Category Archives: Daily Message

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              Open your eyes to the natural beauty all around you.  Open your heart to the amazing human beings walking with you.  Each personal story is not apparent.  Each face does not reveal pain or hurt suffered through the years.  You might think you know your fellow beings, but I assure you, you […]

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            I hear your unspoken words, those words inaudible through the sorrow and tears.  Do not hide your face from Me, when sadness enshrouds you, as a heavy, burdensome garment.  I reach for you, and in the reaching the light of a new day dawns within you, and around you.  I hold you, and […]

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            When your eyes are swollen with tears for yesterday, when your heart is frozen with fear of that to come your way, be still and sit with Me.  I will dry your face with the warmth of My constant love.  I will hold your heart in Divine Light until ice melts away.  I […]

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          I have sent My angels with messages, with guidance, and with love.  This I have done from the formation of The Heavens and Earth.  And this I do today.  The distractions of the busy world have taken your eyes from their sight.  And chaos and confusion rule with the ability to dim the light […]

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              Be still and feel Me.  Be quiet and hear Me.  This I say unto you so you will know how to feel Me, how to hear Me.  You will feel and hear and know.  There is so much to teach you, but you are moving too fast, you are listening to the […]

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              Sometimes, what appears to be chaos and confusion is a realigning of that which is.  When things seem to be moving at a tumultuous pace take yourself to a stream.  Sit on the bank and watch the water gliding by, flowing without clinging to the rocks, or the bank where you rest.  […]

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              No one else can love you as I love you.  Yes, it is true.  No one else can know you as I know you.  It is, and will always be, true.  I loved you from creation, from the spark in My thoughts that became you.  There is the deepest love, flowing from […]

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