- 28
- Oct
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You are wandering. You are going astray. You are losing your way. You are caught-up in the turmoil, and motion, and the doing of this, and the doing of that; and it leaves no time for quiet reflection, and sitting with Me, in peaceful solitude, so you can see what you need to see. Be still, and sit with Me.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Moving here and there, going everywhere, speaking faster, and faster, and louder, and louder, even your prayers take on a rapid pace. Stop. Be still. Everything, which needs to be done, will be done, but let it be done with grace, and peace, and not a frenzied pace. There is no need to hurry. When you are rushing, you do not notice, that which is waiting to be seen. When you are hurrying, you do not hear, that which is waiting to be heard. Be still. Sit with Me.
- 27
- Oct
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
With the sense of loss, there often comes a longing, for that which you feel is lost, to return to you, to come back to you, to have things, as they were once, when it all seemed right, for you. Do not stay in that state of longing, for what has gone from you, is the sign, that there is something else, coming to you. But in your sense of longing, the desire for the return of that, which you feel is lost, you are not open, to receive the gift, that is coming to you. Look around. Open, your arms, and embrace that, which I send to you. It is not lost. It is time for change. Open your arms, and receive the gift, that is today.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You cannot properly open your arms, and receive the gift, of this day, when you are longing for the days of the past, the things of the past, the way it was, in the past. While you stay in that state of longing, you cannot appreciate the gifts of the present day. Turn around. Look, and see, what God is sending unto thee, the gift of the present day.
- 26
- Oct
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not permit your focus to become so narrow, putting all your energy, into the goal, you have set for yourself, into what you believe, is your destiny, that you lose track of where you are going, and miss the path, which will lead you to fulfillment, accomplishing all that is meant for you to do, grander, and greater, than what you could have imagined, was yours to do. Widen your focus. Open your eyes. Open your ears. See the signs, that are coming to you. Pay attention to where you are going, to that little path, on this side, or that side. Pay attention to what is opening, for you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
There is placed on your heart, a desire, to do something, a mission, just for you. But often, that mission gets side-tracked, in the thoughts of what you believe is possible for you to do. You limit your destiny, with what you think is possible. With God, all things are possible. Follow the signs. Heed the call. Do not hesitate, to step into all you can be. Your destiny is far greater than what you believe it to be.
- 25
- Oct
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not doubt that there is glory, all around you. You see it in the rising sun, and the setting sun, in the rising moon, and the setting moon. You see the glory. You see the glory, playing out, in light, in the way the sun, and the moon, leave highways of light, upon bodies of water, how they touch peaks of mountains, and forest floors. See the glory all around you, in the rain, and the wind, and the song of the bird. Do not doubt the glory that is, because doubt will rob you of the glory of All That Is.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Today, open your eyes, and see what is going on around you, as a child, a child so young that they have not been told histories, or geographies, or family teachings. They are pure. Their slate is clean. They are in awe, of all they see, and they see the glory, in everything. Go forth, this day, as a child of God, and see the glory, in All That Is.
- 24
- Oct
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I love you, with all that I AM, I love you. All that I AM, I give unto you, because I love you. I do not love more upon one, than I do another, because I AM love. Therefore, the constant love flows, from Me, without checking. You will find truth, and comfort, in My love. You will find strength, and courage, and clarity, within My light. And you will be at rest, within My peace, for that is what I give unto you: My love, My light, My peace.
And The Holy Spirit says:
God has not placed a boundary, a barrier, or an obstacle, between you. The only wall erected is put in place by you, by your doubts, by your worries, by your concerns. You tear down the wall, you have constructed, when you give your worries, your concerns, your doubts, to God, and wait to see what God will do for you, because God will do all, for you. Be still. Be quiet. Give your cares to God, and the love of God will enfold you, the light of God will hold you, and the peace of God will be with you.
- 24
- Oct
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inSunday Sermon
“I AM with you. You hear that said, so often, but today, believe, I AM with you, because with that step, it will lead you to a place, where you will know, I AM with you. There will be no doubt, there will be no question, for what you know cannot be taken from you. Know, I AM with you.
“There comes, into the life, of every person, every individual, who lives upon the Earth, times filled with chaos and confusion, times of worry, doubt. These you face, but sometimes, you forget to face them, with God. You wring your hands, you cry, you call-out to others, for help, but you forget the powerful well of God’s love, which never dries up, never runs out. It is there for all, in equal proportion. Come, and take what you need. It is time to go to God, first. The love of God will fill you, to the point where, even in a state of worry, you are changed, instantly, and your worry is set free. You hold it, no longer, because God will take it from thee. In a state of sadness, your sadness will be set free, it will fall from thee, there will be no need for sadness, because God will take it from thee. But you must open the door. The walls are thick. Tear them down. God seeks you, with the flow, of His love, with the majesty, of His light, with the comfort, of His peace. It is all there. It is never taken away. It is not cut up into proportions. It is, there, because God is love. It is the most powerful energy ever created, and there will never be, one to stand above it.
“Put that doubt away, that you cannot be worthy of this love. Put that thought away, that you cannot be worthy, at all. I tell you: it does not matter, what you have done; it does not matter, where you have been; it does not matter, who you have hurt. The love of God is still there, as it has always been. Do not deny yourself the unconditional love of God, because once you know this love, then you are prepared to give love to another person, because it will not be the fabrication of what your idea of love, might be. It will be the unconditional love of God, flowing into thee, and then, you are willing to breathe it out, to another. God’s light flows to you, just the same. It is a light that will bring illumination to places of shadow and darkness, so that you might see, with clarity, and understand, and grow in wisdom, at the hand of God. Only when the light of God, shines through you, and upon all you say, and do, can you be the illumination, and the light, for you are created to be the light, unto the world, not your fabrication of the light, the light, you think should be, but the light of God, shining through thee. In this way, you will begin to bring the peace of God onto the Earth, with your presence, your thoughts, and the words you say.”
- 23
- Oct
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Talk less. Listen more. Be still and quiet. When someone speaks, they are telling you what is on their heart. When you speak, you are revealing what is on your heart. Check your thoughts. What are you thinking? What you are inviting into that sacred chamber, that is your thought? Whatever you are doing, whatever you are entertaining, in your thought, is revealed in the words you say. Listen carefully what those around you are saying to you. If you will listen, carefully, you will not only hear the words, but you will feel the intention, in the meaning of the words, and you will know what is on their heart.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The wise one speaks less, listens longer, listens with intention to hear. Language is a means of communication, but it is jumbled-up, so many times, in nonsense, or ridicule, or mockery, or anger and hatred. These are not the energies you wish to communicate, if you are intending to walk The Way, to live a sacred, holy life. Pay attention to what you are thinking. Bless rather than curse. Listen longer. Speak less.