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Sanctuary, The

Spirit of God Meditation #5:

Boldly Following The Voice Within

  Welcome to The Spirit of God Meditation,

“Boldly Following The Voice Within.”

Come!  Now, come!  It is time!  And you are ready!  Awaken,

and come; for I AM calling from within.  Feel the stirring.  Now,

begin!   Slowly, silently, come.  You know The Way; for you have

traversed the corridors, of your sacred-self,  many times before; and

with each journey within,  you found the chamber,  opened the door,

and crossed-over the threshold,  into a solitary sanctuary,  to sit with

God,  to be healed  in the light of God;  and to be taught by God,  in

all things, in all ways!  Today,  you open your heart  to the love of

God completely, willing to live in the light of God, willing to be

moved by the hand of God; and, with your heart open, and the

light of God, shining all about you, you begin to move.  The

Breath of Spirit moves you from the place of remember-

ing, into the place of knowing!  I call you to kneel

at the altar, of all that is holy, to move into

The Spirit of God, where there is

so much more, waiting for you.

Open to all of the possibilities

which have gone unnoticed, or

avoided, in the past.  Sing-out that you are

stepping-out, in a walk of faith, breaking-out of the mold,

as a butterfly emerging from the cocoon, boldly embracing life

upon Earth with enthusiasm, renewed, refreshed, and rejuvenated.

Do not hold back!  Wake-up!  And see the light, “knowing,” this is

your adventure, your journey, a lifetime you will remember through-

out eternity.  Where will you go; what will you do on this monumental

quest?  Follow The Voice, within announcing for all to hear, “I am here

God!    I am still.    I am silent.    I am ready.    Today God, I am ready!”


          If you only listen to the words of the world, if you only follow the ways of the world, you become awash in a sea of turbulence.  You will become unsure of your own thoughts.  You will doubt My words and My ways.  Be still, be quiet, and hear Me, for I am speaking to you.  My words shall remain truth.  My ways shall remain truth.  Hear My words and walk in My ways and My Spirit shall lift you up to a divine understanding, awakening, within you, the flame of compassion; and love shall guide your thoughts, words, and deeds.  Hear Me for I speak truth.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Listen to My whisper and you shall not be deceived by the words and the ways of the world.  I will not lead you into doubt nor will I lead you into fear.  I will lead you into confidence of clarity through the words I speak.  And the words I speak will be the path, leading you out of fear into the light of truth.




          You are not there.  No matter how much you have sought, or how far you have searched, you are not there.  Do you not understand this truth?  All things shall evade you until the time you find your home in stillness and quiet.  And then, only then, will you find the truth which you have been carrying within all the time.  It has not been evading you.  You have been seeking in an evasive way.  Be still.  Be quiet.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not be so set on the answer you are seeking that you ignore the truth set before you.



          When the threat of dangerous storms prompts safety precautions to gather necessities and stay sheltered until the storm passes, you do so.  It is time to apply the same care to spiritual threats, which can rage as mighty tempests all around you.  Now is the time to make sure you have all you need to withstand the threat.  Shelter within your being.  Be still, be quiet, and wait, drawing sustenance and tranquility from My Holy Spirit within you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           I will give you succor during times of turmoil.  I will speak and you will hear My words, welcoming them as refreshing water when you thirst.  I will touch you and you will feel My presence as comforting as the shade from a majestic tree on a bright, sunny day.  Be still, be quiet and rest in My unfailing arms.  I AM with you.


          Feel My breath, within you.  We are breathing, together.  Whenever you have an occasion to laugh, I laugh with you.  And it is the same with all emotions playing out within you.  We are that close.  We are one.  Do not struggle, trying to find an explanation for our coexistence.  Just let it be.  There are no words, in any of the languages of Earth, to fully describe our relationship, revealing The Source, and The One, and eternal life, within it all.  This you take on faith, knowing I will not deceive you, in any way.  It will not take long for faith to bring you into the light of truth.  Then the illumination of The Way will set forth a clarity of vision, and you will follow.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           There will be days when you do not study and ponder what surely seems to be a miraculous union.  But during the days when you walk with nature, and your hand caresses the newly formed leaves of a tree, the studying and pondering give way to acceptance of that which is.  Life is not meant to be a struggle.  Life is meant to live fully, experiencing that which comes to you with confidence.  Know God is always with you.  Know I AM your Counselor, your Comforter and guiding you into truth is what I AM to do.  Let us experience the present piece of eternity, which is today, together, hearing God’s whisper, walking The Way.



Musings from The Quiet Place

In Quiet It Comes


In quiet it comes.  It comes when you are alone, in prayer and meditation, reflecting on the reality of you, seeking to go deeper, reaching for the presence of God, with you.  It is in this state of longing, the stirring within begins.  It awakens.  It flutters, and rises, lifting that which is ready to surface.  It is time.  It is time to look at what has ascended from the depths of our being, where it was hidden under bits and pieces of debris, resting, out of sight, until The Spirit within acknowledged it was time to bring the haunting to the surface, to be stripped of the garments of doubt, shame, fear, and greed.  It is not a pleasant moment of passage, as feelings of regret, denial, and remorse, swirl together, prompting us to turn away.  Yet, the whisper is encouraging us to stay, to be still, to be quiet, to welcome that which is settling within plain view.


Pushing through the desire to resist, brings a rare peace in the face of the revelation of the hidden.  And there it is.  There is no denying what is shown in full.  A hologram playing out in front of us, compelling, pulling us closer to see the source of the matter.  With the power of The Holy Spirit, that, which occurred long ago, is revealed in full, in clarity.  The door of recognition opens, and within the light of truth the story unfolds, slowly, methodically.


Stillness holds court, allowing the necessary to playout before us.  We see, and we know, and we learn.  All dark secrets, we once believed would remain hidden, eventually come forth to be acknowledged, accepted, forgiven, blessed, and released, freeing us to walk in the light of truth.  The truth, once revealed, carries the gift of wisdom, and a deeper understanding of what really transpired.  Do not shrink from the review.  Welcome the coming, the revelation, and the lessons it will bring.  For, it is in this way that your Book of Wisdom is written.  In quiet it comes to lift you from the mundane into the sublime.

          The mantle of winter covers grasses, trees, bushes, all manner of living things, yet the freezing temperatures do not rob all that is held within its robe of life.  The trees will bud again in the spring.  The bushes will become lush as robins jump over the grasses.  But until the warmth of spring, the mantle of winter will hold all within its protection, doing exactly what it is intended to do.  From time to time, you too will experience being frozen in place, for a while, until it is time to bud, and blossom, and grow, in the warmth of the sun.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you are tempted to long for another day, when warmth enfolds you, be still, and see the beauty of the present piece of eternity with you.  All things come for a reason, a season of learning, growing, being still, waiting, dormant.  But dormant is still living, as living is meant to be, in that space present with thee.  Embrace the present and be at peace.