Home / Daily Message / December 4, 2024

December 4, 2024



          Many times, you seek Me in the quiet, and you find Me, there with you.  Many times, you seek Me in sorrow, and you find Me, there with you.  You will always find Me.  You will not fail because we are one.  So, knowing this, how can you fear, or doubt?  Just be still and count the times we have met, and your heart was filled with love and peace.  Just as space travelers are constantly connected with those of Earth, so they might find their way, you are connected with Me.  If you can trust that Earth is connected with those thousands of miles away, trust that, while you are upon Earth, you are connected with Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It has all been set in place.  As surely as the sun, and the moon, and the stars high above you, it has been set in place, that I AM with you to guide you and show you The Way.