God Speaks

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      I created Earth, and while it appears to be complete, it is not.  You are upon the Earth, now; and each of you, upon the Earth, has a mission, a contribution, to make to what Earth is meant to be: the atmosphere, the spirit, the environment of Earth, the energy of Earth.  What shall it become?  I tell you, it will become, through each of you, what you are thinking, and saying, and what you are willing to do, to bring Earth to a place of peace, where the vibration is rich, and pure.  Right now, you have the opportunity to co-create the completion of Earth.  Each of you is creating, with every thought, word, and deed.  Let it be that My words speak through thee, to that which I wish for Earth to become, becomes your goal, as well.  You are creating.  You are adding to My creation.  We are co-creating Earth, right now.  As this day unfolds, bless the Earth, so it sings, with My voice.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Pick up the banner, and hold, it high.  Let the wind carry the words emblazoned on your banner.  The Earth is precious.  And as you walk upon her, now, let all know, around you, that you do so for The Glory of God, for the spirit of Earth, for every tree, brook, valley, stone, ocean, desert, and every person.  Let Earth be moving, in space, singing the songs, showing the face, of beauty, abundance, gratitude, and thanksgiving.




      When you are the recipient of, what you feel is, bad news, do not react to this information.  Sit with it, for a while, and ask this question.  “What is this information teaching me, what is knocking at my door, that is important, for me to know?”  When you ask this question, you will most often find, that what you thought was bad news, could be more clearly defined, as valuable information, something from which you can learn, and grow wiser, in your ways.

And The Holy Spirit says:

      Do not turn your head, from something you label as bad news, because after you sit with this, what you call, bad news, you will most often find, that it is a sign: a sign for change; a sign of the possibility of growing; a sign that you have taken the wrong turn, and need to rearrange your schedule, adjust your calendar, mend the list you have prepared.  Take the information, and grow, with it.  The truth is, there is no bad news, it is information, which you use, to grow, in The Ways of God.





      Look for ways to understand that: all is one, be as one.  You read these words, you hear these words, you think you know these words, ‘be as one,’ but there is much for you to learn.  So, seek out, this day, the ways that Earth will show you oneness.  Stand on a bridge over a river.  Look down.  You can take a cup of water, from the river, and the river is still one.  You can empty the cup, back into the river, and the river is still one.  You can watch the river flow, and notice, that over to the side, there might be a place, where water flows in, and circles around, and around, before it rejoins the journey of the river, once again.  Yet, it is always part of the river.  Each droplet of water is part of the river.  Each droplet of water holds within it, the same qualities as the river.  They are one.  The riverbed holds the river, and the river holds the drops of water, without knowing where one drop starts, and one drop ends.  It is all one with the river, as it moves over rocks, and around the bends.

And The Holy Spirit says

       Oneness can be difficult to comprehend, while you are upon the Earth, yet there are many ways that it can be explained to you, as you walk upon the Earth.  You feel the wind.  You feel the breeze.  Yet it is difficult to separate the wind or the breeze.  It is all one.  And when each little current, each puff of air, joins the wind, when it sings with the breeze, each is one, with both of these.  And, so it is, with you.  You are one with God.




      There is not one mountain peak, that is more majestic than you.  There is not one ocean, one body of water, that is grander than you.  There is not one valley, that is more glorious than you.  There is not one song, of the bird, that is more uplifting than you.  There is not one thing, upon the Earth, which I have created, that is more loved, by Me, than you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       It is something, of which you do not think about, very often, and that something is, how much you are loved, by God.  Love, in the physical form, can be fickle, and fail, and fall from you.  It is true that there might be someone, who loves you one day, and turns from you another.  But there is one thing, of which, you can be certain.  God always loves you.  And if you are a parent, and you have created a child, you have some idea of how constant, and unconditional, your love, for that child, is.  And that is small, in comparison, to the depth of God’s love, for you.  So, as you make it through this day, remind yourself, along The Way, that God loves you, unconditionally, in all ways.




      There might come the time, when that, which I ask of you, seems too difficult, extraordinary, even impossible, to you.  And it is in these times, while I AM asking of you, that you must remember, I will not ask you to do something you cannot do; for, I wish the glory to be seen, in that, which you do.  Therefore, before you say, “no,” or give it a half-hearted attempt, remember, the task is, your golden opportunity, to know, what I will do, through you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Hold your head up, and sing, when it seems that life does bring, to you, an impossible task, to do, for that is the time, that God will reveal, to you, and all who will look and see, what He is willing to do, through you.  Let the miracles flow, through you, so others, too, might know, what God might do, through you.  And then, in this way, believe that God will do the same, through them.  It is revelation.  Embrace the opportunity, to know God, better.




      You might not notice that your ways have become curt, abrasive, hurried, even frenzied, and loud, until you find a place that is quiet, and still, and silent.  And then, you will notice.  In this place of peace, you will have the opportunity: to change, curtness into kindness; to change, abrasive ways, into understanding and accepting ways; to change, hurried and frenzied, to calm and serene; to change, loud into quiet.  And coming with these changes, will be the crown of humility.  And this crown of humility, as you wear it, will remind you, remind you of the change, you made, in the space that was quiet, and still, and silent.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       It is good practice, to take inventory, of the ways you have slipped into, day following day, days adding up to months, months adding up to years, where certain habits have slipped in, certain habits which need to disappear.  Take the time, to set yourself aside, to make this, “taking of inventory,” a sacred practice, in which you learn, in which you change, in which you grow, in The Ways of God.



      I wish for you to know The Divine Ways, for The Divine Ways are My Ways, and following My Ways, will lead you to a life sublime, to a life filled with wisdom, for you will hold The Wisdom of Heaven, within you, as you live The Divine Way.  So many, of My children, choose to approach their life, upon Earth, from the physical state, sprinkling it, and seasoning it, with The Ways of Spirit.  I wish for you to consider, living your life, upon Earth, in The Divine Way, using the physical state, to accomplish what you need to accomplish, to bring The Ways of The Divine, My Ways, onto the Earth.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Every day you make a choice.  With every situation, incident, or occurrence, which comes to you, you have the opportunity to choose The Divine Ways, The Ways of God.