- 07
- Mar
- 2025
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When does day become night, and when does night become day? It occurs more often than one might expect. The brightest of days can seem as dark as the deep night when you are caught in the web of fear and doubt. And, the darkest of nights can hold the brilliance of the brightest of days when you awaken, and allow My light to illuminate the shadows of your fears and doubts, revealing, as it does, truth, and wisdom, and love.
And The Holy Spirit says:
It takes determination and practice to alter the pattern of your thoughts so you might experience the joys of eternal life while you breathe the air of Earth. But what seems impossible becomes conceivable for those who seek to speak to God, and to hear God, and to know God in a personal way. For you see, without trying to experience eternal life while upon Earth, it is happening. No matter whether you are embracing or denying the event, it is happening. Eternity is now.
- 04
- Mar
- 2025
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
While you walk through the garden of Earth, listen with your heart. Let the words fall gently into place, being mindful not to judge yourself harshly, with the venom of the world. Listen for My voice, as it will surely come. It might arrive on the wings of a butterfly, a bee, or a dove. But it will come.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Delay not the journey of your lifetime upon Earth. Live as you exist, fully, and completely, and with love, as it is all part of your eternal life, and you are living it, now. So, do not delay the joys of this day. Open the door and sally forth. If you can see all your experiences as eternal, you will live differently. You do not die. You live, forever. Listen and hear. Look and see. Believe and know that God is with you wherever you go.
- 03
- Mar
- 2025
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Before the sun completes its resurrection for the day, you rise, in silence, before the light of dawn and pause to hear. With the desire to hear the wisdom of Mother Earth, you hear. The sweetness of the message brings a solitary tear, flowing down your cheek, in recognition of truth, as it is. Nature will bring you to the door. Then, all you need to do is to knock, and the door shall be opened. That which is revealed will be exactly what you can bear. In the unfolding, your pathway of believing will illuminate My truth. Your path will become The Way, and your believing will become The Knowing.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Desire will compel you along the path you choose, and that which you long to know shall be yours.
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inMusings from The Quiet Place
Musings from The Quiet Place
There Comes a Time
There comes a time, when no one listens.
There comes a time, when no one hears.
There comes a time, when every message,
Doth fall on closed, sealed ears.
There comes a time, when every song sung,
from the vast, and glorious throngs of angels sent
from Heaven, is not heard, as if not sung.
There comes a time, when every human
will embrace the things of man, and turn their
heart from heaven, denying The Sacred Plan.
There comes a time, when all hearts broken,
will return from whence they came. There comes a time
when all souls open will sing out the precious name.
The Name.
The Precious Name.
The Precious Name of God.
- 22
- Feb
- 2025
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When all is calm, and Earth is in her slumber, look, look and see. When storms surround, and Earth rises up to meet them, feel her, stop and feel her. All things are changing, constantly, but true, as they are for you. All I give is love. All that I give is love, to help and guide you. It is true. And that is what Mother Earth gives you, too. She is calm. She is dormant. She rises with thunder and shakes that which is dry away. And then it begins again. Green shoots and buds unfurl in the warming air of spring as the snows of winter melt and go. All is love, if you will but stop and see and know.
And The Holy Spirit says:
God does not summon storms, nor send turbulence of any kind. God has given the gift of life within you, a spiritual chamber, wherein I dwell. God has given Me, The Holy Spirit, to guide you through every storm, every unsettling occurrence, during your lifetime, upon Earth. Know this and you will soon see, God as provided all you need not to just endure, but to face all things with love, using the love He has given and is giving. Be still and know, you have all you need to live upon the Earth and sing, for God has told you so.
- 21
- Feb
- 2025
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
You know Me from your spirit and your heart. You find Me in peace, comfort, contentment, no more is there longing for anything other than to know Me, more. So, when chaos, hurt, confusion, and other unsettling energies knock upon your door, remember you know Me, and I will always give you more. Be still, be quiet, and sit with Me, for we are one.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Long ago, it was set in place that I would dwell within you to be your Counselor, your Comfort, and give you direction in every storm. All along the plan has been to guide you in your Earth journey, then lead you Home, so that you might experience all your physical existence brings to you with confidence that you know The Way.
- 19
- Feb
- 2025
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
I tell you, speak to the bird, and those of flight, and say unto them, “spread the seeds of today, to plant the gardens of tomorrow. With song let the planting and sowing take place, so that the seeds bring forth life, held in the vibration of your song. And those of flight will be summoned to your request, and they shall carry the seeds, with majestic songs, and tend to the sowing of gardens with heavenly vibrations.
I tell you, speak to the creatures of inner Earth, and say unto them, “while you are within the soil of the Earth, it is your honor to mix all that is good, so that the soil is rich and fertile, providing roots for inner Earth, and abundance for those of upper Earth.” And the creatures of inner Earth will move through the soil in such a way as to aerate the soil, and through ways, known to them alone, they shall clear toxins from the soil, remove debris, and the vibration which comes from that which they do, will gift the soil with necessary nutrients, sufficient to feed many in small plots and spaces.
I tell you, speak to the wind, and the air, and say unto them, “you carry eternal wisdom within your breath, and your breath is taken in, as a blessing, exhaled as a prayer. You carry blessings, prayer, and wisdom within you, to share with those of upper Earth.” As the air provides the gift of life, the wind will rise up, and move over the Earth, finding those willing to receive the messages of wisdom, and there proclaim new revelation brought to Earth on The Breath of The Wind.