God Speaks

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          So, at the end of the day you still stand.  You breathe.  You hold life, within your body.  And this is true, no matter what has happened to you, throughout the day.  Notice this truth and you will reach an amazing conclusion.  You are stronger than you think you are.  There is nobility in your heart, soul, spirit.  And that is truth.  Even when things do not work out the way you hoped they would, you prayed they would, you will, days, weeks, or years later come to know that it all was as it was, opening doors you would not have noticed, before.  While it might be difficult to embrace, at first, when you sit with Me, after we talk, you will rise-up knowing, ready to embrace that which brought you to where you are, now, in the present piece of eternity that is with you.  Rise-up My son, My daughter, and you will see, you are strong.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Will things, people, events come into your life bringing dismay, hurt, rejection?  Yes.  Are you able to face whatever comes into your life, doing so with confidence and strength?  Yes.  God is, right now, pouring love into your being, because it is the love which created your being.  You have been loved into being, and that creative love is the source of strength, confidence.  Embrace that which is already within you, and you will recognize the strength and confidence which is, within you.  It all rests in God’s love for you, now, and forevermore.



Pathway into Lent


          Two days ago, I celebrated the completion of my 79th year.  Since my birthday usually falls within the season of Lent, I always give myself dispensation from certain Lenten abstentions and celebrate with gusto.  The day was wonderful, and rather warm for Des Moine, so there was a walk around the block with my granddaughter and son, while grandson and daughter-in-law stayed at the house preparing a glorious and festive birthday dinner.  The next day, yesterday, my son and I had a dinner date at a very fancy restaurant.  The conversation was heartwarming, and we laughed often reminiscing, dining, for a minute or two, with each rekindled memory, as course after course quietly appeared before us.  So, one could say I had a two day birthday celebration, which was not restrained in any way, even in the somber tone of Lent.  As we drove home it came to me that we need not be too strident.  Sometimes, a great treasure waits behind the door which you have to give yourself permission to open.  Just wanted to share this thought with you.   Because that is exactly what I did.  I set aside the Lenten ways, for a while, to open a door filled with love.  Allow those who love you to love you, in the way they would like.  Sometimes, those ways are taking a walk together, creating a magnificent meal just for you, enjoying a very special night out together, joining in a rousing game of Uno, or accepting love and hugs, even when the fingers bear a trace of cake icing.  Allow those who love you to love you without restraint, even in the season of Lent.

The reading I have chosen today is from Isaiah 55:12

The Reading

February 27, 2024

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”  Isaiah 55:12


          Each time you fly, and then return to Earth, is a step into reality, as it is.  It does not matter how high or how long you did fly.  What matters is that you did fly.  You surrendered, and the doubt, which whispered, “you cannot fly,” was wiped away in the instant you rose up, no longer held in place by gravity, released to fly away into the dawn of a new day.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           The only limitations are within your thoughts.


Pathway into Lent

Morning prayer, meditation comes easy, lovingly, and slips me into each day with a sweet note, ringing out, especially during the Lenten season, when little sacrifices often reveal hidden treasures, times when there is little, so the joy of the small brings forth a great surprise.  Today was such a day, and I am eager to share it with each of you.  My granddaughter popped into my bedroom early, looking for someone to play with her.  No one else was up, so we made our way up the stairs to the main floor, and into the kitchen, where it was decided we would have fruit for breakfast.  Honey crisp apples were washed and sliced, setting the cores aside for the rabbits, squirrels, and birds.  Next, we washed Asian pears, raspberries, and strawberries.  She took her plate to the table, but this time I lingered at the kitchen sink, recalling what just happened.  It was different, the washing, the slicing.  While cutting down either side of the core of the apples and pears, I was aware of the sound made by the knife, slicing through the fruit, the sound made when the knife reached the chopping block, the rhythm of it all.  I noticed the dance of the water, the sound, and the feel of it, as the fruit was washed.  I was paying attention to the rhythm and the sound of preparation, rather than going through the motions, without consideration.  Then, as I stood, looking out the window, over the sink, I became aware of the motion, within my mouth, as I ate a slice of crisp apple.  I was conscious of the taste, immediately.  This time it seemed stronger, more sensational, as I breathed in the taste and the aroma, at the same time.  Then, after the first bite, came the chewing.  My teeth crushed the apple.  My tongue, without apparent thought from me, moved the apple pieces into place, effortlessly, until the apple was almost juice in my mouth.  My mouth was working, each part in motion to carry out the task, and I was the beneficiary of it all.  Do not ever recall so much joy in the eating of a single slice of apple before.  But then came a flood of memories of other apples, times of eating apples beneath the tree from which they fell, times of receiving one apple slice after another from my grandmother as we rocked on the front porch.  This morning there was a stream of gratitude and thanksgiving as I ate one apple slice.   The memories, the motion, the acknowledging of each aspect brought it all together as a prayer.  Paying attention to the rhythm, the sound, the thought of it all resurrected new life, which was found with my granddaughter, at the sink, in the kitchen, at the dawn of a new day.  Thank you for sharing this Lenten season with me.


The reading I have chosen today is from Isaiah 55:1

The Reading

February 24, 2024

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost?”  Isaiah 55:1


          In the coming days you could meet victory and defeat, joy and sadness, and meet them with either confidence or doubt.  When chaos reigns all around you, the confidence you seek will be found, within.  Make sure your inner landscape is of love, unconditional love.  Then, no matter what you face, in the world around you, from within, you are dwelling with the most powerful energy created, the energy of love.  That which appears to be defeat might be victory, that which appears to be sadness might bring joy.  To be nailed to a cross exemplified defeat thousands of years ago.  Thousands of years later the cross exemplifies victory.  Live from within, for it is the place of your eternal life.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not be fooled by what you see, with your physical eyes.  Look through the eyes of your soul, and you will know The Way, and walk in it, with confidence, fueled by love, unconditional love.



          Sacred notes, born in your heart, serenade you, whenever you feel that no one loves you.  They rise and float throughout your being, singing a song of remembrance.  And the words are strong even though the melody is sweet.  Nothing is stronger than love.  Nothing is stronger than love.  Even in its sweetness it rivals the strongest, that rises up to take her down.  Within the gentle tide of love all things move in and out as intended, without regret, without loss.  I love you into eternity and nothing will stop Me from loving you, as long as you live.  And My child you live, into eternity, along with the song that in its sweetness remains strong.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Place these words somewhere so you will see them every day and see them often.  All that you seek is within, just as it has always been.  Every answer you seek is waiting, within.




          When morning comes, and you rise-up to greet it, fill your cup.  Fill your cup, when morning comes, with glory, shimmering all around you.  Open wide, and fill your cup, with the potent elixir of love. Nothing can harm you, nothing can disturb you, through the day when it begins with the creation of love.  Look and see the gift of love.  Look and see the power of love, creation all around you.  When you look and see, you can see My love, pouring over you, weaving its continuing journey throughout all of nature, throughout you.  Look and see life, created from love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Walking in the grace of love will not shield you from the ways of the world, yet it will guarantee that you will always know how to meet the ways of the world.  You do so by walking, within the creation of love, My love for you.