- 21
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not tarry at the bottom of the staircase. Begin to climb, with eager anticipation, putting one foot after the other, on each step, ascending, thankful, for that, which is with you, enthusiastic, for that, which is yet to come.
And The Holy Spirit says:
For each of you, there is a staircase, and it will lead you up, up amongst the stars, through shafts of light, from dimension to dimension, all the while, celebrating who you are, and the destiny that is yours to claim. Celebrate in thanksgiving, and sing, The Name of God.
- 21
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inSunday Sermon
“I AM with you. We have much to do together, so let us begin. Now is your time, and you are not alone, we walk together. As you are in the garden of Earth, I AM with you, from the time of your birth, until you answer the call to come Home. This is today, let us live it, together.
“Now is your time. You are upon Earth for a reason, and that reason is not to be fearful, or hesitant, or worried, about anything. Your lifetime is meant to be an exciting Earth experience. And it can be an experience of Earth and Heaven, at the same time. Use all, The Gifts of The Holy Spirit, you have been given, and live. Live each moment. Live with enthusiasm, embracing your time, your journey.
“Now is not the time to waver, or falter. You have an allotted amount of time to reach the goal, and doing so will create your great adventure, marking each step, marking each word. Take that, which you have been given, and live the life, that is yours to live. Be thankful for all that is with you. Be grateful as you ascend the staircase that is set before you. Do not delay, for each step holds another gift. And when you reach the top, and look back down on all you did, you will sing, and your song will be a glorious story, celebrating your life upon Earth.
“Bring Heaven onto the Earth in all you think, and do, and say. Let thanksgiving be with you every, single day. Do not wait for one day to celebrate thanksgiving. Make thanksgiving a way of living, and do so, today.”
- 20
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not besmudge a, kind, or noble, deed with anger or frustration. If you are stirred to selfless action, stand tall, without ensnaring it all with ire, resentment, or fury, toward another, or others. Let your altruistic deeds be just that, standing in the light, generous in their conception, of thought, gallant in the feat.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you see injustice, harm, or hurt, do not point the finger, or wag the tongue. Address that which you see with humanity, humility, and service. Be the hand of God, and bring peace to each issue, even when it stems from the hand of another. Do not blame. Proclaim, and let your proclamation be of love, and service, in The Name of God.
- 19
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Come, and let My love wash away all disappointment welling-up inside of you, because something did not turn out the way you wanted it to. Let us look at it anew, together, for there are endless possibilities set before you. What do you want to do? We can begin again, or resume, where you left off. Take your time, rather than trying to think it through, pray for guidance, and wisdom to see the way clear of all obstacles, impediments, and debris. Do not reject that which comes to you, for you hold The Wisdom of Heaven, within you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Sometimes, that which you are meant to do gets all tangled up with the fears, doubts, and worries, hiding inside you. You begin to walk The Way, when suddenly you are distracted by concern, and enthusiasm is stifled in a cloud of uncertainty. When you feel this vibration, moving through you, stop. Realize you are being attacked by the demons of doubt, or fear, weaving threads of worry into your thoughts. Call on me, and we will cast them out, and clear The Way for a brand new day, one in which you will regain confidence, and move forward with certainty, calm in the storm, at peace, once again.
- 18
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Sit by a river, or a stream, and watch, and you will soon see objects, such as a leaf, or a stick, flow with the river, ride the stream. But you will also see some objects held in a place where the water is still, not moving, while other objects, are caught-up on rocks, branches, or debris, which have fallen into the water, curtailing forward progress. As you observe what is happening, you might find they remind you of yourself, or others you know. Make sure that you ride with the stream, flow with the river, go where you need to go, without being hindered, or distracted, and pulled to the side, stagnant, for a while, or caught-up on an obstacle.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Keep your focus. The living water, of God’s grace, and love, flows, and the flow is constant, fluid. The water flows where it is to go, and if you are within the living water, you will be carried within God’s flow. The living waters, that God sends to you, are meant to take you where you need to be, so that you might do all you are meant to do.
- 17
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Let the ways of kindness, compassion, and love, mark you, stamp your life, be what you show to others, through your deeds. Permit Me to love you, fully, and completely, by removing all the obstacles you have built in the way. Let My kindness, compassion, and love, for you, fill you. And, as it passes through you, allow it to flow to others, through you; for, it is in this way that others might know Me, through what they see, in you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you know The Ways of God, it is not important, to you, to command, or demand, or coerce, others, into doing, as you do, thinking, as you think, speaking, as you speak. When you know The Ways of God, you are content, knowing: that God loves all the children upon Earth; that I AM within, and will guide, from within. In this way, this knowing, this personal, strong relationship, you have established, with God, The Creator of All Things, will lead you to know that you must love first; you must be kind, and compassionate, first; and, leave the rest to The One, Who knows best. Leave the rest to God.
- 16
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not take the people you love, your current situation, or circumstance, or the environment around you, for granted, expecting all things to stay the same. This is rarely true, for growth requires change. Enjoy the people you love. Enjoy your current situation, and circumstances, the environment around you. Celebrate every day, that comes your way, with the people you love. Then, as the normal, and natural, flow of change, takes place, and weaves itself, in and out, of the people you love, the circumstances, situations, and environment, in which you find yourself, embrace the change. Do not expect anything. Celebrate everything.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When everything, in your life, is moving smoothly, the people you love, love you, your circumstances, and situation, is as you would have it to be, and the environment is pleasant, celebrate, each minute, each hour, of the day. Make gratitude and thanksgiving welcomed companions. Walk with them, every day. Push aside expectations. Reject the temptation to take people, circumstances, situations, and the environment around you, for granted. Let gratitude and thanksgiving replace expectation.