Home / Daily Message / December 16, 2023

December 16, 2023




          Do not be labored by an endless chain of doubt, doubt of what you have done in the past, doubt about what you are doing today, doubt about what is going to happen in the future.  While you sit with Me, together we will break the chains of doubt, and you shall no longer be hindered by something which need not be.  Have you not noticed that when we are together, when you are speaking with Me, you are free of doubt?  Have you not noticed that when our communion is complete, so are you?  Do not surrender the gifts I have given thee to the energy of doubt.  Take that which is thine, and live.  Shine in all the glory with which you are endowed, for you and your gifts come from Me.  Live in the present piece of eternity with thee, and remember to bring every doubt to Me, before it invades the sacred sanctuary within thee.  In this way you shall live free.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           I will not desert thee, as I was sent to thee to show The Way, to counsel, to guide, and to teach.  Do not doubt that I AM within you, and that it is as it is meant to be.


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