Category Archives: Daily Message

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          Feel My breath, within you.  We are breathing, together.  Whenever you have an occasion to laugh, I laugh with you.  And it is the same with all emotions playing out within you.  We are that close.  We are one.  Do not struggle, trying to find an explanation for our coexistence.  Just let it be.  […]

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          The mantle of winter covers grasses, trees, bushes, all manner of living things, yet the freezing temperatures do not rob all that is held within its robe of life.  The trees will bud again in the spring.  The bushes will become lush as robins jump over the grasses.  But until the warmth of spring, […]

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            I speak to you, as the day begins to unfold, and your spirit settles, soothed by My words.  I whisper to you, as the day begins to unfold, and your soul breathes in the quiet song.  I release My energy into you, as the day begins to unfold, and your heart quickens, washed […]

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            Let us walk and talk, while the dew caresses blades of grass; and let us design a day free from worry and doubt.  Yes, you will encounter situations which appear to be challenging, but are they?  When you know I AM present with you, there I AM, in the center of what is […]

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            Every breath you take has an exhalation, a taking in, and a releasing out into the world around you.  Every choice you make has an action and a result, an effect on the world around you.  Every song you choose to sing has an impact, as it flows from you into the world […]

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            Listen to the voice of your spirit, as its words are honed, in the lap of The Holy Spirit, within you.  Your spirit, the spirit that is truly you, will speak, and the words will not be formed from the ways of the world, but from My Ways.  Often, there will be inner […]

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              When recent announcements shake your world to the core, the revelations seemingly too much to bear, do not spin the story amongst friends and family, weaving a mass of anxiety.  First, be still and come to Me, and in stillness we shall untangle the web woven in despair, and find peace in […]

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