- 12
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inSunday Sermon
“I AM with you. In all ways, through all days, and nights, I AM with you. We can walk. We can talk. We can sing, with the birds. We can do all things, together. I reach for you, and summon you, to come, and see The Ways of Heaven. I AM with you. And for those of you, who believe this, there comes The Knowing, which will never leave you.
“The Ways of The Divine, are often not sought, by the children, walking, upon the Earth. Today, I encourage you to stop, wherever you are, and be still, and quiet, long enough, so that you might have some inkling of The Ways of The Divine. The Divine Ways are The Ways of God. And it is possible for you to live, in these ways, as you walk upon the Earth. But first, to accomplish this, you must be willing to change your approach, to what is happening around you, to what is happening within you, in your thoughts.
“When something occurs, you instantly have the opportunity to make a choice. You can see what is happening, or hear what is happening, from a physical stance; or, you can seize the opportunity, presented to you, to alter your view, slightly, so that you see, or hear, what is occurring, in a mystical way, a divine way. Look at it, and hear it, and see, and hear, more, as the definitions, of the world, fall from the situation, as the judgment, of the world, falls from the situation, and you see it through The Eyes of God. And once you begin to open, to living, upon the Earth, in this sacred state, your walk is slower, your speech is slower, that which you see, and hear, is even slower, because you are holding it in a different state, no longer judging, but watching, and seeing, and knowing, that The Hand of God is working, and all things are flowing, as they are meant to be, But, when you are a party, of that situation, or occurrence, you have the opportunity to bring The Ways of Heaven to the situation. This takes practice. It takes a willingness, to alter your perspective, and to move, from the physical state, putting your spiritual body, first, and using your physical body to accomplish The Divine Ways. And once you are walking, in The Ways of God, your life lifts, from the mundane, to the sublime, and you can feel Heaven around you. You can feel Heaven, moving into you, with every breath, and coming out of you, with every exhalation. It is then, that you become the living word, yourself, using the physical, to accomplish the spiritual goal, that Heaven flow upon the Earth, so it is divine in its ways, so The Presence of God is felt in all ways, because God is with you, always.”
- 11
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
If you are held captive, in a prison, with no light, no access to light, you slowly become accustomed to the darkness and the shadow. You slowly accept this way of life, as it is your reality. And your life continues, in darkness and shadow, moving amongst those, who are with you, captive, and imprisoned. But come the day that the miracle throws open the doors, and you are free, from captivity, you walk out, into the day, and you are blinded by the light. You cannot see, because of the light. And then, slowly, light becomes your reality; and the light illuminates all of Earth, and you open your eyes, and see. This can happen, every day, for you. You might not realize that you are held captive, in a prison, of darkness and shadow, until you face The Light. Do not run from The Light, which blinds you. Stand in The Light, until it illuminates all around you; and then, you will see that, My Light is your reality.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When darkness and shadow become a way of life, it is easily assumed, that, that is all there is to life. But there is another assumption one can make, when you are held captive in a prison of darkness and shadow, and that is, that The Light of God is within you. You hold the key to the prison door. All you have to do is turn it. Faith. Hope. Trust. Belief. When you repeat these enough, the key slowly turns, clicking into place, with each recitation; and, each recitation, brings you closer, to the knowing. And when the final click, of knowing, is struck, by the key, of faith, the walls, of the prison, fall down, and you are cloaked, and bathed, in The Light of The Son, in The Light of The Father, in The Light of The Holy Spirit, within you. For you see, there is no prison, in reality, there is only The Light.
- 10
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
There is a light flickering, within you. You are meant to be a light unto the world. To shine brightly, to have your flicker burst into a flame, you must clear the dust and debris, within, that is clouding the flame, reducing it to a flicker. Begin the process, today. Wherever it is necessary to forgive, forgive. Wherever it is necessary to seek forgiveness, seek forgiveness. Wherever there is a need to rid yourself of judgment, begin the process, so you might rid yourself of judgment, for I have not given you the right to judge. You have the right to live, to be the light, to shine brightly, to be an example, so all might see My light, shining from within thee.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Even a vast darkness is broken by a solitary candle. And this is an example of what you, as an individual, can do, in the midst of great darkness. All you need do is shine, from within. There is no need for speeches, for commands, or demands. There is only the light. And the light will break the darkness, and you will be seen. The prayer is that, when you are seen, it is The Light of God, shining, from within you, that is seen, through you.
