- 03
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
It is possible for great good to come from tragedy. Even when it appears that you have taken the wrong road, it is possible to find yourself on an extraordinary journey, finding your way through that which seemed to be impossible to navigate. Out of darkness, you shall come, walking in The Light. It is possible to break through a wall of hatred, using only the tender implement of love. All things are possible when you walk with Me. I have so much to say to you. And all of it is of great significance. Be still, be quiet, and do not permit the thunder of chaos to drown out My whisper, for I AM calling you to see possibility, even when others cry out, “impossible.”
And The Holy Spirit say:
You act upon that which you know. Before acting, before uttering a word, consider that it is possible you do not know all there is to know. Imagine there is data missing, from your source of information. There are discoveries still to be proclaimed. There are mysteries unresolved, answers without a designation or a name. There is much you do not know, you cannot know, because it has yet to be revealed. Be mindful of this, and sit with Me. You will ask, and I will answer. You will question, and I shall reveal to thee.
- 02
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Refuse to be drawn into chaos and confusion. When there is doubt sit with Me and together, we will sort it all out. There will come to you clarity anew and you will have insight to see each view of the matter. It is not a paradox to see all sides while sustaining more relationship with one. It gives you the ability to know the heart of all, and once that is done, chaos subsides. When you know the truth of the source you know all you need know. Do not be dissuaded from listening to all, with an open heart. Understanding is powerful. Seek it. Before succumbing to the inundation of turmoil and anxiety, be still, be quiet, and listen, with Me.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The wise listen, quietly and with purpose, as if everything depends on what is being said by another person. The thread which can hold the fabric together is wisdom. Wisdom ascends beyond knowledge, data, information, taking all with it to a place of understanding and compassion and peace.
- 01
- Jul
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Let go of every fear, which seems to be haunting you, from a million years away, yet drawing closer every day. For, fear is not the reality. Fear is created within you. You give birth to it. Thus, making it your reality, sometimes, when you do not know what to do. This feeling of being absolutely alone, in a time when you long for another hand to hold, comes from the whispers of doubt, and lack of something you believe to be missing from the equation of the present. I Am speaking to you, and saying, in no uncertain way, that you hold within you all you need to address the issue present. Close your ears to those who repeat, “no.” Allow your heart, spirit, and soul to be the source of your delight. Remember, I AM with you. Let My hand be the hand you hold, and together we will face all which besets you and continue upon The Way unscathed, renewed, rejuvenated, and prepared by that which is within you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The Wisdom of God is within you. Do not permit the hand of doubt to push it aside. Be still, be quiet, and sit with Me. Soon you will begin to see that which could not be seen by you before the stillness, before the quiet. It is all set before. It is all set within you. Rise-up and let us go into this new day free from the debris of fear and doubt, acknowledging the present piece of eternity, and relishing its presence with us.
- 30
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
The Wind whispers, “Shhhhhhh.” Can you hear? Be still, and you will hear it calling you, in the quiet surrounding you, and from the quiet place within you. What the outside world says is repeated within. What is whispered within is repeated in the outside world. Oh, if you knew the glory which surrounds you. If you knew you radiate the glory, all around you, which is constantly enfolding you in the glory. In all ways, you are amazing and glorious. There is no doubt about it. The only doubt about it comes from you, when you listen to the voices which say, “You are only human.” My child, you are anything but, only human. Do not be swayed by forces intent on keeping you where you are. Listen to Me. You are of the stars. You are My creation. Create with Me, and together we will continue creation. Listen. Hear. Know. You are a piece of all that is. You are of Me, and you are glorious beyond your imagination.
And The Holy Spirit says:
That which is beyond your imagination is held in the hand of God. And when you take the hand of God, that which is beyond your imagination is in your hand.
- 28
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
It is not unusual for a twig, or a branch of a tree, to get caught in an eddy, no longer traveling with the current, of the river, but repeating the course of a whirlpool, close to the bank. While trapped there, its route, now set in a circular motion, the river, and all it carries, moves onward, on its journey to the sea. The river does not stop flowing to collect that which is hemmed in, at the edge of the bank. The river continues its flow, promising that, once the twig, or branch, frees itself from the stationary swirling, and returns to the body of water, it will be embraced, and its journey shall continue, in The Living Waters of the river.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Even in times when you feel you are making no progress, stagnating, moving in circles, I AM with you, and The Living Waters are present. Do not lament your situation, allow your experience to be what it is. Look, and see, and know. And, when you are ready, to go, to rejoin the flow, I shall make it so; and your journey, which you once felt was captive of a whirlpool, will continue, within The Living Waters. Your desire shall make it so. Do not stagnate, when you can liberate, and flow freely in the current, which is creation, continuing eternity, with you in its arms. And I shall show you The Way.
- 27
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Listen to the sound of the water, moving in a stream, pausing briefly before creating the next chord it wishes to sing to the world around it. It is natural, easy, effortless in its melody, yet it is perfect in every way as it quietly composes a song never heard before. That is an example to you. That is nature teaching you. That is Me, saying to you, “Be quiet. Be still. Listen.” And in the hearing of the song of the stream, you will realize that is how you create your song. When you are living, who you are, your song will be natural, easy, effortless, yet the melody will rise up and live forever, rippling out into the rest of eternity, imprinting the mark of your undeniable presence upon the Earth. There shall be no repetition of the song, for it is yours.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Nature is God’s teacher, complete with illustrations and examples, void of the complication of words, filled with The Presence of God, with you.
- 26
- Jun
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Whenever you long to know My touch, My presence with you, remember this. I AM embracing you each time the warmth of the sun touches your body. I AM running My fingers through your hair each time the energy of the wind lifts your hair then releases it as it skirts your face. I AM holding your hand each time you hold a flower and draw it closer to experience its fragrance. I AM sharing food and drink each time you taste the sweetness of fruits or vegetables, and drink of the nectars of Earth. I AM washing you each time you are caught in the rain, and drying you in each soft breeze, until it happens all over again. I AM with you, and I AM touching you if you will only be still, be quiet, look, and see Me in everything around you. I AM with you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The kiss of God is sweeter than anything you know. It touches you in all you are willing to experience. It says, “I love you,” every day in every way. Stand in the meadow, or by the ocean or river, and close your eyes. There it is, slight, at first, only to return, as true love will have it. God is always with you, in all ways around you. Be still, be quiet, and be loved, by God.