- 24
- Mar
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You cannot be thinking of Me when you reject a downcast person on the street. You cannot be thinking of Me when you dismiss a cry for help. Come. Be still. Be quiet. Let us talk about the important things of living upon Earth so you might be in peace, so you might be free. As I do not walk away from you when you are in need, do not walk away from one in need. Stop and know you are My hands, My feet, My heart, My love, walking upon Earth. My love is within you so let it flow through you, and be all I AM, all I can be, and shall be, if you will remember Me.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you see someone in need, let the compassion and mercy of God flow through you to them, without hesitation. Act as if there are no other people around you to judge, shame, or sing your praise. Act as if it is just you and the one in need, and you will feel the love of God moving in you, through you, and from you. At that moment you will be the hands, the feet, the heart, the love of God, walking upon Earth.
- 23
- Mar
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you put on new clothes, or old clothes which have been washed, and ironed, and look new again, you feel better. You stand taller, your smile brighter, your words confident. The same thing occurs when your spirit is renewed, rejuvenated by putting on spiritual garments, within, robing yourself in fabric which has been woven with threads of mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love. Stripping yourself of the old ways which no longer serve you is preparation for donning garments of light, which will illuminate all around you, so you might see, and know, through the eyes of your soul. When it is time for new clothing, go first, within.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Adorn your spirit, by creating energies of love and peace. The garment of light you wear from within can be worn forever. So, do not waste so much time adorning the physical body with the material, with finery. First put on the clothing of the light, so all might see you by the illumination of your spirit, shining long, shining brightly, shining into forever, and beyond.
- 21
- Mar
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Come with Me and let us walk through the day together, just you and Me. For, I AM here, always near, no matter where your day might go. There is nothing to stop us, as we find no hesitation, only joy, and a glorious refrain to brighten every aspect of the day. As the sun does rise, and the moon does shine, in the darkness of the night, we are one with all creation, with no stopping only continuation. Fear not My child. You will make it through, and each day upon Earth will be golden, just for you. Remember Me, in all you do. Speak with Me, in all you do. For, that is how I communicate with you. I AM speaking from the sun, and the moon. I AM calling from the birds, and the streams, and the rocks, which appear to you to be stationary, with no life. Look around and see Me in all of nature, and rejoice, for it is real, and living, and eternal, as are you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You might think it sounds simplistic yet held within the simple is wisdom. Do not complicate the wisdom of truth. Just look and see. It is all there for you to acknowledge The Presence of God with you. It is all there, speaking The Presence of God with you. Look and see.
- 20
- Mar
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When the day is done, and night has come, it is the time for weaving memories of what was. And the song of the night will be your comfort, as you weave, seeing all that was as lessons to be blessed and then released. They will live within your book of weavings, bringing you wisdom to guide your walk. You will always have the wisdom that book will hold. And that book will be big, and bright, and bold. Its teachings will lead you wisely from days of youth well into those of old. No matter how many days, upon Earth, you might number, you will always have the wonderful piece of work you undertook, that weaving of memories in the night.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Be still. Be quiet. Listen to the stirring within, for it is Me rising-up to whisper. I will lead The Way, so you will not stray; and words of truth will pave The Way you walk. Oh, let it be. Just let it be. All is well. There is none which can bring harm to thee. Know you are loved by God, as you are precious far beyond what you can now know. Come the night, be at peace. Let your angels guide you to the place where you can then begin to take all that the day did bring, and weave blessed memories you will carry always in your Book of Wisdom, which you created in the nights of weaving, when you heard The Song of God.
- 19
- Mar
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Address sadness, melancholy with the same fervor as you hold when casting anger from your being. Anger is an obvious energy. You recognize it, and do not want to live with it, for it denies you much peace. But sadness, melancholy can be insidious, as it sneaks into your being, not as a threat to your wellbeing, but often confirmed as “normal” by yourself and those around you. Yet, sadness, melancholy can hold you in place, denying you just as much peace as does the energy of anger. Sit with Me and we will seek the source of the energy languishing, within thee. Together we will walk the path to where it began, see it as a lesson, forgive, bless, and release it to move into the world around you as neutral energy, charged, a new energy, which will plague you no more.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When sadness takes hold, it will be easy to be still because part of the energy is binding you in place. While the energy does not seem threatening, left unaddressed, it will become as a prison, locking you within it, pushing all things from you, as you sit in the dungeon, in shadows. Be still, so you can hear Me. Listen, without presenting a defense. You need not be a prisoner when you hold the key to open the door and set yourself free. Come, bring your sadness to Me, and as we sit together, I will whisper, and The Wisdom of God shall enfold thee until you rise-up, enlightened and free.
