- 09
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When there is material loss, a valuable item is missing, there comes a feeling of panic. You must find that item, be it a favored sweater, money, property of any kind. Worry takes over your thoughts. A great unsettling is with you. You do not rest until it is found, or resign yourself to its loss, which is slow to peace. When you are physically lost, and do not know the way to your destination, a panic sets in. Clarity of thought and vision escape you until you regain your bearings. Calm is restored once you are on the right path, headed toward the appointed rendezvous. It is the same when you are lost spiritually. Uneasiness settles into your being, and there comes with it a loss of clarity and vision. In all three cases the best practice is to be still and quiet and go first within to restore inner peace, which will lead you into tranquility. Your body will follow your spirit. Once there is peace within, peace will flow into your physical body. There is not one material object which cannot be replaced. There is not one destination which cannot be reached. There is not one spirit which cannot be restored.
And The Holy Spirit says:
That which is lost can always be rescued from the hidden shadows. Do not panic. Do not fall to fear or anxiety. I shall lift you from the shadows into a place where all is illuminated in The Light once more.
- 08
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Whenever you are tempted to unkind, hurtful thoughts of another, stop the thought at once. Go no farther into the energy of anger, jealousy, greed or any other ill-advised energy. For when you spend time contemplating shadowy images of another you are spreading seeds of weeds within. Left untended they will spring up, within the landscape, of your inner being, choking out the flowers of your spirit, stifling the pure, stunting the growth of kindness and compassion. At the beginning of such thoughts alter the course, and let it become a prayer for the wellbeing of whomever, or whatever, you were so willing to curse, in thought, word, or deed.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Sometimes, when your spirit is willing to do as you are guided, the physical body will resist, become defensive, and make excuses as to why you should not follow the message, the direction, you have received in prayer. In these times be still, be quiet, and sit with Me. I was sent to be your Counselor, your Advocate, your Comforter. And each of these I shall be every time you come, and sit, with Me.
- 07
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inUncategorized
Path of Ascension
A quick click with Google gives us the following. The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord commemorates Jesus’ ascension into Heaven. Historically, this holy day has been celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday – the Thursday in the sixth week of Easter. Most U.S. dioceses, however, have moved the celebration of the Ascension to the seventh Sunday of Easter. Cambridge Dictionary gives us the following definition of ascension, the process of rising to a position of higher importance, rank, or success.
So now, we are in the time between The Resurrection and The Ascension. It was a powerful time those thousands of years ago. A time which was overflowing with the gentle reminders coming from The Teacher to The Followers. My first thought was of a time most of us have experienced, perhaps even experienced both sides. As we grow in the family unit, absorbing the teachings of the parent, there comes the time when we prepare to depart. Before we head off to college, or a job in another town, the parent often speaks, reminding us of the lessons of our childhood, imparting wisdom so the way might be a bit easier for us. I also think of the blessing of sitting with a loved one, during the time of their passing. It is often the case, especially if it is a parent or grandparent, that they remind us of the lessons they tried to teach us, during our time together, our physical time together. As you walk with me, observing The Resurrection to The Ascension, some of these thoughts might come to you, as well. Jesus was saying goodbye, and the words were litanies of the teachings, some old, some newer. He was preparing them for the time He would not physically be walking with them, teaching them, comforting them.
Thank you for walking this path with me, and for making the time to commit to observing the forty days from The Resurrection to Ascension Thursday. There is much for us to learn, and we are ready to embrace the new and all which comes as we walk together, as one.
The reading I have chosen today is from John 20:17
The Reading
April 7, 2024
“Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” John 20:17
- 07
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
In times of turmoil, you will find it difficult to live, within the teaching that love is the most powerful energy of all. And this is so, because, in times of great disruption, it appears that the energies of aggression and control do win, do take over the situation, demanding a place of superiority. But this is only true if you cannot see beyond what you think you see. This is only true if you allow the dust of occupation to fall upon your heart and soul. This shall not be true if you come and sit with Me. For, in the times of our sweet communion, I will part the curtain for you to briefly glimpse a portion of the end, the end of battle, the end of bigotry, the end of fear, the end of greed… the end. And then, there shall be peace, the nucleus of which shall be love. The anthem of love will be the finale, and its chorus will touch all of creation, as creation continues into eternity.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Resist the temptation to be drawn into fear or retaliation. Walk not with those who preach hatred, those who spread seeds of doubt, planting fields of confusion. Be still, be quiet, and listen, within. As I speak to you, you will begin to understand that the energy of doubt comes from the hand of fear. I will lead you through such matters. You will walk with confidence, and the light of wisdom will follow you, and your path will be one of solitude and quiet times, when truth can be heard, as it is whispered from within.
- 06
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you call on Me, crying out a plea, I will answer thee, every time. Remember, like a good parent, I will listen, so to hear your heart, when it is bashed by a storm. Then I will speak, perhaps not the words you wish to hear. Still, they will be the words which will lead you from darkness into light. When you are tossed, and have lost your way, there is much you cannot see. You are blinded by confusion, as turmoil and strife bring shadows into your life. But peace will be restored, and you will be safe, once more, if you will listen and take the answer you receive as the map which will lead you back into tranquility. You will be free. It will be done, perhaps not in the way you wished it to be, but in The Way which will lead you onward into a glorious day, rejoicing in your walk upon Earth. It shall be done, if you will be quiet, be still, and sit with Me.
And The Holy Spirit says:
What can seem a great catastrophe one day, will seem calmer, and things will appear more doable, if you will be still, be quiet, and listen. For, I AM whispering, from within you. When all seems to fail, if you will resist the temptation to jump into the sea of chaos and confusion, and seek guidance from within, you will rise-up. Is it easy to do? No. Sometimes, the precious answer of truth and wisdom will not correlate with your agenda, with your preconceived desired result. An inner struggle will take place, for your desires and intentions are strong and powerful. Your will is strong and has power. But they are never so powerful as when you align them with The Will of God.
- 05
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You have made it this far, yet there is more to do, farther to go, much to see, on your journey of destiny, and it can all be done walking next to Me. Do not release the lessons of the past, as they are of wisdom, more valuable than gold. Yet, even in the holding of the lessons do not retain the old shadow energies, allowing them to weigh down the lesson. Sometimes, you will experience the same lesson over and over. This is good, and as it should be, for you should not move forward with tethers pulling you back, making each step you take laborious in the doing of it. My child, be still, be quiet, forgive, bless, and release. It is time to go into the new, leaving that of the old scattered, blessed, released. Once it is done, rise-up, for it is in the rising that you will know you are free.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Allowing yourself time in solitude to walk with God is one of the greatest gifts you will ever bestow upon yourself and others. Give the gift. Be still, be quiet, and walk with God.
- 04
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you have been gifted with an epiphany, and the illumination lifts you in resurrection from the old into the new, which is shining, with promise, embrace what you have been given in celebration. Live the revelation, in such a way, that others might see, and know, the new through you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Messages are not sent to just a few. All people walking upon Earth have the ability to connect with God in an intimate way. The Spirit of God is within you. My Presence within you is not a myth, nor a whispered legend, which holds no basis of truth. God, The Creator of All Things, knows you personally, and will send to you the words which will guide you out of the darkness into The Light. For I AM within you to do just that. Rise-up and walk in The Light you have been given. Do not deny yourself, when so precious is the gift given unto you.