Home / Daily Message / December 6, 2022

December 6, 2022


      When you speak to Me of theology, I will share, with you, that which you are ready to bear.  But: when you speak to Me, of the joy you experienced, walking in the rain, as the spring flowers blossomed; when you speak to Me of that experience of holding your child on your lap, and reading a book to them; when you speak to Me of the experience of reaching down, and taking the hand of your grandchild, and walking through the park; when you speak to Me of such joys, I will smile.  When you speak to Me of sadness, I will hold you.  I will shower you with tender mercy.  When you speak to Me of disappointment, I will pour forth, upon you, grace.  You see, when you wish to speak of theology, then I AM teaching you.  But when you speak to Me of your Earth experiences, you are teaching Me, that which you felt.  And that experience is real, and I smile.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       Sit quietly, and let your heart speak to God.