Category Archives: Daily Message

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             When you take a walk in the woods go alone so you are not tempted to speak to another.  Listen as you walk.  There is stillness and quiet, but there is not silence.  All of nature is singing, and the song is as a symphony.  The wind makes itself known as it moves […]

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            Meet Me in the meadow, where snow falls softly, blanketing the grasses.  Meet Me at the river, where flowing waters feel their way, lapping at the bank, then continuing on.  Meet Me at the ocean, where crashing waves fall upon the shore, and dance in the light of the sun.  Meet Me anywhere, […]

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            Do not hesitate to release the old to embrace the new.  All life changes as it grows and reaches beyond.  Creation continues, within you, with every breath you take.  You do not think as you did when you were a child.  As your grew in stature and matured with age, concepts changed, embracing […]

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       The powerful explosion of creation is held within your being.  You came from My thought of beauty and light, and love, life unfolding.  You are eternal life unfolding because My creation enfolds you and is within you, forevermore.  There is no need to search the world for the meaning of you and that […]

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          With honesty and truth experience that which comes to you.  Do not miss an experience out of fear, or anger, or doubt.  Allow it to wash over you, as a cleansing springtime rain shower.  You do not have to accept or embrace.  You do not have to take unto yourself to see, to witness, […]

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          Be still.  Even when there is much movement around you, be still in your physical body, and in your spiritual body.  Hold yourself in stillness, and there remain, for a while.  In this state of tranquility, you will soon notice everything around you slowing, while your hearing is heightened.  You will observe every motion […]

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             All I give to you is a gift.  There is no payment required, ever.  Because your eternal life is a gift from Me, I will provide all you need to accomplish whatever is set before you, so you might succeed in your mission.  My desire is that you realize you are living a […]

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