Home / Daily Message / February 16, 2025

February 16, 2025


I tell you, speak to the trees, and say unto them, “lift up your branches into the heavens,” and their branches they shall lift-up into the heavens, sheltering all those below.

 I tell you, speak to the rocks, and stones, and say unto them, “be still, and hold your place, absorbing the light of the sun, so that which is held within you covers Earth as a warm blanket as she is held in the arms of space.  And the rocks, and stones, shall hear thy words, and hold the warmth of the sun.

 I tell you, speak to the rivers, and streams, and say unto them, “clean your waters of all debris, so that, all which lives within you is filled with abundant life, and all that comes to drink from the bank, will draw from you the living waters from your source of life.  And the rivers, and streams, shall hearken to your voice, and shift rocks to sieve their waters, cleaning the water, as it passes over and around the cleansing rocks of the rivers, and streams until it is pure, and a good environment for the inhabitants of the waters, and a refreshing relief for all who drink from the banks of the rivers, and streams.