- 10
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Make no mistake concerning this, you live forever. Yet, even though you live, you cannot carry the material with you, as your being alters from physical to wholly spirit. What you do carry with you is the wisdom gained by your spirit, as you walked Earth. Thus, it is possible to grow in wisdom, even the spirit that is you, wearing a garment of Earth. The wisdom you gain and carry with you is shared with the whole. As you continue, and grow in wisdom, all eternity gains in wisdom, grows with you, with constant change. Continuing creation is not stagnant. It grows as you, and all other beings, contribute to The One. The wisdom of the whole grows richer and more profound with each addition. It is important for you to know this so you might focus on what your contribution will be for you are creating it now.
And The Holy Spirit says:
It is easy to be distracted by the glitter of the material world around you. But it is powerful to set a course, of your everyday journey, which will yield confidence, compassion, wisdom of every description. As you become proficient in this endeavor, it will delight you, to know your contribution to eternity will be one of shimmering glory of your time upon Earth, sharing all you learned, as you move through continuing creation, into eternity.
- 09
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not waste your time fearing that which has not yet happened. Rather choose to prepare for all things by sitting quietly with Me. Work your spiritual muscles in stillness, by asking and receiving guidance in all ways, for all things. Once the practice of quietly asking what you need to know, and receiving the answers from within has been perfected, all doubt and fear will fall from you because you know it is in the stillness you ask and receive answers of wisdom.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not waste your days and nights in the energy of fear, or doubt. Come sit with Me, for I AM your Counselor. I will whisper and you will know The Way, what to say, and where to go.
- 09
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Remember, with sweet recall, in the tender breaking of the light, that you are greatly loved, beyond your understanding of love. I AM unconditionally in love with you. While you are upon Earth it is not easy to be in the state of unconditional love for all things. But it is not impossible to achieve, as long as you remember I AM in love with you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
There is a lightness of being enfolding you, unfolding all around you, when you know you are loved. Know you are loved, unconditionally loved by God.
- 06
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not permit the shadows of the past to darken this new day. Call upon the lessons learned in the fire. Do not weaken the flame with tears of regret, as all you learned is of great value, so treat it as such, accepting the wisdom of that hour long ago to power you into the light of the gift of the dawning of something new.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The temptation will be to regret the challenges and struggles of the past, those times energies of anger, frustration, overwhelming sadness inundated your every thought, shadowing the light of the new day, the present piece of eternity with you. But, if you open that book eagerly, assigning it the importance of a Book of Wisdom, you will look, and see, and know what to say, and where to go.
- 03
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
See Me in the morning, when the sun is rising, giving the world its light. See Me in the evening colors, as the sun says good night, and the evening is as a blanket, spreading over the busyness of the day. At all times I AM with you. When comes the night, release the struggles of the day. Rise up within the blessing of the dawning of a new day, ready to greet whatever comes your way, with Me. I AM in love with you and will never depart from you. In truth the opposite is happening. I AM growing ever nearer to you, as we continue into eternity, cocreating as we move, no barriers, no limitations, only promises, fulfillment, and peace.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you have practiced, living in the present piece of eternity, you will succeed, and find there is no need for worry, concern, fear, or doubt. For it is in the practice you will come to see, and rising, with your spirit, you will figure it out, and come to know I AM within you, always within you, guiding you, comforting you, advocating in ways you do not now know. You are never alone. Rise up, the new day is born, within you.
- 01
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Comes the brightness of a new day, which calls you from the deepest slumber. All is aglow, shining, new, exciting. My love is calling you, also, and it will not fade with the changing hour, or season. My love is constant, ever with you. No placement of the sun, nor the moon, will alter the greatest love that is for you. My arms are as the breeze of a summer day, which brings comfort, and so do I. Come, step into the glorious brightness of this new day, and receive My love, in a most abundant way.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Wash the sleep from your eyes and awaken to that which is new, to that which is with you.
- 30
- Apr
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
There will be times when you are tempted to engage in heated debate, trying to convince others that your perspective is the right way to go. Resist that temptation. Simply live your convictions and your message will be heard without you uttering a single word.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Those who are willing to hold their tongue and listen, even when tempted to shout, reacting defiantly, will learn much in silence which they would not have learned in a battle of words. Listen and learn so you might know the heart of others.