello to each of you.  This year, it is my intention to create a Lenten experience which will rejuvenate me, one which will draw me nearer to God.  And that might be your intention, as well.  Today I was drawn to change up my Lenten practice to include Lectio Divina.  For those of you who might not be familiar with this term, I found a good way to explain it, written by Elizabeth Manneh.  “Lectio Divina (literally divine reading) is a way of becoming immersed in the Scriptures very personally. It draws on the way Jews read the Haggadah, a text read during Passover that retells the Exodus story. Haggadah means “telling” and along with being a physical text, the word captures the practice of telling and retelling a story.  The Christian form of Lectio Divina was first introduced by St. Gregory of Nyssa (c 330- 395), and also encouraged by St. Benedict of Nursia (c 480-547), the founder of the Benedictine order. It’s a way of developing a closer relationship with God by reflecting prayerfully on His words. In Lectio Divina, the chosen spiritual text is read four times in total, giving an opportunity to think deeply about it and respond thoughtfully. When we practice Lectio Divina, we can imagine we are actually involved in the events of Scripture.”  Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing with clarity.

Taking these words to heart, I made the decision to make my way through The Book of Psalms, doing exactly what the Lectio Divina practice encourages.  If you would like to experience Lectio Divina as part of your Lenten path, just pick a sacred scripture, but be sure to keep it brief, for instance one paragraph or one sentence per day, because the idea is to immerse yourself in the words, reading them, repeatedly, as you would a mantra, until some portion of the text moves you to stop, and dig deeper, seeking guidance as you uncover hidden meaning, hidden treasure.  Never thought of the season of Lent as a treasure hunt before, but perhaps this year will bring new meaning to a Lenten practice, a breath of fresh air from ancient texts.  Holy Spirit, lead us to the light and illumination of the truth.  Thank you for walking the Lenten path with me this season.

The reading I have chosen today is from Psalm 1:1

The Reading

February 16, 2024

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way* of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers.”  Psalm 1:1


          Love brings life where there once was none.  Love is quiet and gentle.  Love is its own language, requiring no words, not one utterance.  Love is an energy of uncompromising creation, creation which continues, once it has life.  Nothing now, ever has been, or ever shall be is as strong and mighty as the power of love.  When you sit with love you know an unconfined joy, which finds its home in peace.  There is nothing more worthy, noble, awe-inspiring as love.  Seek to instill it within your heart and speak of none other than love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           No accomplishment is as great as to be love.  For, nothing else will hold the ring of precious peace and abundant joy.