- 09
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Let My love guide you through the maze of life upon Earth. In this way you will see the light in every day and sing of the stars in the sky of night. There shall be no confusion when chaos, or the clatter of maddening crowds, threaten to inundate your sense of peace. I will point out the beauty of that which I have created as we make our way through each day. And at night I will whisper, of bucolic delights until your eyes close in sleep. My words will be your anchor and your wings. My love will be your light and revelation, which will guide you forevermore.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The world is distracting you from what can be. Be still, be quiet, for God is speaking to thee.
- 08
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Here it comes. Feel its presence with you. Oh, the delight in its truth. And it is here just for you, My dear creation. What is the “it” of which I speak? It is the present piece of eternity with you, now. Breathe it in, for it shall not come again. Creation continues, expanding, moving ever forward, gaining speed as it goes, and you are within it. So, the present is a gift beyond your imagination. Do not follow temptation to sit in mourning the past, or anxiety about the future. Rise up in the moment and be. It is here. Celebrate that which shall never come again, and then… move on.
And The Holy Spirit says:
It is now that you are to experience the greatest adventure of your lifetime upon Earth. Take nothing for granted. Live as you have never lived before, no matter your age, no matter your physical condition. Live. Breathe the now, as it is the present piece of eternity which is yours to do. Breathe, live, create. Embrace the present which has been given unto you. Take The Hand of God and move on.
- 07
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you feel sadness moving near, silently drawing your attention, be still and call it by name. This is not a part of some parlor game, it is acknowledging, and stepping, with purpose, into, reality and what is happening, in the present. Experience what comes to you and let it flow from you. As blood moves through your veins, allow that which comes to you to flow in and out. In this way there is no denial, there is acceptance of what is, at that moment. It becomes an experience lived, known. Each experience is a piece of the whole, but one experience is not meant to define you. You define yourself as you meet each experience and move onward. Great wisdom is found in the collection of experiences which comprise your lifetime upon Earth. What a collection! What wisdom! What a life!
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you are still, you feel movement around you, more so than when you are bustling here and there. When you are quiet, you hear movement around you, more so than when you are speaking, aloud. In stillness and quiet you will feel and hear and know there is something more occurring around you. Allow the spirit that is you to rise up from within you and step into your everyday life. Allow My whispers to be heard, and the movement of The Spirit of God to rise up, from within you, to fill your every day with Divine Light. Be still, be quiet, allow and know.
- 06
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
There will come a day when you feel light, and free, unrestricted as the birds. I AM not speaking of the day of your ultimate freedom. I AM speaking of today, as you walk amongst the trees, and feel the tender breeze kiss your cheek. All that is needed, for you to experience a change, in how your life is unfolding, is for you to surrender to nature all around you, today. It does not matter if it is cold, or cool, or hot, or warm. It does not matter if it is rainy, or sunny, or misting is occurring in the early morn. The secret, to present freedom, is to experience that which is, and to do so without fear, doubt, or hesitation. If it comes to you, it is yours to embrace, learn, know, and do.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Right now, at this very instant, is the time to embrace that which is with you. It really is not difficult to do. It only seems evasive, because you are constantly tempted to think into the future, to project fears or concerns about what might happen, creating ifs from the unknown. The temptation is to worry about that which has not yet occurred, avoiding that which is, putting contingency plans into place for something held only in your mind, in your worrisome thoughts. Experience the now, which is asking you to use the wisdom of the past to lift the present up into a sublime adventure. Live in the present. Stay in the present. Be still. Be quiet. Do not distract the present experience by swirling into it projections of fear or anxiety. Here is the gift of the present. Accept it, with all it brings with it, for it is yours.
- 04
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Let it be. Listen to Me. Listen to nature, all around you. There is a common thread, and that common thread reinforces The One. Remember, it is all one. We are one. You see the sun, and you see the moon. They appear to be separate in what they do. But that is not true. The sun and the moon are vital pieces of the whole, The One. And so are you. See the flow of brilliant colors as that of the sun subsides, opening to that of the moon. The exchange is natural, marked with displays of magnificent origin, playing out in the sky above you. The exchange of seasons is the same, one giving way to the other in striking exhibition of the remarkable event taking place all around you. See it, as it is the pattern which plays out within thee.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Every time you free yourself from fear and doubt you are in a space of living, beyond constraints, beyond limitations, which hold you in place. Address each fear and doubt with curiosity. Find the source of both and you will quickly let it be, let it pass, as you sit with Me. For, I AM The Wisdom of God, within you. When this realization settles, within you, you will rise up, no need to fear. You will laugh at the doubt, which once plagued you, and threatened your peace and equanimity. Every time you sit with Me, that which once inundated you, will lose its power and melt away. Then, you shall truly be free.
- 03
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
It is possible for great good to come from tragedy. Even when it appears that you have taken the wrong road, it is possible to find yourself on an extraordinary journey, finding your way through that which seemed to be impossible to navigate. Out of darkness, you shall come, walking in The Light. It is possible to break through a wall of hatred, using only the tender implement of love. All things are possible when you walk with Me. I have so much to say to you. And all of it is of great significance. Be still, be quiet, and do not permit the thunder of chaos to drown out My whisper, for I AM calling you to see possibility, even when others cry out, “impossible.”
And The Holy Spirit say:
You act upon that which you know. Before acting, before uttering a word, consider that it is possible you do not know all there is to know. Imagine there is data missing, from your source of information. There are discoveries still to be proclaimed. There are mysteries unresolved, answers without a designation or a name. There is much you do not know, you cannot know, because it has yet to be revealed. Be mindful of this, and sit with Me. You will ask, and I will answer. You will question, and I shall reveal to thee.
- 02
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Refuse to be drawn into chaos and confusion. When there is doubt sit with Me and together, we will sort it all out. There will come to you clarity anew and you will have insight to see each view of the matter. It is not a paradox to see all sides while sustaining more relationship with one. It gives you the ability to know the heart of all, and once that is done, chaos subsides. When you know the truth of the source you know all you need know. Do not be dissuaded from listening to all, with an open heart. Understanding is powerful. Seek it. Before succumbing to the inundation of turmoil and anxiety, be still, be quiet, and listen, with Me.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The wise listen, quietly and with purpose, as if everything depends on what is being said by another person. The thread which can hold the fabric together is wisdom. Wisdom ascends beyond knowledge, data, information, taking all with it to a place of understanding and compassion and peace.