Home / Daily Message / April 14, 2024

April 14, 2024



          It is always possible to celebrate life upon Earth.  When you can dance, dance lifting your feet high off the ground, and your arms above your head, singing, for you have life.  When you can no longer dance, sit and sing, and smile, watching the dance go up and down, round and round.  When you can no longer sit, recline, and sing, and smile for in the feeling of the song, and the rhythm of the feet going up and down, there is the memory, there is the song.  When you can no longer sing, smile and allow the memory of the dance and song of the celebration of life upon Earth to move within you.  All forms of celebration will be with you at one time or another, so do what you can, when you can, and be happy in the doing of it.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           In the time of reflection, you will see and know that all things came to you at the right time.


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