God Speaks

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          Whenever there comes a time that you are put to the test, questioned, or summoned to answer, in any way, do not rush into your response, feeling as if you must supply, on demand, that which the inquisitor is seeking.  Be still, be quiet, and come, sit with Me.  Allow My words to be your words.  Allow My statements to flow into and through you.  Open your mouth and speak My words of truth, and all will be fine.  I have given unto you a gift most divine, The Holy Spirit, My Holy Spirit, dwells within you.  Listen, hear, speak.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           I was sent to live within you to be your Counselor, your Comforter, your Advocate, so that you would always know The Way.  I AM The Teacher within.  Be still and hear Me.




          It only takes the rays of a warm embrace and gentle smile to calm a child’s labor of tears.  Once they are at rest, close to the bosom of love, they find peace and calm is restored.  Behind every stormy cloud there is the sun, even when you cannot see it.  Even when there is a raging thunder, and it seems as if the ground beneath your feet is shaking in response to the clamor, there is peace at the core of that which is encircling you.  Remember, I AM The Core, I AM The Source.  Look no farther, for that which you seek is at the center of all that is.  It is Me, your Eternal Parent.  And, at My bosom you will find peace and calm will be restored.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not be burdened by chaos and confusion swirling around you.  Be still and sit with Me.  For I shall draw you near, and you will hear My whisper.  And that which you hear shall bring you comfort.  I AM your Comforter and with Me you shall find peace.








          In the long, slow days, which follow the parting, when you feel trapped in a void, or inundated by waves of emotion, remember Me, and the words I do speak.  These things swim in and around your perspective, your vantage point.  But the parting need not be shrouded in sorrow, loneliness, or grief.  For those who know, the parting is the beginning, the new life of a relationship, and it is staggering in the power it brings, affirmation in golden auras acknowledge that there is more, so much more.  But to realize, and step into the virgin relationship, which has come to you, as a gift, you must be willing to release the old and embrace the new.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not be stiff, unable to move from your stance.  Inevitable change is not meant to be a struggle.  It is meant to be a dance, an eternal dance, one creation, flowing into the next, creation continuing.  Continue with it.  Spend no time in grief, nor mourning.  Turn around and embrace the light of all that is new, coming to you.  That which was old is now new.  Embrace it.






          Listen, so you might hear Me.  I have something to say, and it will take effort for you to be still, as the words flow into you.  There will be a temptation to call out, “No.  This is not true.”  Yet I AM telling you, it is truth, and you are ready to bear it, now.  You have been looking at everything from your perspective, as if you are peering in through a window, straining to see that which you feel has been hidden from thee, hidden from view.  I AM asking that you project yourself to the center, to the core, to The Source, which is Me, and look out from My vantage point.  You will not see barriers.  You will not see boundaries.  You will see creation, continuing from within Me.  Oftentimes, you will see yourself, and it will astonish you.  Yet I AM telling you, it is truth.  I AM The Source, and you know Me.  The more you sit, in quiet, with Me, the more you will come to see, and know, there is nothing to fear, for it is all living, within the waters, currents, rolling, swaying, touching and embracing all that is.  You will see forever, eternity, never ending, living.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not discount that which is The Wisdom of God, within you.  Be still and know.  Be quiet and hear.  Raise not your voice.  Open your heart, and it will sing the song originating within your spirit and your soul.  Embrace it all, for it is eternity, and it is now.




          When the sun rises, and the storms have cleared, it is time to sing.  But, it is also time to sing when darkness is as a shroud and the tempest is near and roaring.  The song might differ in cadence, scale and undulating crescendo, yet the majesty of your song shall be a vibration throughout creation, marking each event, announcing your presence in the experience of life upon Earth.

 And The Holy Spirit Says:

           Music is eternal and the songs of angels ring out through creation, sending forth vibrations even human beings can notice and acknowledge their presence.  Music is the utterings of Mother Earth in all her forms, touching each one.  And, for those who are still and will listen, they know her song.  Listen.  All creation is singing.



          When events seem to pile up around you, creating a wall, isolating you from others, come.  Together we will sift through the events, and watch the wall fall, piece by piece.  And then, once we have measured event by event, you will see and know.  There will be no temptation to point a finger of blame or lift the voice in shame of yourself or others.  I ask you, consider, as your first action, to come to Me.  So often there is the temptation to go to others around you first, seeking answers.  When all along your first thought should be to come to Me.  Come.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be still and quiet and listen, for I AM speaking, whispering from within.  It is not necessary to become overwhelmed by the events and situations of the day, even those which might appear threatening.  You are in the midst of creation continuing and continue it shall.  Set a course to sit in counsel with Me and you will clearly see all things have an order, even in the apparent chaos of the moment.  Be still and sit with Me.



          The beauty of acceptance is as a glorious light, shining stronger and stronger until it holds a realm of peace, calm, and tranquility at its core, blessing all who enter.  When someone offers a helping hand, accept with a smile, for the offer is a blessing for the giver and the recipient, holding you together, for a while, within the gift, and that which comes from the gift.  When something comes to you, accept, with a knowing, that it will ultimately be a blessing as you sit with Me and we see, together, how an event, even a challenging occurrence, can bless you with courage, grace, patience, or kindness, culminating in wisdom.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not turn your back on that which comes to you, for acceptance of it, in the end, will open the door to The Ways of Wisdom.