- 22
- Sep
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
At the center of your being is the center of everything. When you are willing to embrace this, you will find that the center of your being is where you will first search for truth. And it is there you will find Me, and I will share with thee The Way to access the truth which is within thee.
And The Holy Spirit says:
At first you will not trust because it is so simple. Then you will come to trust because it is so simple.
- 21
- Sep
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When the sting of betrayal or rejection seems too harsh to bear, I AM with you. And I will not betray, or reject, you, in any way, ever. Be still and come to Me. As we hold sacred communion, answers will flow. At an amazing pace they will encircle you, waiting for you to reach out and hold each one, one by one. When we sit there is no judgment or desire for revenge or retaliation. There is The Wisdom streaming all around, and The Wisdom of God, My wisdom, does not seek to retaliate or blame. My wisdom seeks out the truth in all things, so you might see, and know, and grow in the Gift of Wisdom that is yours.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The most valuable lessons come during times of great challenge, trials which seem as if they will never end. And springing forth from the challenge and trials, enfolded within the lessons, is The Gift of Wisdom. Wisdom is not handed to you. The badge of wisdom is worn by those who have walked The Way and grown into it.
- 18
- Sep
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
There is a quiet place where you can go to find Me, waiting, just for you. It is a place where no one else can find you. It is in this sacred space that we talk, and laugh, and learn of things you have yet to know. I will expose all you are ready to accept, slowly, as one link touches the other, one shaft of light illuminates another, until, slowly, in the quiet, all you can bear is revealed. And in the glory of the revelation of the light you see, and know, and grow beyond what is taught in the world created by human beings. As we sit you will come to know eternal truth and wisdom shall be your reward.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Be quiet, as you traverse the corridors of your inner being, for it is sacred and pure. Move slowly, allowing yourself to embrace that which is held, within you. There, you will see, slowly, piece by piece you shall embrace the eternal truth of all that is. Enlightenment shall enfold you in the quiet of your inner being, and you shall be at peace.
- 17
- Sep
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
It is often the case that, when searching for the new, exploration, of almost any kind, the focus is beyond the material world, high up into the sky, or down below the surface of the oceans and seas. If you will be still and quiet, and listen to Me, I will assure you, with great certainty, that what you seek is waiting to be discovered within each of thee.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Multiverses, dimensions, far reaching exploration for truth, consider, before searching the material, the physical realm, that these things still hidden, not only exist in the creation of moon, and sun, and planets, and earth, they can be found within the creation of each of you. Be still, be quiet, and go within.
- 15
- Sep
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Hold tight the tongue restless to wag, even while you feel threatened, shamed, or set upon by those around you. For, these times of turmoil pass, sometimes quickly. And while the time passes, fading away, the words you are tempted to toss into the tempest will linger, given life within your thoughts, and hurled into absolute being borne upon the words uttered in a moment. It is not weakness to hold silence, when all others around you are raising their voices in discontent. Wait for the storm to pass, spending those waning moments with Me. When at last the sun does shine, you will walk, enlightened, filled with love and confidence, speaking only words of wisdom, which we found together.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not feed the times of discontent, anger, or resentment. Sit with Me, and together we will see The Way of Wisdom, and you shall walk in it all the days of your life.
- 13
- Sep
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I will take you to the place you need to be, if you will take My hand and follow Me. When things, which you thought would turn in one way, begin to spin out of orbit, be still, and you will hear Me. There is nothing which comes to you which you are not already prepared to do, to embrace, or to rise-up to resolution. The blueprint is written upon your soul, and your spirit knows The Way. Be still, be quiet, and come with Me.
And The Holy Spirit says:
If you knew you held a viable map, which marked the way, you would not hesitate to advance, taking an amazing adventure, into new territories. Know this. You do have a viable map, and it is within. No matter what comes to you, you will know The Way. Be still, be quiet, and sit with Me. I will be your Advocate and Counselor. Mine will be The Whisper which calms your anxiety. This practice will not come without effort. Still, I will send forth the call, and when you feel the stirring, from within, come. Each time you answer the call will draw you into recognition of The Gift you have been given, and trust will be as a beacon. Come. Let us begin, together.
- 10
- Sep
- 2024
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
It is time to take notice of all the many things which remain unobserved, until a shaft of light illuminates that, which was not seen before the coming of The Light.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Walking over a bridge can sometimes become a surprising adventure when you find you have walked into a swirling tower of insects you did not see. Yet, when the same walk is repeated, a shaft of light from the sun will reveal the presence of the swarm, clearly. This everyday revelation is but one way nature teaches and shows The Way by illustrating the revelation of The Light. Watch for it as it is taking place all around you. Look and see that which shall be revealed in The Light of The Son.