- 09
- Dec
- 2022
December 9, 2022
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Body. Soul. Spirit. Spirit incarnate. The Word made flesh. Be still, and connect, with your spirit, that is you, the eternal you. Within each of you there is soul, there is spirit. Do not connect, with the body, so much, that you lose touch, with your spirit, for that is the eternal you. So, it will never go away. But your body will go away. Be guided, what you think, and do, and say, each day, by your spirit, that which is eternal. Do not be guided by that which is transitory, which will fade away. Rise-up, connect, with the spirit, that is you, the eternal you, and let your body be guided by the spirit.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You are preparing to celebrate incarnation, spirit into flesh, for a reason, for a purpose, for a mission. It is truly the greatest story every told. Believe it, to the point, that you know it. Understand that you, too, are spirit incarnate. And, if you are upon the Earth, spirit to flesh, into flesh, you have an important mission. You are being distracted, by the world around you, and by the transitory body, in which your spirit dwells. Use your body for the purpose of completing the mission of spirit. It is a sacred time for you. Do not fritter it away. Connect with your spirit, today. Assume the role you are meant to play, upon the Earth, and serve the spirit, with the body, your body.