God Speaks

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      You will recognize The Voice, when you hear the call.  And, upon this day of recognition, there will be no doubt.  Then, with no doubt, walk toward The Voice, toward the call, and soon you will see, and know it all, even that which had once evaded your vision, evaded your ears.  On that day, there will no crying, only laughter, and the knowing, that you are blessed, and know where you are going.  With The Voice still constant, within you, you will be led, always led.  You are My child, and you shall never walk alone.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Do you hear My whisper?  Wait.  Be still.  Be quiet.  In the silence you will hear.  Turn from the ways of the world, and listen.  The Wisdom of Heaven is with you, now, and forever, as I AM with you, now, and forever.  Rise-up, child of God, and walk into this new day dawning, and know where you are going.  Live, with confidence.  Live, as The Light of God leads you, through this day, into tomorrow.  Live.



      As I call you to come to Me, just as you are, invite Me into your day, just where you are.  When it is cold, and you wrap yourself in a warm coat, let My arms wrap you in My warmth, and My love.  When it is a warm day, and you play in the sun, let Me play with you, until the day is done. When it seems the world rejects you, take My hand.  When you are tempted to reject others, know My plan, we are one.  And then, it is your turn.  It is your turn to say, “Come, sit with me.”  It is your turn to wrap your arms around the one, who is cold, to play with the one who is happy, to be tender with the one, who has been rejected, hurt, or wounded.  If you will invite Me, into all that you do, Heaven will reign upon the Earth, through Me, and through you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       It does not matter what is happening, in your life, at all.  It does not matter where you are, who you are, I AM within you.  I hold The Wisdom of Heaven to dispense to you, and to guide you.  Do not reject the invitation to hold The Wisdom of Heaven, and to dispense it to others, around you.  Do not reject the gift that is, within you.




      Do not allow another person to define the role, you are to play, in your lifetime, upon Earth.  Another person does not know your heart, your soul, your spirit.  You, with your free will, are to be the author of the role, you will play, the director of how you will play the role.  It is your book of life, the story of what you are going to do with your life, upon Earth.  Do not let another person rob you of the glory, of writing your own story, of defining the role that you will play.  Be mindful, be thoughtful, be vigilant, and write, your own story.  I have given you free will to do so.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       You have the opportunity, starting right now, to define your character, the role you are to play, in a great production, that is the continuation of your lifetime, upon Earth.  And it does not matter how young you are, or how old you are, where you are, or what you are doing, right now.  Stop.  Think, and pray, and ask for guidance, today, on maneuvering you, in such a way, that you are now placed, exactly where you are to be.  Ask for guidance, from Me, and I will provide The Wisdom of Heaven, for you to use, as you make your decision, as you use your free will, to define who you are, today.  Do not let another person take this away.  It is yours.  Define who you are, today.



      When times are difficult, when the storms are upon you, you pray, and you pray, fervently, for help.  When days are good, and the sun is shining, use those days to create the energies of thanksgiving, and gratitude, and fill your heart with thanksgiving, and gratitude.  When you are thankful, when you are grateful, for what you have, that energy, that grows within you, fuels you, and protects you, when the storms do come, and the waters, of the river, do rise.  Hold thanksgiving, and gratitude, in your heart, and through your eyes, you will see, as I see.  Through your ears, you will hear, as I hear.  And your lips will pronounce the words, all others wish to hear.  “Thank you.”  “I appreciate you.”  “I am grateful for what you are doing.”  It is a sweet song to hear.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Teach those around you to be thankful, and grateful, by being the example.  Be thankful, be grateful, and be so with words, with actions.  Do not hold it within you, whispering how thankful you are, how grateful you are.  Say it aloud, so others might hear, what it sounds like to be thankful, what it sounds like to be grateful.  And let it shine-out, in all you do, so others can see, what it is like to be thankful, to be grateful.  Be the living example for thankful, for grateful.  And this will grow, within you, and you will not long, so much, for that which you do not have.  But the song will be of thanksgiving, and gratitude, for what you do have.  Practice the art of being thankful, and grateful, today.




