God Speaks

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          It is impossible to live fully in the present piece of eternity with you, when you are chained to the past.  To be free in the now, begin to see each anger, regret, sadness as opportunities to learn and grow, to bless and let go.  Bring all the unsettled pieces of the past to Me, we will talk, and soon you will be free, because together, you and Me, we will see the lessons, each one has been, then bless and let it be.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           In the present, with your eyes open, with compassion rising-up within you, look at the past.  Knowing I AM within you, to see through all the matters of the important moments, tears will rise-up, in the recognition that God was with you all the time.  That pain, that anger, that sadness will begin to change, and you will see and realize what was taking place on a different level.  Then, when the eyes of your soul have seen the lot, your spirit will guide you to the spot of forgiving, blessing, and letting go.  It will all happen when the power of God and the desire of your heart make it so.  See peace, by letting go.


Remembering the dawn of spring, 2018, at The Quiet Place, when yellow daffodils and golden forsythia trumpeted the awakening, a new day, a new spring, a new birth, a new will to live, strong, vibrant, and beautiful.


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          Live in balance with all around you.  When you live within My love, it is not stagnant, holding a place within you, but going no farther.  My love lives within you.  You are not just a vessel.  You are a vessel which is meant to live, to overflow with My love, without restraint.  My love grows as it goes on, moving through you, out to all things.  So, do not stifle the gift which is meant to live and grow.  Do not put My love on a shelf, dipping into it only for your own use, for your own need.  Unlock your heart, and allow your spirit to ride upon My breath, exhaling, whispering, “I love you,” with every breath you take.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           The joy of living is unconfined, when you live with an open heart, and a spirit, which whispers to the body, guiding the body along.  For, your spirit lives forever, therefore it will guide your body with eternal wisdom, taking you to new, uncharted, places, which are sometimes material and sometimes divine.  You will not be held in place.  The everyday material things you do will rise up and touch the sublime and the glory of God will be the seen, by you, as you live your life upon Earth, combining the material and the divine.



          Today, think only of how you can move forward in the continuing creation, serving others, every step of The Way.  By living this way your circle of possibilities widens, pushing the circumference of your existence farther and farther away until it no longer exists.  By living this way thoughts of lack, even doubt, will move farther and farther away, until they no longer exist, for you.  This happens because your heart is opened, and once opened it begins to fill up, overflowing, with My love for you.  There is no longer a dam within you holding, restraining, My love for you.  Now, there is living water of My love for you, moving through you and beyond, into the continuing creation, serving others, every step of The Way, uniting all in the oneness of My love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not permit the body to control the spirit within you.  Do not permit fear to restrain you, the authentic you, the you, which lives forever, within the spirit that is you.  Live beyond the circumference of the self.  Push through the barriers and allow the eternal you to experience life upon Earth in a divine song, expressing God’s love in all you do.



          There are no barriers but those you construct with your doubt.  If you dream of it, or long for it, it is within you.  But it is you who must bring your creation into absolute being.  Dreaming acknowledges the seed.  Longing acknowledges tender care.  Nothing is impossible for Me; therefore, nothing is impossible for thee.  If it is yours to do, let it be done through you.  Rise-up and create.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Wait no longer for others to bring your dreams into being.  Hesitate no longer to follow the dreams which speak to you.  Deny no longer the desire which wells up within your heart, singing a song so compelling that it calls to your spirit and soul, “It is time.  It is time.”  And within the song, your heart dances with delight, as the barriers of doubt fall away, and the dream soars, and comes alive, because you did not wait, you did not doubt.


We will be traveling, starting tomorrow, and resume posting on April 14, 2024.  Blessings of Peace.