- 19
- Mar
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inUncategorized
Pathway into Lent
In less than two weeks we will enter Holy Week. Time has flown by this Lent. And, taking a lesson from “time,” I am no longer in Des Moines, Iowa, but have flown all the way to North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to spend the remaining Lenten season, and to celebrate Easter, with my sister.
As I prepared for the trip, making notes, packing, finding a ride to the airport, and other such things, my thoughts were wandering around in our childhood. Very little sadness darkened our doorway, and for that we count ourselves blessed to have experienced an uneventful and joyful time growing up.
The day before my departure, it seemed I could not keep my ducks in a row, at all. If I wasn’t searching for my glasses, I was looking for my phone. Excitement had taken a turn. It was not until the suitcase was packed, sitting open on the floor, with a few things scattered around it, that I realized it was me creating the nervous jitters. After a bit of protesting, I sat down to be quiet. And in the stillness, a new feeling slipped in where once chaos had been. It was a calm sensation, sweeping over my body, into my mind. The realization was straightforward, and the message was clear. I had almost allowed excitement to turn to anxiety, without recognizing what I was doing. I was not moving about in a mindful way. I was not present with each movement. My vessel floundered, but now it would be righted. From that moment on I paid attention to what I was doing, and purposefully slowed my pace. I took notice of my arms reaching, my legs walking, my back getting into the action by closing and lifting the suitcase. My question to myself was, “Why did I let this happen?” The answer came, quickly, in a matter of fact message. I was not in the present, as I gathered. I was projecting myself into a negative future, with all the, “What if I forget this?” “What if I miss my connection?” I had “what ifed” myself into a state of worry, when it was not necessary at all.
I believe we allow this to happen, from time to time, because we do not practice being in the present. We move from one thing to another, without being mindful, aware of what we are doing. We do not think about our feet, or arms, or reaching, or lifting, in a way that honors our body’s contribution to what is happening. We certainly do not listen for the sounds of the movement, such as the sound of items slipping into little plastic bags, or the sound made when we fold a shirt, or the different sounds our feet make as we move from room to room. We feel off balance because what we are doing has no balance. Instead, it is filled with hurry, and worry. You might not have experienced this. But, if you do find the energy around you changing from excitement into anxiety, stop. Be still. Check to make sure you are doing what you are doing in balance. Sure, you need to think about what you will pack, or where you will go, or what you are doing. But there is no need to worry over it. Slow your pace. Let your rhythm become a dance, slowly moving from one thing to another, until it is accomplished, and you are packed, ready for a new adventure. This new adventure has led me back to my home state of South Carolina, where we will watch the rising of the sun, over the Atlantic Ocean, on Easter morning, and sing in celebration.
Thank you for sharing this time with me. There are not that many days left in the Lenten season, so let’s keep them in balance, free from worry or concern of any kind.
The reading I have chosen today is from Matthew 6:25-27
The Reading
March 19, 2024
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:25-27
- 18
- Mar
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I AM always there. In stillness you will hear. I will free you from all that is harsh, and hard. We can do all things. Together we will take to wing. We will lift-up from the dust of unwanted things, which have held you in place. Rise-up. My child, you can rise-up. No matter where you are, at this time, and in this space, I AM there. You can hear My call, from within. For that is where I have always been. Let all worries go. Let all hatred be no more. Let the anger, which has plagued your heart, and held it in a vice-like grip, stream from you. I AM always there. In quiet you will recognize My call, and we will walk through all such things which have held you so.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Listen to the call of God. It is within you. It is there through all times, and things. In the quiet, it will bring you peace. And in the stillness, you will embrace the song, which comes to you from The Face of God. Once it is heard, and recognized by your heart, you will no longer allow the troubled past to rule or reign or play a part in the emerging day, with its shining start. You will rise-up and assume the role you are meant to play. You are, and forever shall be a child of God, living in the continuing creation of eternity.