Home / Daily Message / February 22, 2024

February 22, 2024


          When morning comes, and you rise-up to greet it, fill your cup.  Fill your cup, when morning comes, with glory, shimmering all around you.  Open wide, and fill your cup, with the potent elixir of love. Nothing can harm you, nothing can disturb you, through the day when it begins with the creation of love.  Look and see the gift of love.  Look and see the power of love, creation all around you.  When you look and see, you can see My love, pouring over you, weaving its continuing journey throughout all of nature, throughout you.  Look and see life, created from love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Walking in the grace of love will not shield you from the ways of the world, yet it will guarantee that you will always know how to meet the ways of the world.  You do so by walking, within the creation of love, My love for you.


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