God Speaks

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          Sometimes, what appears to be chaos and confusion is a realigning of that which is.  When things seem to be moving at a tumultuous pace take yourself to a stream.  Sit on the bank and watch the water gliding by, flowing without clinging to the rocks, or the bank where you rest.  It continues, on its way toward the river, which will carry it to the sea, and beyond.  Be as the water of the stream, continuing the path toward the river which will carry you Home.  Do not be distracted by all that is changing around you.  Hold to that which is flowing within you and come to Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Focus on your journey.  Taking one step at a time will lead you along The Way, avoiding distractions, until you reach the arms of the sea which will guide you, Home.  No matter what is happening around you, be still and listen, for I AM whispering from within.  I AM The Compass, through which you shall never be lost, or alone.




          No one else can love you as I love you.  Yes, it is true.  No one else can know you as I know you.  It is, and will always be, true.  I loved you from creation, from the spark in My thoughts that became you.  There is the deepest love, flowing from Me to you, flowing from within Me, within you.  And, when you are still and quiet, you know this to be true.  I love you as you are now, changing nothing, embracing all you are.  I AM there with you, loving you in a way none other can love you.  I AM The One from which you came.  I know your soul, your spirit, your heart, and your name.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Sadden not your heart when it seems as if all those around you turn their head from you.  For, there is nothing you can do that will turn The Creator of All Things from you.  God is ever with you.  I AM within you to remind you of this, so you will always know that the creation of God is loved by God intimately, eternally, forever, unwavering, completely, in all ways, with no end.  God’s love for you is eternal, abiding, woven into the fluid fabric of continuing creation.  You are a vital part of all that is.  Know this, and live.





          There is never a time of darkness upon Earth.  Where there is night, one place, the light of day is present in another.  There is never an absence of warmth upon Earth.  Where there is cold, one place, the climate of warmth is present in another.  Earth is My living creation, as are you.  Extol the season of your life, no matter what it might be, as it is a living, expression of My love, creation, and all eternity living, alive within you.  Celebrate that which is with you, and within you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Look, here comes the light.  And when darkness comes, you are the bringer of the light, as you hold The Light of God, within you.



          You call upon Me whenever you are hurting, or worried, concerned about pending events, sickness, or feelings of rejection, being alone.  But what are the other times, which move you to call Me?  Are they times when a sunrise brings you to your knees, held in the ecstasy of the moment?  Are they times when the call of the bird seems to answer your question in thought?  Are they times when the sunset is expansive, appearing as if to take all of earth in its folding arms in the brilliance of color, before resting?  Whatever the times, which hold you in awe, when you can do no other than to whisper, “Thank you, God,” seek those times and then speak with Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

         Seek that which reminds you of the love of God, the creation of God, and rest in it.  Seek sweet communion with God, allowing the sharing of creation and your joy and place within it.




          Celebrate the small in the grandest of songs.  Extol, with much praise, the ordinary, the everyday, the simple.  Extol the virtues of it all.  For held within the small, ordinary, everyday, and simple you have been given peace, healing, and desire for song.  The smallest of flowers holds all the pieces and parts of the grandest in size.  The smallest of birds holds all the pieces and parts of the quickest of flight.  And you, My child, hold all the pieces and parts of all that is.  For I have sent unto you My Holy Spirit.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be still and quiet and you will feel My Presence within you.  I will whisper and show you The Way, and you shall rise up and walk in it.  The Way will be distinguished in its own glory, combining the ordinary and the everyday with the sublime, the divine.  The smallest of flowers shall mark The Way, and their fragrance shall summon radiant butterflies, damsel flies, and dragon flies.  All of nature shall surround you, lifting you on a bouquet into the realm of all that is with you.  And in the breathing, and in this definitive state of living, you shall experience Heaven on Earth.  Earth was created of Heaven, as were you.



          To experience the purity of joy it is necessary to surrender all your cares, worries, and concerns about the material to Me, trusting I will take care of thee, as an innocent young child believes the parent will provide what they need.  As you grow in the ways of the world, this, simple passing of the yoke, gets more difficult.  However, if you endeavor to give it all to Me, for even one hour, one day, you will begin to experience unencumbered joy.  And it is sweet, sweet enough for you to wish to do it again.  Soon, one hour, one day, will turn into a few days, a few weeks, longer periods of surrender, until it is complete, until you trust your Eternal Parent knows that which you need and shall provide it, with alacrity and speed.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Set down your worries and eat from The Tree of Life, rest under The Tree of Life, refresh next to The Living Waters, which flow to you wherever you go.  Embrace that which is yours and live.



          There once was a man who, while striding down a city street, turned around, and found himself, inexplicably, stranded in a dry and barren desert.  He could still hear the sounds of the city.  He could still see the lights.  But he was nowhere near the city, which had once been his comfort.  He was alone, tired, and thirsty.  Then he looked down to see a small, bright green plant, reaching up from the hot grains of sand.  “How can this be?”  He wondered out loud.  And to his surprise there came an answer, swirling in the air around him.  “I was placed here by One greater than me.  Drink.”   To his surprise droplets of water began to flow from the small plant.  He cupped his hands, lifted them to his mouth, and tasted the sweetest water.  The more he drank, the more the water flowed.  And as it flowed the plant grew into a tree, sheltering him from the heat of the sun.  Still, the water flowed and did not stop when his thirst was quenched.  Rested, and refreshed, and with his thirst satisfied, he rose, only to find himself back on the city street.  No one questioned his disappearance or his reappearance, but he did.  He pondered and struggled with his experience until at last he understood and called out, “I was placed here by One greater than me.”

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you find yourself in the midst of miracles, embrace the experience without struggling for an explanation.  Just drink in what has come to you from One greater than thee.