- 26
- Apr
- 2024
April 26, 2024
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Trust in Me, for I AM ever speaking to thee. Do not allow the noise of the world around you to fill you and distract you from the total experience of The One. For My child, it is true. It is all one, connected in such a magnificent way as to allow individual experiences, while all the time remaining within the sacredness of The One of all that is. Creation continues all around you, and within you. Every one of your individual experiences impacts the whole of the continuing creation.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Slowly add water to a glass, and as the water level approaches the rim of the glass, continue adding water, one drop at a time. Eventually, there will be the one drop which will be the one to overflow the glass. Water will spill over the rim, cascading down the sides of the glass, breaking free of the container. That one final drop brought about change. But it would not have happened but for all the drops of water gathered in the glass preceding what might be considered the final drop. Yet it does not stop with the final drop.