God Speaks

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      Do not take the people you love, your current situation, or circumstance, or the environment around you, for granted, expecting all things to stay the same.  This is rarely true, for growth requires change.  Enjoy the people you love.  Enjoy your current situation, and circumstances, the environment around you.  Celebrate every day, that comes your way, with the people you love.  Then, as the normal, and natural, flow of change, takes place, and weaves itself, in and out, of the people you love, the circumstances, situations, and environment, in which you find yourself, embrace the change.  Do not expect anything.  Celebrate everything.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       When everything, in your life, is moving smoothly, the people you love, love you, your circumstances, and situation, is as you would have it to be, and the environment is pleasant, celebrate, each minute, each hour, of the day.  Make gratitude and thanksgiving welcomed companions.  Walk with them, every day.  Push aside expectations.  Reject the temptation to take people, circumstances, situations, and the environment around you, for granted.  Let gratitude and thanksgiving replace expectation.




      I have made provision for you, each, and everyone, of you.  For the entire time, you walk upon the Earth, there is a plan.  And My plan is brighter, and more glorious than that, which you can imagine.  Here, take My hand, and let us walk through the provisions that I have made for you.  Each step, along The Way, is already set in place.  You will not be lost, or wander, in darkness, holding My hand, knowing The Way, walking within the provision I have made for you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Cast aside the temptation to worry so much, for God loves you.  And held within that love, at the core of that love, at the very essence of that love, is where God has made provision for you, not only during the time you are living in the place that is divine, in The Dimension of Perfection, you often call Heaven, but during the time you walk, upon the Earth, as well.  God has a Divine Plan for you, and in it is included all that you might do, through your entire lifetime, so that you might live joyfully, worry-free, carefree, holding the hand of God, living, abundantly.




      Free yourself from worry, and concern, by addressing that, which is calling-out, for your attention.  If there is something, that needs addressing, now, do it, now.  Do not push it in a corner.  Do not say you will do it tomorrow.  If it is calling, answer with your attention.  And then, there will be no worry, or concern, about something, that has been left undone.  Do not trouble your heart, with fear, or doubt.  Do not cloud your spirit, and your vision, with anger, or frustration.  Stand, and be clear, on that, which is to be done, by addressing, that which comes to you.  A thought, that races, through your mind, is as if someone is tapping you, on the shoulder, saying, “Pay attention.  This needs your attention”.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       When thoughts of shadow, and darkness, jump into your mind, refusing to leave you, no matter how much you try to rid yourself of them, it is a sign.  These things need addressing.  They are calling for your attention.  And unlike the ones who are inviting you to do something, which needs to be done, these temptations, into shadow, and darkness, are offering the opportunity for you to practice what you know, about ridding yourself of these energies, and keeping so.  For you cannot have clarity, of vision, when, within you, there are storms of shadow, and darkness.  These things need your attention, too.  But they require something different of you.  They require that you address them by practicing all that you know.  Once you have addressed issues, matters, things, which need to be done, such as writing a letter, making a phone call, completing a project, you feel confidence and at peace.  And when you take care of these shadowy energies, popping into your thoughts, ruling your mind, then you are free, from worry, and concern, because the shadow, and darkness, is not plaguing you, or clouding your vision, stealing your clarity.  Address all, which needs to be done, today.  And do it, in a confident way, for that, which comes to you, is yours to do.





      “I AM with you.  If the sun is shining, upon your face, I AM with you.  If the rain is falling, upon your face, I AM with you.  If there is a smile, upon your face, I AM with you.  And if tears roll down your face, I AM with you.  No matter what you are facing, today, I AM with you.  Come, let us do, what today brings to you, and let us do it, together.                        

“We have talked, many times, about procrastination.  And each time I have urged you to address that, which you are pushing in a corner, or saving for tomorrow, or another day.  I bring to you a reminder.  Do, what comes to you, what is calling-out, for your attention, because these thoughts, that are moving through your head, are a prompting, are a sign, that there is something you need to do.  And this something will plague you, until it is addressed, until you have done it, until it is finished, and complete.  And when I speak to you, of finishing, and completing, something, which needs your attention, I AM not only addressing these projects that you have not finished, yet, I AM also addressing the temptations, that come to you, from shadow, and darkness.  I AM addressing all things, that pop into your head, or move around in your thoughts, because you need to have them in order.  You need to be vigilant, so you are not crowded, because this crowding, of the undone the unfinished, the uncompleted, prevents you from leading a peaceful life.  It can actually bring fear, or doubt, worry, and concern to you, as well. 

