- 05
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You have been told that I AM spirit, I AM love. You eagerly embrace this, and wish to draw nearer to Me, even closer than you are today. But the way you think of Me has something to do with drawing nearer, drawing closer. Give up the idea that I AM in a realm of limitations, and boundaries, rules, and regulations, which are used as guidelines, in the world of man. I AM not a specific height, or size, of any kind. I AM not a specific complexion, nor am I any specific nationality. Yet a child can easily recognize Me, and know Me, because they have not yet cloaked their spirit. Many of you will say, “I do not define You, God, with the limitations of Earth.” But you must recheck this statement. If you define Me, with any limitation, with any specific build, or demeanor, or anything else you have personally experienced, in the world, then you are limiting Me in your eyes, you are limiting Me to that which you know. Release your physicality and embrace your spirituality, the spirit that is you. Live there, first, where our spirits are as one, and love will grow, within you, beyond limitations, and boundaries; and, you will draw nearer to Me.
And The Holy Spirit says:
God is all around you. And, when God is all around you, you are in the arms of love. You have heard it said, or read, that God is spirit, God is love, God is truth. These descriptions do not define God, or limit God, in physical terms, but rather energies, which live beyond the body. You are created in the image, and likeness, of God, but it has nothing to do with your physical form, temperament, or talents. You are in the spirit image, and likeness, of God, and that image and likeness is eternal, and beyond limitations, and boundaries.
- 04
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Close your eyes, and see, Heaven and Earth as one, the gifts of The Eternal Kingdom, flowing, gathering, blessing, lifting-up, and enfolding, all who will see. Understand that you can bring The Ways of Heaven onto, and into, the world, created by man, by that which you create. Earth is My creation, and she knows My Ways, and lives in My Ways. The world of man is created by humankind; but it, most frequently, creates for its own pleasure, profit, and will. My Ways will flow, in the world of man, through your creations, your thoughts, your words, your deeds. Every time you choose to create, in The Way I have taught you, you bring My Way, steadfastly amongst you. As you walk The Way, you are the light unto the world, and the world knows The Ways of Heaven, through that which you create. And lo, Heaven is amongst you, Heaven is in the world! Close your eyes and see this.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The ways of the world can be deceptive, deceiving, and unforgiving. The Ways of God are of eternal, unconditional love, and they will not mislead, deceive, or deny mercy. Every act of kindness, forgiveness, compassion, or love brings The Ways of God into the world. It is in this way that The Kingdom of Heaven will be with you, and within you, today. It is in this way that miracles will replace the impossible.
- 03
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When the light, from the rays, of a rising sun, shine through the windows, into a room, there is life, life brought to the glass, and the mirrors, and all the objects in the room, as they are touched, by the light. If there is a time to see, the majesty of a room, it is no better time, than with the light, from the rays, of the rising sun. As the light meets the glass, and the mirrors, rainbows of color reflect on the walls. As the light passes through the glass it is a time of reflection, it is a time for meditation, and prayer, asking for the wisdom to see all that is there, held within the light, from the rays, of the rising sun.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When the light, from the rays, of the rising sun, shine through the window, and change the room, it is brightened, and lightened, and it is joyful to see the colors, that are brought forth, from the light, and the glass, and the mirrors. But it is also an opportunity to notice the dust, remaining in places, you thought were clean. The dust on the floor, or the table, or the chair, is a reminder of something that is there, which you can attend, which you can address, and make clean, and free, of the dust, and debris. So, as the glory, of the light, fills the room, it has also brought, to your attention, of things that need doing, by you. This is not a condemnation. This is revelation, showing, so you might see, and in the glory of the light remove all dust and debris.
- 02
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When turbulent times are upon you, and you feel as if you are holding onto a piece of the ship that has gone down, just managing to keep your head above the water, call My Name, and come to Me. As you rest in Me, I will give you comfort. You will find the strength, and the courage, to flow freely, with that which comes your way, no longer clinging to that which seemed unsinkable, but riding the current, in The River of My Love, knowing I AM with you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not be shaken by the storms of doubt. Strengthen the gift of faith by allowing impossible to become possible.
- 01
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I give you today. This day is my gift to you. As with any gift, you have the choice as to what you do with it. Sometimes when you receive a gift, you unwrap it and it is just the right gift. It is just the thing you wanted, so you eagerly use it. Other times, you receive a gift and the gift is interesting. You may want to use it, but you are unsure how it will fit into your life and when you will use it. So, you set it on a shelf or in a closet. Other times you are given a gift and it is not at all something you want or something you think you will use. So, you throw it away, or you give it to charity, or you re-gift it. Consider carefully what you will do with the gift of this day. For it is yours to use as you wish, but it is still a piece of your Eternity. It is a piece of your eternal journey. What you do with today will affect tomorrow and the next day. I encourage you to use today wisely. Don’t set it on the shelf. Don’t throw it away. Embrace it for it is my gift to you.
And the Holy Spirit says:
Look at today as a gift. Consider it as a gift and the time of today will be more precious to you. This will help you to be more conscious of what you do with this day. No matter what you choose in this day, know that God loves you and he is with you.
- 30
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Your body needs food to nourish and sustain it. For without food, it withers and begins to die. The same is true for the spirit within you. Your spirit, your soul, the Eternal part of you must also be nourished with food. But, this part of you is not nourished through physical food. It is nourished by me. Don’t let your spirit, your soul, grow weak and begin to wither. Feed it every day. Feed it simply by turning your thoughts to me. Come, spend a few moments every day in my presence meditating, praying, thinking on me. When you do this, your soul will be fed and it will strengthen the rest of you as well. Then you will have what you need to meet the challenge of each day.
And the Holy Spirit says:
I AM within you to feed your spirit and soul. Allow me to do this so that you will be filled with the light and the love of God. Simply quiet your body and your mind, and sit with me, and listen. When you do this, you will begin to experience the presence of God and his nourishment that sustains your life.
- 29
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You are created in my image. I am a creator. Look around. You will see much that I have created. All the beauty in the Earth: the mountains, the valleys, the rivers, the lakes, the fields, and the beaches. All these things my hand has created. Look up in the sky. You will see the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds, and the colorful rainbow. All these my hand has created. Look around. All the animals—the birds, the bees, the monkeys, the horses, the dogs, the cats, the snakes, and the lizards—all these my hand has created. And I have created you, also, in my image. Therefore, you are a creator. Each day you create. Pay attention to what you are creating today. You create words. You create thoughts. You create ideas. Create good things. Create positive things today so that you will be filled with light and joy.
And the Holy Spirit says:
You are a beautiful being because you are created in God’s image. You reflect His beauty. Do not give in to negative energies today. Do not create negative things—things of anger, of worry, of anxiety, of revenge, of violence. Create positive energies of love, of kindness, of goodness, of generosity, of peace and blessing and forgiveness. Create these today and you will experience the peace of God.