Home / Daily Message / December 27, 2024

December 27, 2024

          Be still.  Even when there is much movement around you, be still in your physical body, and in your spiritual body.  Hold yourself in stillness, and there remain, for a while.  In this state of tranquility, you will soon notice everything around you slowing, while your hearing is heightened.  You will observe every motion as if it is a dance in slow motion.  You will hear every sound as if it is amplified, just for you.  When you are not caught in the middle of noise, sometimes chaos, that is what your experience will be.  But, when you intentionally withdraw into your sphere of being, you see, and know, without being buffeted by the event.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Listen and hear, for I AM speaking to you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be observant of what is occurring around you, while you hold yourself in quiet.  In this way you will know what is happening without being at the core of it.  The closer you are, the narrower your view, and the entirety of it is missed in the mist of your involvement.  Still your physical and spiritual bodies and experience the present piece of eternity with you.  Be still.


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