      I wish for you to go deeper, in your relationship, with Me.  I love you.  Do not leave Me.  I love you.  Feed our relationship, with attention.  You make time, once a week, maybe more, to go to church, or a service, or a meeting, or a gathering, and join others, in speaking of Me, and speaking of those, who come to life, in the pages of the Old and the New Testament.  You do these things, and you sing.  And then, you leave that place, close the door, and go about your daily life.  I want you to spend more time, with Me, not singing, not talking, not praying, just sitting, quietly, with Me, with your eyes closed, an indication of your inward journey, and listen, and see, what is revealed to thee.  I AM waiting.  Make time for Me.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       The deeper you go, into a relationship, of any kind, the richer that relationship becomes.  You know more.  You engage more.  You go deeper, and deeper, until you feel the relationship, as it is alive.  It is real.  This is the type of relationship, that you can have, with The Creator of All Things, with God, a relationship that will grow, and feed, and sustain you.  In this relationship, you no longer are caught-up with doubt, or worry, or concern.  The relationship, enfolds you, and it grows, and you feel it, and you know, that relationship, you have with God, is real.  It lives.




      “I AM with you.  I reach-out for you, and you feel My presence, with you.  The air, about you, is charged.  It is alive, because we are communicating, and it is the chamber of our communication.  Waves of grace flow all around you, and into you, and through you, as you acknowledge My presence.  As you speak My name, and I whisper yours, we are one.                      


      “A relationship, of any kind, can wither, and fade, if it is not nourished, with attention and intention, with love, respect, kindness, with a presence, with a coming together, with going deeper, into that relationship.

     “When you are walking around, outside, you might see an interesting rock, a rather large rock, on the ground.  But it calls to you, in such a way, that you stoop down, and look at it, getting to know it a little bit better.  And then, there is that moment, when you feel you want to, lift-up the rock, and see, what is underneath.  You want to go deeper, and you see.  You see earth worms, little bugs, maybe a sail, bits and pieces, of the bottom of the rock, that have joined the soil.  Then, you gently replace the rock.  In that few minutes, you saw the rock, acknowledged it, but you went deeper.  And now, you know what is beneath the rock.

      “You can visit another country, and stay in a hotel, isolating yourself, from all the people around you, except to go see certain sights, and monuments.  So, you see the surface of the country.  But for those who are interested in really going deeper, into that energy, of that county, you meet natives, you meet the people, who live in that country.  You are blessed, by an invitation, to their home, and you sit, and you laugh, and you begin to understand, better.  You have gone deeper, into the country, into the heart of the individuals, living in that country.  And this going deeper, brings you a different relationship, with that country.

      “You can plant a garden.  Purchase plants, or save them from seeds, seeds that come from the fruits, or the vegetables, that you have eaten.  You can dig a hole, and put your plant in it, or spread some earth and sprinkle your seeds there.  But if you want to go deeper, you can begin to study.  What is the best nutrient to add to the soil?  What is the best plant that would be good for this plant?  Should it be in sun, or shade?  How much water should it have?  What is the soil?  Does it need to be tended, and raked?  You learn all these things about the garden, because you wish to go deeper.  And the result is a healthier garden, a stronger garden, a garden that can bring beautiful fragrance to the air, or feed your friends, and family, with the vegetables, and fruits, that are there.  It yields more, it gives more, because you were willing to go deeper.

      “Take that attitude with your relationship with God.  Go deeper than attending services.  Go deeper than singing songs.  Go deeper than studying books.  Go deeper, in your relationship, with God.  It is important to make time, every day, to sit, quietly, not to speak, not to sing, not to pray for something, just sit, and let God touch you, with what you need, not what you think you need, not what is on your list to pray for, but what you truly need.  Go deeper, in your relationship, with God.”




      Every day you live, you are writing another page, in your book of lessons learned.  It is your book of wisdom.  And while you cannot see the book, or turn the page, you are writing it on the hallways of your heart, in the chamber of your spirit, in the sanctity of your soul.  There is a book, which soon will be read, and soon will be told, about all you learned, during your lifetime, upon Earth.  And some, of those things, that you regret doing, are your teachers.  Instead of staying in a state of regret, about something you have done, use that situation, as a lesson, something you learned, that is not to be done, or to be done, however that lesson turned-out.  Instead of regretting it, learn from it, and let it become a pearl of wisdom.  Your book of wisdom, the lessons of your life, has great value.  Do not skip from day to day, paying no attention to what has come to you, in the form of lessons.  Spend time with it.  Look at it, and see, the opportunity, to grow, in wisdom.  Do not regret it, learn from it.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       While the book of your lifetime, upon Earth, might not be seen by others, you carry it within you.  It is the wisdom you hold within you.  Where once you might have done something, without regard for the impact it might have on you, or others, because you have the book within you, you refrain from doing that, which you might once have done.  You learn from these falls, tumbles, missteps.  They are of great value.  Do not regret them.  Learn from them.