God Speaks

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          When I whisper to you in the stillness of the night, you will hear Me.  When I reach for you in the quiet of the night, you will feel Me.  For you see, My whisper, My reaching, are happening, within you.  So, if you stir, during the night, do not dismiss it, rolling over, pulling the covers up around your shoulders.  In the night My love song will come to you when tranquility is your blanket and My arms your pillow.  Neither dismiss, as happenstance, what occurs so vividly in your dreams.  Sit with your memories, even as they float aways, as the mist of morn.  We are closer than you think, for we are one.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Allow the miracle to take place, within you.  Permit yourself to walk on air, and delight in the beauty of Mother Earth.  Place no limits, nor boundaries, on what you can do.  For, the miracles will come in waves, as the ocean rises up to fall upon the sandy shore.  Open.  Be still, be quiet, be vigilant, and accept the bountiful gifts you are holding, within.





          At break of day, before there comes the rising, before the sun is seen, or the dew has dried, creation is awaiting the touch, the call, to come and see it all.  It is all set before you.  So, what will you do for love of this new day?  All creation awaits your plan, to see what will come forth from your hand, an indication of that which resides within your heart, and spirit and soul.  There is so much to be told.  Every possibility is yours, as your story unfolds.  Seal this day with the gift of creating what you will.  For, in so doing you are showing the spirit of life unending.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           I AM ever at My post, within you, waiting to guide and counsel in all ways.  You will be tempted, at times, to think of yourself as little, small.  But I tell you, you are grand, standing tall on the brink of a new day, which is yet to unfold.  Rise-up and tell your story by that which you will create today.  Fear not what others might say.  Rise-up and create.  Bring forth your vision into the day.  The sun has risen, and the dew has evaporated, within its warmth, within its light.



          There are secrets revealed in silence, when you turn your thoughts inward and leave the world behind thee.  There I AM, in your most secret thoughts.  You see, revelation of mysteries is not always about what I AM willing to do.  You are a creator, too.  You are a creator, too, limitless in your capacity to bring forth life.  Those things, which fill your thoughts, are either fed to grow and live, or ignored until they wither and fade away.  Be still, be quiet, and share your thoughts with Me, remembering you are always free in your thoughts.  As the creator you give birth and nurture and delight in that which springs forth to life.  All this from a thought, from you.  Be still with Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           What is that creation, forming in your thoughts?  Only you can decide to bring it to life, or to let it go.  There is no right or wrong in the creation of thought.  So, what are you compelled to do, with no limitations, no boundaries, to stifle your dream, the thought, which is taking a form, a life, within you.  Thought is your blueprint.  Let us sit together and see anew all the possibilities, within you.




          As days upon Earth come and go, I remain, steadfast, with you, watching, blessing, pouring out grace on that which you do.  You are never far from Me.  This is perplexing for you.  Yet, it is truth.  And truth remains true, even when you do not completely understand that which I say to you.  But somewhere in your imaginings, you grasp a glimmer, and held within the glimmer is a passing comprehension, thrilling you, before it slips from you.  You will see signs, if you look for them, if you wait with eager anticipation and vigilance.  You will find the signs mostly in nature, all around you.  But you will also find the signs in the words or deeds of others, as they speak and do.  Pay attention, as I AM ever with you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you stop, to smell the flowers, or run your hand over the bark of a tree, a door opens wide enough for you to slip through to see that which has been evading you while you were busy, or felt you had too much to do.  The door will open when you stop and look and see that which is with you.



          When you become settled, within your inner self, no matter what is happening around you, peace will rest with you.  Begin to walk the inner avenues of your sacred self, and you will know yourself, from within.  It will be that you live in the world, comprehending what is taking place, at all times, yet at all times, keeping the ways of that which is beyond the world.  You hold eternity within you.  Do not surrender that which is with you, grasping for that which will only fade and fall from you.  You are what you find within you; and what you find within is the space which yields not to time, nor to place, but shines more brilliantly than all the glorious bodies of the sky and space, continuing forever and ever more.  Live in that place which lives forever.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Within you is all that is.  Believe what has been spoken, in the sacred stillness of your being, allowing the message to revive the eternal spark you carry within.  Believe you shall live forever, for it is truth.


We will be on the road, beginning today, resuming Daily Messages whenever internet is available.  Happy Tuesday.  Touch the air and all around you with love.






          Hear Me now, oh child of Earth, child of Heaven, from your birth, within the stars, where time is not, oh hear Me now.  Lift your eyes and see that which is surrounding thee.  You live forever.  Hear Me now.  There is not one thing around you which was before you.  I knew you, as I created you, as you rose into the space which had once been a void, with nothing.  And, at once, all the nothingness, the void, beheld you:  Child of Earth, child of Heaven, child of all that is.  Look and see, so you might know your true value, the essence of your worth.  Hear Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           If you can stand in awe and wonder of all the world, around you, you can stand in awe and wonder of the essence of you.  Reject any definition other than a being bright, with glory, upon Earth for a while, returning to the divine with each step, with each breath, lifting what is thought of as mundane into the sublime.  You do not have to wait.  It is now.