      “It is important to rid yourself, immediately, of thoughts of darkness, and shadow, of these temptations, leading you away from The Light.  Do not push them aside, and think they will go away, on their own, because they will not.  They will hide, under a blanket, waiting; and then, at the appropriate time, they will jump into your thoughts, again.  And if the issue is not attended to, they will return to their hiding, until they want to tempt you, again.

      “Begin today, to finish the projects, that need addressing.  Begin today, to make that phone call, that is long overdue.  Begin today, to do all, that is in front of you, to do, one at a time.  But do not go into this day without ridding yourself of the temptations, the spirits of anger, the spirits of envy, the spirits of jealousy, the spirits of hated.  Rid yourself of these things, immediately, because that, too, is yours to do.  Once it is done, you will walk in the rain, you will walk in the sun; and you will be free, and at peace, because worry, concern, anxiety, and fear, will not live in your heart, will not be near.  Do not put off for tomorrow, that which can be done today.  Pay attention to the signs, as they come your way.”   



      No matter how much the world tried to convince you that I do not exist, I do.  And just because it is said, many times, that I do not exist, I do.  The reason you cannot be dissuaded from knowing, I exist, is that you know it, within your soul, and your spirit.  And what you know cannot be taken from you.  I love you.  I do exist, and all you need do, is look at nature, and My creation, all around you, and you will see, the majesty, and it will always confirm your knowing, that I love, and so do you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       What you know, within, your soul, your spirit celebrates, from the birth until you are growing old.  It does not change, because it is the piece of God, that is, within you.  And when you do not cover it up, or hide it, or are fearful, or doubt, you might stack, dust, and debris, over The Spirit, over the piece of God, over All That Is, and continues to be in eternity.  But it cannot go away.  It is with you.  It is the piece of God, with you, and it is with you, today.




      You are the light unto the world.  You shine, with My Light, that is within you.  And when you keep yourself clean, free of shadow, and darkness, from within, your light grows, even more brilliant than it has ever been, before.  And when you find others of the light, and you join in community, your lights come together, creating a magnificent illumination, which no darkness can overpower.  Darkness cannot, will not, shall not, overpower The Light.  Darkness cannot consume The Light.  But even when it is but one light, shining, that light overpowers the darkness, for there is no darkness in My Light, and you are My Light.  Shine.  Be bright.  Illuminate the night, and bless the day, and gather together with others, who say, “Let us bring forth The Light of God, upon the Earth.”

And The Holy Spirit says:

       If you close your eyes, and imagine everything is dark, no light, then you can also imagine one, small, solitary candle, flickering, in the darkness.  The darkness cannot put out that light.  But when that solitary flame, flickers, and burns, it overpowers the darkness, no matter how widespread it might be.  And from far away, you can see that solitary light.  There is power in The Light, and The Light will overpower darkness.  Do not forget The Power within you, The Power of My Light, within you.  Go forth, into the world today, and bless it with a ray, with My Way, with My Light.  You are the light unto the world.




      For the one, who is willing to practice patience, there is less remorse, less regret, less reason for forgiveness, or apology.  They free themselves, of these energies, because they were willing to practice patience.  Today, as you make your way, through work, or play, there will come many opportunities to be patient.  Be patient, when traffic is clogged-up, and forward progress is slow.  Be patient, with your children, when they run too fast, or walk too slow.  Be patient, with others, who express an opinion that might be different from yours.  Be quiet.  Be patient, and you will be at peace.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Practicing patience is an art.  You must be willing to do it to hold your temper, to be still, to be quiet, and observe what is happening around you.  For those who are patient, the atmosphere, the situation, might not always be clear.  But what is quite obvious, is that they are willing to be patient, with others, situations, and themselves.  And in this way, they are not shackled, with remorse, and regret.  There is no need to forgive, because judgment has not been made, at all.  Be patient.  Listen, and I will whisper the words to say, and they will bring peace to the day.