- 09
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Many of you, listening to these words, or reading these words, are in a time of preparation, for a celebration, a celebration of the birth of The Child, upon Earth. And, as all women know, as the time of birth draws near, everything gets still. They, themselves, move slower. The child, within, is still. Everything is at peace, and calm, preparing for that, which is to come, the miracle of birth. Remember this in your preparation. Do not be so frantic, and let times become so hectic, that you cannot be still, and prepare, for the birth.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You hear the words, the encouragement, often. They are to be still, be quiet, be at peace. And these urgings come, with a sense of urgency. It is important, because you cannot hear The Still, Small Voice, within, speaking to you, bringing you The Wisdom of Heaven, if you are loud, and in a hurry, and going through the lists, you have made for the day, with such determination, that you push all other suggestions away. In this season, of preparation, be still, be quiet, and wait.
- 08
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You cannot measure the height, and the width, and the depth, of Heaven, as all things of Heaven are immeasurable, are boundless, are limitless, yet they enfold you, and all of Earth. You cannot measure them, this height, and width and depth, but you can experience it, even while you are upon the Earth. When you go into deep prayer, and reflection, into meditation, shutting the world of man off, closing it out, turning from it, you begin to feel it, you begin to know it. And you know it, without measure, because it is with you. I AM with you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You can give measurement to a mile. And, while different countries, and nationalities, have a different method, of measurement, they are still measuring an exact amount of distance. They can measure height. Each country can measure width, and depth, and weight. And these things you know, because you can see how high something is, or how wide it is, or how deep it is. But the unseen is immeasurable. It is priceless, boundless, limitless. And you are a part of it. There can be no price settled, upon your head, for The Hand of God has touched you, and instead of measurement, you have received love, unconditional love, from The Creator of All Things.
- 07
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I know your pain, I know your joy; for, I AM with you. This is why, I ask of you, to bring your burdens to me, to come sit with Me, and together we will cleanse these things, and they will fall from you. My grace will wash over you, and carry away the debris of anxiety, anguish, any pain, any anger, any hurt, any wound. These things will be washed from you, when you sit with Me, for I know thee.
And The Holy Spirit says:
God is The Eternal Parent, The Good Parent, watching over each child, seeing, and knowing, experiencing the pain, the anguish, the joy, the dance, the complete story of each child’s life. Just as a child goes to their earthly parents, with tears in their eyes, asking for help, or forgiveness, or singing songs of joy, run to The Eternal Parent, in the same manner. Just as the earthly parent bends down, gathers the child up, and kisses the tears away, The Eternal Parent does the same. Do not miss the opportunity to be held in the arms of your Eternal Parent, today.
- 06
- Dec
- 2021
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you feel The Wind around you, moving, stirring, growing stronger, allow it to lift you up, so that you might go wherever The Wind will take you. For it is in this way that The Wind will show you what you need to know, will take you where you need to go, so that you hold no concern within you for what you are to do, now, or thirty minutes from now. What you are to do is be still, so you can feel The Breath of The Wind upon you, and then ride. Be one with The Wind.
And The Holy Spirit says:
No matter how many plans you make, how many lists you form, there will come a time when, seemingly out of nowhere, you will feel the stirring of The Wind, and it will not hold your lists, or your plans, as sacred as you might; for The Wind is The Breath of God, flowing to you. The Wind knows all, and will whisper to you, as you are carried to be exactly where you need to be, at the right time, to meet your destiny. For The Breath of The Wind is sent from God, and The Spirit of God will fill you, and you will be ready for all that comes to you. Your lists will fall, your plans will crumble, when you are held, in The Light, and The Truth, of God, as it is whispered, on The Breath of The Wind.