- 09
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Perspective, gratitude. Being able to alter your perspective, even ever so slightly, allows you to see what is happening, in a different light. Gratitude allows you to grow, in the experience, not wanting what is not with you, but being thankful for that which you have. These, two things will bring, to the one, willing to practice, altering their perspective, and maintaining gratitude, within them, calm, and peace, no matter what is happening. With perspective, you can see, through the eyes of all. You are not locked into one position. You can move, and change, and adapt to your perspective to see, in a broader scope, rejecting the narrow focus, for a full horizon, where all is available to look, and see, and know. When you are establishing gratitude, within you, you do not think of what you do not have, you do see what is with you, and are thankful for it. You do not long for the bag of cookies, when you see one cookie, on a plate, and you are thankful for it. This gratitude swells, and grows, and replaces expectation. Perspective, gratitude, they equal peace, they equal calm.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You do not have to live long, upon the Earth, until you notice that no matter what is happening, how much turmoil, how much chaos, is occurring, there always seems to be, at least, one person, who is calm. And they are able to hold that peaceful presence, no matter what is happening. It is because they have changed their perspective, and they see the whole. They do not see it as happening, just to them, it is happening to all. Their perspective is broadened. They are not focused on just one piece of the whole. They see it all. They also know gratitude, and when there are times of plenty, they are grateful. When times are leaner, and there is less, they are still grateful, for what they have. Always look, with a wide perspective. Always live, with gratitude, for what you have. Living, in this way, brings you peace, no matter what comes with the day. Perspective, gratitude.
- 08
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Before you speak, pause. Think about what you are preparing to say. Question. Is it a blessing on what is happening today? Is it a blessing on the person, standing before me? At first, this pause might seem awkward, a bit uncomfortable for you, or the person with you. That does not matter. Before you release the words, from your mouth, make sure they are a blessing, not a curse. The pause is well worth the wait. It will make the difference in what you are saying, in what you are pronouncing. Do not hesitate to wait, to pause, to bless the day.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Think before you speak. Better yet, pray before you speak. Make sure the words you say, are spoken, in such a way, as to pour out The Wisdom of Heaven upon the Earth. A quick response to something another has said, which could be unsettling, or disturbing, in any way, only adds to the torment of the day. Bless the world, not curse the world. Think. Pray before you speak.
- 07
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I wish for you to know the power of knowing who you are. You are My child. You know the power of knowing who you are, in the physical world, something, a bit, about you parents, or grandparents, or family members. This knowing gives you power to settle comfortably into who you are. Now, know you are My child. Know that your heritage comes from Me. I AM The Source of your eternal life, and there are great benefits in My Family. So much is yours, that you are not using, because you do not know who you are, first. I love you. You are My child. Embrace the power, and the comfort, and the love, which I give unto you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Being comfortable, in your own identity, gives you peace, gives you confidence. And with that comes a power, which allows you to move, through your everyday life, being comfortable with who you are, because you know. You can move though your everyday life, and into your next phase, of your eternal life, in comfort, and confidence, and knowing, that you are an eternal being, and your heritage is from The Source of All Things, The Creator of All Things, God, your Parent. When you begin to use this knowing, and wear it, comfortably, no matter where you are going, your life will change, because you know who you are, completely, eternally.
- 07
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inSunday Sermon
“I AM with you. Knowing this brings you confidence, and comfort. I AM with you. I walk with you. And, if you choose, I will talk with you. And, if you choose, I will show you The Way. Come, I will show you The Way, today.
“You see confidence, and courage, and power, that comes from confidence, and courage, many times a day. If you are a child of school age, you see this confidence growing, in your peers, as they know how to add, how to subtract, how to read, where certain countries are, on the map. And, with the learning, with the knowing, comes not only the responsibility of doing, what you have learned, but there comes courage, and confidence. And, with this growing, in facts, and figures, and words, there comes a power, that you know these things, and no one can take it from you. As you grow, and mature, you see it in individuals, around you. When they know something, they are confident, and this confidence brings them courage to do things that other people cannot do, because they do not have the knowing.
