Home / Daily Message / February 22, 2025

February 22, 2025


          When all is calm, and Earth is in her slumber, look, look and see.  When storms surround, and Earth rises up to meet them, feel her, stop and feel her.  All things are changing, constantly, but true, as they are for you.  All I give is love.  All that I give is love, to help and guide you.  It is true.  And that is what Mother Earth gives you, too.  She is calm.  She is dormant.  She rises with thunder and shakes that which is dry away.  And then it begins again.  Green shoots and buds unfurl in the warming air of spring as the snows of winter melt and go.  All is love, if you will but stop and see and know.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           God does not summon storms, nor send turbulence of any kind.  God has given the gift of life within you, a spiritual chamber, wherein I dwell.  God has given Me, The Holy Spirit, to guide you through every storm, every unsettling occurrence, during your lifetime, upon Earth.  Know this and you will soon see, God as provided all you need not to just endure, but to face all things with love, using the love He has given and is giving.  Be still and know, you have all you need to live upon the Earth and sing, for God has told you so.