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Conversations with The Creator – from The Quiet Place – And So God Said


And So, God said

Conversations with The Creator

From The Quiet Place

April 7, 2020

“It Is All Within”



      After listening to my frustration patiently and quietly, God said, “everything you are talking about, everyone you are talking about, every issue you are talking about, can be resolved by meeting Me within, first, before you let frustration turn into anger, before frustration rolls into a feeling of helplessness.  Challenge, frustration and anger, with rejection, before frustration and anger draw you into a feeling of helplessness.  You have all I have, within you, as I blessed you with The Gifts.  Do not seek validation from others.  Seek wisdom in the light of My grace, and you will be strong all your days.  Your strength is within, and it comes from Me.  I AM your strength.  This quiet strength can be difficult to accept, because you most often want someone to be on your side, to support your position, to cheer you on with your cause.  But your strength does not come from causing another to appear less than you.  When you put others down, so you might stand on their shoulders, you never feel better, you do not feel lighter, you certainly do not feel happy or joyful.


          “For all these reasons, and more, I will not cheer your cause against another, or agree with you as you walk a path which will lead you into a tangled web.  But I will never leave thee.  I AM forever with thee.  I will take your hand and whisper, beckoning you to stay near to Me.  My ways are not the ways of the world.  The world teaches that you have every right to be frustrated, upset, angry, or totally enraged, as a result of another’s action.  This is not true.  You have no right to create more frustration, anger, or rage.  You do have a responsibility to create love, and light, and peace to counter the negative energies which are created.  But to do this requires spiritual maturity.  You must grow in spirit ways, in My ways, before you can turn the other cheek in the face of anger.  However, it is by turning the other cheek, by loving those who would curse you that the energies of darkness and shadow will dissipate and vanish.  When My children rise-up to counter hatred with love, greed with charity, coldness and arrogance with compassion then the shadowy, dark energies, which inundate the world, will dissolve in the light created by those who are willing to deliver My ways to Earth.  It will be easy to recognize My ways because they are of The Light.  Always remember, My Light, My Love, and every answer you will ever need has already been given unto you.  It is all within you, now and forevermore.  It is a vast and unending treasure chest prepared for thee, just for thee, by Me.  Your strength, your power, comes from following My ways, and using all I have given unto thee to live your life upon Earth in a divine light, growing stronger and wiser within My grace.”