- 03
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When the sky bends all imagination, swooping down to lift you up, ride upon its sweet embrace, held without restraints. Do not struggle to be free, but ride on over the highest mountain peaks, and the widest of oceans, defying logic and current knowledge to breathe in the wisdom of freedom.
And The Holy Spirit says:
I whisper from within each of you, and there are a few who listen and rise-up to meet the sky, resisting restraint, embracing the new, coming from Me, directly to you. Be still and listen. I AM whispering. The birth of freedom occurs every time someone hears the call and answers, and follows, leading The Way, into a new revelation. That which was accepted for so long, always gives way to the new, growing within each of you. Be still and listen. I AM whispering.
- 31
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not allow another’s harsh, thoughtless, or self-serving words to drag you into a place of retaliation or reaction, which will fill your vessel with regret. The only response to a slight or hurtful remark is a silent, “forgive them they know not what they do.” That is it. That is all you need do. And while the temptation to react in kind rather than to respond with kindness, will be great, once you practice the simple forgive them prayer, it will come naturally to your ways, and then your ways will be Mine.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Hold your tongue, when tempted to lash out. It will get easier as you turn inward and listen to My whispers. Then, with practice, it will be natural to turn inward and know My whispers.
- 30
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Kindness is contagious. How many times do you have to say, “thank you,” before you hear it repeated all around you? How many times do you have to say, “please,” before you hear it repeated all around you? This might seem too simple, when you are seeking, so diligently, for truth, knowledge, and ultimately wisdom. But when kindness is one of the cornerstones for that which you are building, that is the energy which will vibrate throughout what you create, bringing it to shimmer and shine, as you lift the mundane to the divine.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Walk joyfully into this new day, for it has come to you, and it is yours, continuing the creation, in such a way, that it traverses the ordinary, revealing the sublime.
- 29
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Walking a path of solitude clears the head and heart, preparing for a plentitude of people, and issues, and the ways of the world. Walk often, alone, when there is no chatter and you can feel My presence with you, for it is in these times you will find wisdom in silence.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Withdraw often from busyness, and the noise of everyday, to walk, quietly, observing: the rise and fall of your feet, the breeze as it parts your hair, the sun as it warms your cheeks. Walk in quiet, for I will walk with you, whispering, stirring, guiding. It is in such times you will recognize wisdom, from within.
- 28
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Where is love when you are seeking comfort? Here I AM. Yes, here I AM. When you seek love in the physical world, many times you seek without finding. But, when you seek love in the spiritual world, you always find that which you seek. And that which you find can be amazing, breathtaking, sometimes surprising, at first epiphany. But after the revelation, with the settling in, with resting in the arms of eternal love, you find comfort, peace. You find all you were seeking from the first. So, why not go there first? Once you are engaged with spiritual love, the way you breathe changes. The way you see all things changes. The way you love changes and lifts that which was mundane into the divine.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not place your trust in that which can crumble and vanish with the changing wind, one day of great value, another day of little value. Find the sacred wisdom within and hold to it for it will lift you up when all around you is crumbling into dust.
- 25
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Kindness and gentleness are each its own reward. As you practice with these energies, they begin to move throughout your physical body, stemming from your soul, flowing through your spirit, until you become one with them. You no longer strive to be kind or gentle. You are kindness. You are gentleness. And when this happens you are at peace with all that is.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You always know, when you are working with energies, how they impact you. When you are in love, you are loving. When you are at peace, peace flows from you. Even so, when you are angry it is anger which courses throughout you, roaring from you, crashing out into the world around you. Some energies free you, contribute to your wellbeing. Some energies ensnare you, diminishing your wellbeing. Choose the energies of kindness and gentleness and you will find the peace of God resting within you. I will lead you in goodness, and harmony will follow us along The Way.
- 24
- May
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Remember those who passed through the physical world on their eternal journey, continuing creation. Remember, sometimes recalling sweet moments, poignant moments, hilarious moments. Remember within the energetic sphere you created together, not lingering, nor languishing there, but honoring, in memoriam, with a full heart. Remember.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Memories are not mourning nor are they grieving until you make them so.