God Speaks

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          Allow yourself to see the visions in this new day.  Do not permit it to drift away, as if it were not there, at all.  Open to every possibility that comes to you today.  Live as if you will not see Earth again, nor breathe in the fragrance of the flower, nor feel the breeze upon your cheek.  When you live in such a way your experience of life, upon Earth changes.  Nothing is taken for granted.  All is the gift it is, in your eyes.  It is not by accident you live, that you are where you are, right now.  Embrace this present piece of eternity, and you will soon see each moment, each day, passing into the next, without hesitation, just flowing, moving from one moment to the other, one day to the next.  Reach out your hand to hold the present, then be prepared to release and reach again and again.  You see, My child, there is no end.  Begin to know this, and your life will be joyful, and you will be at peace, ever reaching, ever releasing, ever living.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           The gift of eternal life has already been given unto you.  Accept it, unwrap it, embrace it, and all it has to give.  Live.



          Let My hand guide you there, from wherever you are standing now.  Much preparation goes into the planning and attending of a great event.  Each day you live is a great event.  Do not permit yourself to see it any other way.  From the rising of the sun until the day is done, completion announced in a splash of color over the sky with the setting of the sun, you are.  You live.  Prepare, for you are attending a glorious piece of eternity with every breath you take.  Let it be that you honor that which is with you.  Take it in.  Breathe deeply and let every breath you take fill your physical body with life.  Be as you are, in the present, that is with you.  Be, now.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Let the day fill you with light.  The rising of the sun is but a mere representation of what is happening within you.  All you see around you will pass away, but that which is within you will not pass away.  You shall live forever, carrying eternity within the vessel of your physical body.  But when the physical body fails you, you still live and do so in a mighty way.  Wake up and see.  Yes, the world is a magnificent place, filled with wonder and awe, but it cannot measure up to that which is within.  Live today, from within, and do so knowing I AM within you and with you, forever.




          Purification.  Do not run from the word, nor turn from it.  You take part in it every time you prepare for bathing your physical body.  You do not step into a shower, or tub, without removing your clothing to thoroughly cleanse your body, removing all which has gathered there, during the course of a day or two.  When you wrap yourself in the towel to dry, you feel refreshed, renewed.  And the clothing you step into is new, clean.  You are ready to begin or end the day, purified in the waters, adorned with clean garments.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Just as you strip clothing from your physical body in order to bathe completely, it is vital, to your spiritual health, to do the same, within.  Go into a room, close the door, and prepare to cleanse and purify your spiritual body.  Strip away the garments of pride, guilt, anger, or intolerance.  Cast them from you, and step into the living waters of God’s love for you.  Let the waters of grace flow over your head, and down your face, touching every crevice wherein there might remain energies of greed, or fear, or other such energies, lurking there.  Feel the blessing as the living water renews and restores your spiritual body.  Then wrap yourself in the warmth of purification of your spiritual body.  Cleansing, purification, make them a ritual you seek, ready to don a garment of light, and freedom, standing made new, in the light of all that is, all that is you.



          Be still, be quiet, and I will speak with you, so you might know, you are not alone, that there is so much for you to see, and it is all with you, now.  Do not be afraid of changes, which might befall you, for in the change there is growth, beauty, continuity.  When you sit by yourself, in quiet, in nature, it is much easier to understand that which I AM saying unto you.  Do not fear change, as it will come, as it must, for the continuation of eternity cannot occur, without change.  And you are of eternity, so you are of change.  Fear not.  It is all beautiful, and so are you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           You do hear Me.  Sometimes you hear Me with a feeling, or a sign, or a knowing.  No matter how it occurs, you will hear Me, and in the hearing know you are not alone.  Welcome the coming of change, for without it you will not grow.  You no longer wear the clothing you wore when you were the age of ten.  And as you continue into eternity you will no longer wear the clothing you are wearing now.  Each change will be different, but this I assure you.  Each change is worth the experience awaiting you, for it is eternity continuing, within you.



          Purification, renewal, resurgence, resurrection.  What do these words mean to you?  I whisper them gently so you might consider applying each one to your heart, your spirit, your soul.  Each will bring you into a sacred space which only courage will allow.  To strip yourself bare, not physically, but spiritually, emotionally, opening your heart, in such a way, one can no longer deny truth.  For, in purification comes renewal, and from renewal, resurgence emerges, revealing complete resurrection of the authentic you.  This path, this practice, cannot be demanded of oneself.  It comes in response to a call from deep within, asking you to surrender by embracing the call, and all it asks of you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           There are certain practices which require discipline from a determined athlete in order to be stronger, faster, more agile to experience a level of competence in their chosen field.  And through practice comes confidence in what they are doing.  It is the same for one seeking spiritual growth.  Determination to reach a sacred place of peace, living from the spirit within, requires a practice and discipline.  But as with the athlete, when the seeker responds to the call from within, in quiet determination, they rise to meet the path, and the practice soon becomes as natural as breathing, and there comes confidence in what they are doing.  For, they are living from within, where lays the heart, and spirit, and soul.  And when they rise, conjoined as one, there comes life eternal.  No one can take away this gift, this experience.  It tarries not in regret, but is vibrant, and lives within every breath one takes, and shall remain, without haste, for there is no reason to run, when you are standing, bathed in the light of the rising sun.



          If right now you are thinking you will never be what you once thought you could be, then be still.  If right now you are thinking you will never be what you were meant to be, then be still.  For right now, I will tell you, you are just where you are meant to be, for now.  What is where you are telling you?  You will discover so much wisdom simply by acknowledging where you are, now; and that every choice made has been a steppingstone to the present now; and that every choice hereafter will be a steppingstone to a new present now.  My child, it is all inside you.  The choice is yours.  The steppingstones are yours.  The present now is yours.  Embrace all of it, even the times you felt were the lowest, even when you felt your choice could have been different, possibly even should have been different.  What I will tell you is to gather the lessons from each choice and use them as your book of wisdom, showing you how to get from every set stone to the present now, filled with peace and quiet joy.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you look at a beautiful tapestry, you see life in the people depicted there, or in the animals, or the bits of nature stitched so carefully by hand.  When you look, you see the completed tapestry, and marvel at its beauty.  And that is how God sees thee.  When the first stitch is sewn you cannot see the entire tapestry, with the naked eye, but the vision of it is held within the heart of the one who pulls the threads in and out, making decisions of color, and space.  And with the final stitch it is all revealed, with clarity, every bit of nature, every animal, each face, once envisioned, now whole and complete, every thread, with every color, each counted space,



          For those who rise, when the day is young, there is a reward, the rising of the sun.  Many times, it is quiet.  But then, there are the days when the event is marked by an amazing array of reds, and pinks, blues and golds, exploding over the morn, announcing, with colors, as a trumpet’s signal call, “Rise up and see something glorious, something rare, something new”.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Let the coming of each day spark an event, within you.  Just as the sky becomes an artist’s canvas with the colors of a rising sun, allow yourself to be the artist, painting the canvas of your spirit, with vibrant colors, celebrating the new day, celebrating the glory, and the rising of The Son.