“When you are in a relationship, any kind of relationship, with another person, or people, that relationship is deeper, and stronger, as you grow in confidence, that your love, and admiration, and respect, is reciprocated. And, in that relationship, those that are in the relationship grow in confidence, encouraged by the support of those in the relationship, to do, all that they can do, without hesitation, without limitation. When you see a child, running across a playground, they often look back to see, and to make sure, that a parent is close by. And when they look, and see, the parent is close by, they continue their journey, their experience of Earth by swinging a bit higher, climbing a bit higher, joining groups of other children playing, with confidence that, that parent is close by. There is confidence, and courage, which yield power, when you know who you are, and what you are doing. And this is good. In your life upon Earth, this is good, because when you have that confidence, and courage, from knowing, who you are, you accomplish much. There is little fear, because you know who you are, and what you are doing. That is simply said, simply put.
“Now, take another step to the realization of not only living in the present, but living in the present piece of eternity, that is your eternal life. Know you are God’s child. Know where you came from. Know you have a mission. And know you have been given all you need to accomplish your mission, upon Earth. Whatever is set before you, you are prepared to do it. It would not be with you, if you could not do it. Therefore, go into this day, confident in who you are, physically, in the present piece of eternity, but also knowing who you are, eternally, taking that knowing, which will give you confidence, and courage, which will then yield the power you need to do all that is asked of you, and even more. You have heard it said, by Me, ‘You can do all that I AM doing, and even greater things.’ But first, you must live the knowing of who you are. You are a child of God. Do not deny it. Do not limit it. Live it.”
- 06
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Whenever another person comes to you, in need, asking for help, or assistance, give, without hesitation, give, because the opportunity has come to you, to be My hands, upon the Earth. It is cause for celebration. You have filled a need. You have been the source of joy, for another person. When someone comes to you, asking for any kind of help, or assistance, realize this is why you are upon the Earth, to be My hands, and My feet, and My eyes, and My ears. Do not reject the call for help. Do not pass-up the opportunity to do My work, upon the Earth.
And The Holy Spirit says:
There is much need, and you are there, to take the step, to provide what is needed. There is much longing, for compassion, and understanding, and you are there, to sit, be still, and with your willingness to listen, you are the balm to their wound. Do not hesitate to give, and give more than that, which is asked of you. Do not hesitate to walk the extra mile, with your brother, or sister, when they are in need, of companionship, and understanding. Do not hesitate, to accept a responsibility, and see it, as the opportunity, to do the work of God, upon the Earth.
- 05
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Do not fear unexplored territory, when it is My Hand, leading you into revelation you have not known before. Each step, we take, together, into The Kingdom of Heaven, will be divine, for it is possible for you to know, My Ways, while you walk, upon the Earth. All things are possible with Me. So, come with Me. Walk, into The Divine, and experience The Kingdom of Heaven, as you walk, upon the soil of Earth. My Hand will lead you forth. My Light will show The Way. My Power, will protect you, and shield you, from all harm. My Love, will illuminate a new horizon, wherein all things are possible. I AM calling. Take My Hand.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not stifle your desire to know more, of The Ways of God, with fear, and doubt. When you take The Hand of God: you will see, that which you did not see before; you will hear, that which you did not hear before; you will know, that which you did not know before; and, you will love, that which you did not love before. You will do all these things, because it is The Hand, of God, which moves you along The Way, into The Kingdom of God, which is All That Is, and ever will be.
- 04
- Nov
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You will recognize The Voice, when you hear the call. And, upon this day of recognition, there will be no doubt. Then, with no doubt, walk toward The Voice, toward the call, and soon you will see, and know it all, even that which had once evaded your vision, evaded your ears. On that day, there will no crying, only laughter, and the knowing, that you are blessed, and know where you are going. With The Voice still constant, within you, you will be led, always led. You are My child, and you shall never walk alone.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do you hear My whisper? Wait. Be still. Be quiet. In the silence you will hear. Turn from the ways of the world, and listen. The Wisdom of Heaven is with you, now, and forever, as I AM with you, now, and forever. Rise-up, child of God, and walk into this new day dawning, and know where you are going. Live, with confidence. Live, as The Light of God leads you, through this day, into tomorrow. Live.