- 14
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not fear the unknown, for when it is with you, it becomes the known. There was a time when where you are, right now, was the unknown, but you chose to travel to Earth, don a robe of Earth, for a while, and the unknown became known to you. You are claiming your eternal presence as you make your way throughout the continuing creation. You are of the stars, and you are of the Earth, and Heaven is your place of birth. At the present time it is difficult for you to recall life in any other form, free of the physical body. It is, for you, the unknown. But each time you step into the unknown you are continuing your journey through eternity. Do not fear the unknown for it is with you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you were as a child you feared many things, such as crossing the street alone. It was, for you, the unknown. As you grew comfortable in your earthly environment, crossing the street was no longer the unknown. You learned how to cross the street, with confidence. Even as you live upon Earth you are passing through the barriers of the unknown, into the sphere of the known. As you continue, ever changing, making your way through eternity, I AM with you, within you, guiding you. Be still, be quiet, and you shall hear Me, and know The Way, as every unknown becomes the known.
- 13
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Listen to My whispers, stirring the trees and air around you. Listen to My whispers, stirring within you the desire to draw nearer to Me, so I might reveal that which you are ready to see, and hear, and know. Know this, there is not one mystery resolved by accident. All things are with you now. All which is yet to happen is with you now. All things are borne within the present piece of eternity with you, now. Whenever there is a great discovery, an unknown is revealed, it is being revealed at the right time, in the right place, for those who will look, and see, and know. It is all with you, now.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not discount whispers in the night, nor signs in the daylight, feelings, words, songs, seemingly coming from nowhere; for they are coming from everywhere to you. These are the things of creation, moving through eternity with you. Be still, be quiet, look, see, and know. It is all with you and I shall guide you to the place, and whisper, and you shall know revelation in its completeness.
- 12
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not permit the murmurings of others to stir you to discontent. Be content in who you are. I AM not asking you to look into a mirror to evaluate your physical appearance. I AM asking you to peer into your soul, in such a way, that you meet your spiritual presence, and therein find peace in who you are.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You are more than what you see in the reflection in a mirror of glass. You are a reflection of God’s Spirit, within you. Allow it to surface, rising up, beyond the physical, embracing fully the spiritual being you are, and will be for eternity.
- 07
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When your eyes close with sleep, remember the day and all that came your way, when the sun did shine, the flowers bloomed, and the butterflies floated on rose scented air. And when you rise, wiping sleep from your eyes, remember the whispers of angels, the stories they told, about beings young and old. These memories will travel with you forever. Drink them up. Fill your cup, with the delights of the day, and the delights of the night, when with your angels, you did take flight.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Every phase of your life upon Earth is important. Do not squander your time with worries, sadness, anger, or regret. Mine the gold of your days, and of your nights, for these glorious memories are forever yours.
- 05
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I AM love. I AM the Source of All Love. So, where does this put you, with regard to My love? It puts you directly in the flow of My love, at all times. Even when you turn your back on Me, My love still enfolds thee, and will not stop doing so. You are the one designated to be the magnifier of My love. You can embrace My love for you, magnify it, within your heart, and let it flow from you, continuing the stream of Love, coming from Me, directing it out into the world around you, without prejudice. In this way, My love is magnified, by you, for others, who not only receive My love, flowing directly to them, but receive My love, flowing from you. It is you who will change the world around you, creating tributaries of love, waters of grace, gifts of My Spirit, which will quench the thirst of the world with that which it needs.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Close your eyes and envision God’s love, streaming to every individual upon the Earth. Now, imagine God’s love being magnified within each person, and released in a flow of love, one from the other, to the other, tributaries of love flowing, crisscrossing, bringing waters to quench the souls trapped in deserts of bitterness, distress, and great thirst. It is not a dream. It is reality waiting for you.
- 03
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When the sky bends all imagination, swooping down to lift you up, ride upon its sweet embrace, held without restraints. Do not struggle to be free, but ride on over the highest mountain peaks, and the widest of oceans, defying logic and current knowledge to breathe in the wisdom of freedom.
And The Holy Spirit says:
I whisper from within each of you, and there are a few who listen and rise-up to meet the sky, resisting restraint, embracing the new, coming from Me, directly to you. Be still and listen. I AM whispering. The birth of freedom occurs every time someone hears the call and answers, and follows, leading The Way, into a new revelation. That which was accepted for so long, always gives way to the new, growing within each of you. Be still and listen. I AM whispering.
- 31
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not allow another’s harsh, thoughtless, or self-serving words to drag you into a place of retaliation or reaction, which will fill your vessel with regret. The only response to a slight or hurtful remark is a silent, “forgive them they know not what they do.” That is it. That is all you need do. And while the temptation to react in kind rather than to respond with kindness, will be great, once you practice the simple forgive them prayer, it will come naturally to your ways, and then your ways will be Mine.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Hold your tongue, when tempted to lash out. It will get easier as you turn inward and listen to My whispers. Then, with practice, it will be natural to turn inward and know My whispers.